Ladies, how do you feel about being a stay at home mom/wife?



  • phuckingbadasscutie
    phuckingbadasscutie Posts: 1,619 Member
    OP have you tried asking a little kid what their opinion was on them being dropped off at a daycare and/or not having their mom/dad there for them?

    I know I'm not the OP, but my kids LOVED going to daycare. They got to make new friends and play with other kids. They have not gone to daycare for 3 years now and they always ask when they can go back, even just to say hi. I think it really depends on the daycare too though.
  • mank32
    mank32 Posts: 1,323 Member
    as a non-breeding spinster-in-training, this one is really really moot for me, but what the hey: if i were to raise children, i would prefer that either myself or my imaginary partner SAH for (at least) years 0-4 to make sure our offspring gets started the way i/we desire. most of what is going to matter in our lives we've learned (or not) by age 4. i can't reasonably expect anyone but me and my imaginary partner to train our 0-4-year-old to think, say, do, and be what we feel is important. best case scenario for any child's development is that the parent(s) are the ones modeling preferred behavior, anyway. i love kids. i love caring for them, teaching them, having fun with them. there's little else i would rather do. SAHM would be an awesome, fulfilling job for me. for how long, idk. maybe just the first few years; maybe longer. for reasons, this is never going to be an option. :shrug:

    as for being a childless housewife, i dunno... i have a hard time not seeing that as "= kept woman." i can't imagine myself with a primary goal of building/maintaining a shared life rather working toward my own personal goals. nothing wrong with sharing your life and your goals with your spouse; i just don't see that as the only star to which *i* would want to hitch my wagon.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    OP have you tried asking a little kid what their opinion was on them being dropped off at a daycare and/or not having their mom/dad there for them?

    My kids love their sitter.
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I get to be a stay at home wife every few years since my husband is military and we move often. It's taken me two years at this duty station to find a job and now we're looking at moving again. While I actually prefer working, I don't feel like I'm unproductive or not pulling my fair share in the relationship when I'm jobless. My husband is pretty awesome with making sure I feel appreciated, regardless of whether I'm working. With that being said, staying home with kids is a whole different ballgame since it wouldn't just be me trying to decide if I should nap or watch TV after I do the dishes. My mom stayed home until I started kindergarten (I'm the youngest in the family) and I loved that time with her.
  • specialemy
    specialemy Posts: 141 Member
    How I WISH I could be a stay at home mom/wife! We just don't have the financial security to do so... *sad face*. Oh goes on...
  • kidtechnical2
    kidtechnical2 Posts: 11 Member
    OP have you tried asking a little kid what their opinion was on them being dropped off at a daycare and/or not having their mom/dad there for them?

    My kids love their sitter.

    I put my kids to childcare when the youngest was 2. When the youngest was 9 we drove past the place his (fab) childminder lived and I asked if he remembered going there and did he like "D". He said she was nice, but he would have rather been with me and missed me when I was gone :(
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    For me it depends on your personality. I'm a SAHM. The first 5 years totally sucked. Now that they're in school, it's much nicer... but I feel bored and frankly quite useless at times.

    In my case it wouldn't make sense to work, I wouldn't make enough to pay for daycare etc. Now that they're in school I'd like to work but I'd have to find a very flexible job that lets me take days off when the kids are sick or school is off etc... and it just seems impossible, as just finding any job was hard last time I tried (I got two little jobs that only lasted a few months and were a pretty bad experience, so I mostly stayed at home without a job for 4 years before too).
  • MissSaturday
    MissSaturday Posts: 784 Member
    like hell
  • NikkisNewStart
    NikkisNewStart Posts: 1,100 Member
    It made sense to stay home before I finished my education... Now that I am almost finished with my 3rd college degree, it wouldn't make sense (financially) to stay home. I make too much money (not bragging). I was fortunate enough to stay home at least a year with each of my kids, though, and wouldn't change that for anything. However, I went to college for a career outside of the home and that's what I've got.