Lemon loaf. Mexican or Italian?
My ideal jeans size would be the one where it's universal and I don't wear five different sizes in five different brands.
Massages on Saturday. We used to get them regularly but we've been slacking so this was a good excuse for me to make appointments.
It was 82 here today. :-) Hope none of y'all lose power!
I can't stop anything that I know I'm going to start back up again later. So instead of cutting it out, I'm cutting back. But I do have nights where I drink and don't worry about it. Last weekend we had friends in town and I didn't even count calories for the entire weekend, still down half a pound.
I get to be a stay at home wife every few years since my husband is military and we move often. It's taken me two years at this duty station to find a job and now we're looking at moving again. While I actually prefer working, I don't feel like I'm unproductive or not pulling my fair share in the relationship when I'm…
Patrick Stewart makes everything better.
I am an excellent baker but I will still down a box of thin mints like it's my job. And, goodness, the negative people in this thread are giving me flashbacks to Debbie Downer on SNL.
I've never been accused of being shy but it's MY diary. Why would anyone else care what I'm eating?
I don't myself but if it takes some makeup to help someone get the confidence to go to the gym, then I'm not going to judge. Whatever you're comfortable with. I know there are people who have skin issues who don't like to be in public without it.
Cut it. Changing your hair up is something fun to do. And I definitely don't think you have a fat face.
I have ice cream almost every day.
I'm not a fan of perfume at all (it bothers my allergies) but if someone is coming to work out from work or something they got ready for before going to the gym and they wear makeup/perfume/whatever else, I don't fault them for it.
You look fabulous! And I love the shorter hair, too!
I find others on their phones during a movie very distracting. During the previews? That doesn't bother me. If I feel my phone vibrate, I check it while it's still in my purse so no one else can see the light, and as long as it's not a legit emergency, I answer it later. If it ever was an emergency, I would get up and…
Eat what you want in moderation. If you go into a diet knowing you won't do it long term, it's just setting you up for failure.
Nothing today but wine yesterday.
It depends on the person. If you can have a cheat meal without it derailing you, then go ahead. I do it and have no problem staying on track the rest of the time and still losing weight.
I would never accept a friend request from someone I didn't know, regardless of mutual friends. I assume they only want to get on my Facebook to be nosy.
All of them. Or was it, none of them? Sorry, I can't remember.
I really don't understand why it's OK for a man but not OK for a woman. If you like a guy, why wouldn't you talk to him? Maybe he's dense and doesn't know you're interested.
I have one on my wrist and am going to get one on my rib cage, my mom's handwriting from a note she gave me. She passed away in 2007.
When buying clothes, fit the largest part of you and then have the rest tailored.
I typically do 90/10 or so. I weigh/measure most everything and count calories 90% of the time. But I generally have a meal here and there (usually out or at friends' houses) where I don't count at all. I may "quick add" some calories but I'm fine just skipping it entirely. It works for me.
I use Chrome and still see ads. Is there a way to turn them off?
My ad is for a senior program with AAA. Thanks a lot. I'm only 38!
Monday mornings. Sometimes I weigh more often than that (I weighed today - down half a pound!) but I only log it once a week.
Since I started but nothing has changed.
Too funny. And very true. I didn't think any of the replies were bad but I guess we all read things different.