The things that made me fat...

Myself. I did. I was the single hand that led to my destruction. Years of my life were squandered making the laundry list of excuses for my weight gain. All of those reasons do NOT matter. They just don't because I have the power to change them. Mind over matter. Treat your foods as the weapons of destruction or the weapons of change. I live by a code of do not deprive but don't overindulge. There's this balance that we have to find between moderation and compliance with our diets. We must live through our diets with a heart of change. We hold all the power and as soon as we realize this, is the moment we can move forward. [insert more deep things and stuffs] Here's some motivational pics and stuff. End of June 2013 to currents. YOU can do it.




Oh, and my cat. Cause I lurve him...


Helpful link is helpful


  • cmira5ol
    cmira5ol Posts: 1,246 Member
    Damn! Awesome progress pics
  • healthybodyhealthylife
    Wooo look at the abs on you!! Well done!!!
  • AbigailWins
    You're my inspiration!! Awesome achievement and the cat is adorable.
  • kimm40p
    kimm40p Posts: 15 Member
    Just curious what your stats are and what your workout routine is. Please share you look awesome.
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Thank you.

    I'm 5 ft 3.5 inches (thought I was 5'5'' but according to a recent revelation with a tape measurer, I'm apparently shrinking! lol). I started out at 170 lbs. I'm now 123 lb.

    I weightlift 4x a week doing 5/3/1. I do about 30 minutes of cardio about 4x a week, too. Mainly because I love runner's high and my Just Dance 2014 game on my PS4. I eat 1650 NET. I also play with kids all day ;P
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    You're absolutely wonderful. :flowerforyou:
  • Edensienna
    Edensienna Posts: 180 Member
    You look amazing!

    I also play with my kids all day and they know how to make mom sweat and workout :)
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    Kids are the best free workout ;)
  • LoveJaded2
    LoveJaded2 Posts: 6 Member
    Talk about inspiration! Woman you are the BUSINESS!!

    I'm in the same boat - started off at 173lbs, now down to the low 160s --- which is mostly attributed to changing my diet. What a difference PROTEIN makes! I was hitting the gym 5 days a week, lifting heavy & not seeing the results that I thought I should have HAD in the bag!

    IIFYM is really changing my life, my outlook on life, my love of food -

    My Fat List:
    Fast Carbs - Pizza, White Rice, Pasta, etc etc
    White Chocolate - After Holiday Candy Sale = Evil
    Diet Rockstars - YEP, "zero calories" yadda yadda = BS
    NOT EATING ENOUGH - 1200 Calories? Not for me.

    PS: Love this post! :)
  • twixlepennie
    twixlepennie Posts: 1,074 Member
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Great job. And the cat is lovely too.
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Good job. What an inspiration. Keep it up!
  • sun_fish
    sun_fish Posts: 864 Member
    You are so inspiring - I love that you took charge and responsibility and made things happen to change your life. :flowerforyou:
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    ♡ Thank you all so much. I truly believe we are the creators of our destiny. In high school, I remember saying how I wanted to get in shape and every morning I would set my 5 am alarm to run and never do it. I never got better at running that way. You have to start to get better at something.
  • ffargynnig
    ffargynnig Posts: 60 Member
    wow! good job!
  • terlyn20
    terlyn20 Posts: 142 Member
    great job. you look fabulous and strong
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    You look fabulous! And I love the shorter hair, too!
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    Talk about inspiration! Woman you are the BUSINESS!!

    I'm in the same boat - started off at 173lbs, now down to the low 160s --- which is mostly attributed to changing my diet. What a difference PROTEIN makes! I was hitting the gym 5 days a week, lifting heavy & not seeing the results that I thought I should have HAD in the bag!

    IIFYM is really changing my life, my outlook on life, my love of food -

    My Fat List:
    Fast Carbs - Pizza, White Rice, Pasta, etc etc
    White Chocolate - After Holiday Candy Sale = Evil
    Diet Rockstars - YEP, "zero calories" yadda yadda = BS
    NOT EATING ENOUGH - 1200 Calories? Not for me.

    PS: Love this post! :)

    LoveJaded2 -

    For the last year I was weight training 4-5 days / week, moderate intensity cardio 4-5 days / week and 1500 - 1700 calories, pretty high in protein (and gaining weight). The last week and a half I've upped the amount and intensity of my cardio, tracking calories again at 1700, high protein and good fat, mid carbs. I *try* to drink enough water, get enough sleep. I'm trying to find the point that finally 'tips' the scale so that it gets moving in the right direction. I just wanted to ask you what diet or exercise changes you made in addition to your upped protein...? What is IIFYM? I think your progress is great!
  • rjlkat
    rjlkat Posts: 82 Member
    Very inspiring! :happy:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Rockin' it! :flowerforyou: