

  • same here, tuna, chicken and occasionally turkey, and the poultry is all light meat when i can. really the only meat i eat anymore. I live with a vegan (who is also a nutritionist) so it kind of limits my meat selection, but she is fine with the roommates eating white meat, but cooking red meat still is just too much for…
  • Okay so to help supplement my C25K problem with the fires, i started working on the total gym here at work. WOW! What a workout! If you have access to one of these, you should definately try it out. Even the beginner workout was tough, but boy do i feel great!
  • Good job girl! I am in, excuse me, WAS in an 18 up until recently when i had to get some belts. I can't wait until i can finally purchase my size 8's! You are an insiration to us all girly!
  • I just increased my protein levels by 1 level (5%) and i am on a much better level now. Thanks Jess! Thanks Chall!
  • awesome! Thanks for the tip!
  • what settings did she change?
  • Check out my blog! I have a few really tasty treats.
  • Just found these at target of all places, and wow was i amazed! very tasty, not to heavy, really good balance. I found them because i was doing an emergency market run for a few foods with my gift card (birthday present) as i have been way broke due to moving recently, and i really think i am going to add these to my…
  • Ugh... The fires around my area have been making the air unbreatheable for running. I have had to put C25K on hold. I am going to work on doing the program on the eliptical i guess. I really want to be on the open road again!!!
  • Thanks for your support, and trust me, there have been quite a few really really bad days mixed in there. Keep your chin up, the best days come along when you least expect them to.
  • i am glad a few people liked the charm bracelet idea. It is a really nice way to treat yourself. I was doing the "pamper yourself" thing, which is nice, but for me, i couldn't look back at each set of nails, or each haircut, or each time i got my eyebrows done etc. so it just kind of got old. Having a material thing that…
  • You could buy a charm braclet and a new charm every time you meet your goal. This also stands as a constant reminder that you did what you said you were gonna do. You can get them pretty cheap online.
  • Hey doll, this sounds all to familiar, I too had to walk through the last run every day so far. It is actually really funny, i am running with my very skinny male friend with long legs and my other roommate who is skinnier than i am by about 50 poounds. Watching them running way ahead on the hills was a little…
  • I just got the biggest smile on my face :-D Thanks Kurneckc!!!
  • OH! I also had a really good night last night and i wanted to share. Last night i was sitting at home after a long few days and i got up to use the restroom. While i was in there, i looked at myself in the mirror and realized just how beautiful i really am. I was so happy that i had to just sit there and enjoy for a while,…
  • Hey doll, first off, I am glad that you are at least up and moving! Very proud, keep it up! secondly, if you take the C25K program as a walk/jog program instead of a walk/run program, you may have more success. I know i did last time i did this, i lost 30 ppounds that way. Thirdly, this time around i have actually entered…
  • Thanks doll, i really appreciate that. :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • It will only NOT be okay with US if YOU are not okay with it. :wink: Take it at your own pace, if you need to repeat weeks, that is fine. don't push yoursel ftoo hard, although i would recommend doing some strength training on the days you dont do the C25K program. Good luck everyone!
  • AHHHH!!! I feel so horrible guys. This week has been absolute hell with moving and dealing with all of lifes issues that i haven't even got around to W1D1... AND I STARTED THIS THREAD!!!! I am glad to hear that someone will be repeating this first week. On a good note though, my work is doing a workout challenge. We just…
  • A good goal for all of us. Who's in for next October?! (a little soon I know, but hey, its never to early to plan for your future right?)
  • Anyone can join at anytime doll, Welcome Aboard! This thread is about support, no matter where we are in the program, i just decided that I was going to start today and tried to motivate people to do the same. I am glad it worked out this well. Congratulations again everyone, for taking that initial step to building your…
  • haha oh do i know that feeling.
  • No problem! I appreciate your thanks! I am glad you are doing this with us! If we all work together as a team, we can do anything! I just wish we all lived close enough to go on our runs together :sad: But who knows, we could all become marathon runners and meet each other in person at some big national marathon haha! you…
  • I am so glad to hear this. you can do it, and the tip about making emergency snack packs, excellent idea (thanks adopt4) they really are a life saver. Even when you are eating healthy foods, it is still easy to over eat due to stress so portioning them out when you are calm and relaxed is a great idea. As for the movie,…
  • Congrats! Just remember what they say on coolrunning, don't push yourself too far even if you feel you can, you will build up to where you want to be. in order to build a great tower, you must first have a great foundation. Think of these first few weeks as a great foundation and the tower (the GREAT end result) will start…
  • welcome aboard! You will find that MFP is a great website. We are all here to suppport each other. Good luck! And let any of us know if you need help with anything on the site, i am sure that someone in here will be able to help you out.
  • I am sooooo very proud of everyone who started today (or last night hehe). I woke up late this morning so i am going to have to run this evening, which might be nice seeing as it will be a nice temp for running. And for all of those who started earlier and are a decent way through, GREAT JOB!! you are an insporation to all…
  • Of course! Welcome aboard!!!
  • Dont fret, the first time i did this i had to repeat a few of the weeks too. And that is totally fine, especially once you hit weeks 5 and beyond, that stuff is crazy haha. Okay guys, I currently weigh 237 and my goal is to be under 200 by new years. i think i can do it, especially with this new program. LETS DO IT!!!
  • I have a C25K thread going, we all start the program together tomorrow. All you need is the internet, and running shoes (and clothes too haha). No products to buy, totally free, its awesome. The program layout is at coolrunnings.com if you are interested!