When you want something sweet what do you reach for?



  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member

    If I'm actually hungry it's likely close to a meal time so i eat that- the protein and fat and loads of vegies squashes any cravings. If I'm not hungry I just get over it and wait for my next meal.

    I don't often crave though, if I do, it's likely emotion related and I know eating isn't going to solve those issues so I don't feed those "wants" either.
  • Karababy51
    Karababy51 Posts: 124 Member
    When I'm craving something sweet I go for fruit most of the time; a banana, apple, raspberries, etc. But if I'm craving chocolate, I grab a York Peppermint Pattie mini (50 cals) or a Dove dark chocolate promise (42 cals). Delicious and satisfying! :)
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    Found out the little mini Krackle bars only have about 40-50 calories apiece, and just 10mg of sodium, and usually 2 satisfy a chocolate craving, if I eat them slowly
  • daniellabella986
    daniellabella986 Posts: 325 Member
    I go for fruit & greek yogurt or Vitabrownies/Vitamuffins. I actually had a coconut almond KIND bar today and it tasted exactly like a coconut macaroon so that may be my new go-to!
  • Nadia222222
    Nadia222222 Posts: 59 Member
    I Love the Quest Bars!!!! SOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!!
  • SavageRabidBeast_version2
    I reach for Mireygal76

    Oh, you mean food. Ummmmmm............anything chocolate, really :)
  • Skarlet13
    Skarlet13 Posts: 146 Member
    I have one sugar free Vanilla pudding per day after dinner. I love and would eat it regardless of the fact that it's only 60 cals.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    These days it's fruit, especially bananas and grapes but also things like canned pineapple and pumpkin. I'll have chocolate on rare occasion, but I used what I call "bridge foods" to get from high-fat, high-processed-sugar snacks to the fruit:


    Raisins gave me the sweetness I craved but not the fat of chocolate. However, they were still calorie-dense. I then moved from raisins to grapes and typically eat two cups of grapes after my workout. I don't restrict anything -- I just don't feel the need for candy-type sweets the way I used to.
  • Rentopia
    Skinny Cow
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I have to resist cravings for sweets completely. If I give in to those cravings it's highly likely that I will have more than I should. Sometimes much more. Distraction is the only solution. Otoh, occasionally I have something to do but feel like I need some carbs to be able to perform at my best. That I will definitely address. Bananas and yogurt (as others have mentioned) work well. I have Clif Bars on occasion too. Or sometimes I just put sugar in my coffee or tea.
  • Chelz2013
    Chelz2013 Posts: 176 Member
    I do agree with those that have said this - sometimes I just need to eat what I'm craving or I start snacking on random stuff. I so wish I could eat yogurt, but that is one of my migraine triggers.

    I do like the Blue Diamond toasted coconut almonds. 28 almonds is a big snack for me. I usually split it in half and eat 14 with a big glass of water.

    You can make banana "ice cream" with frozen banana(s). Add in a squirt of chocolate or caramel sauce or a few mini chocolate chips or maybe a tsp of peanut butter. (I still want to try PB2)
  • jennyjcss
    jennyjcss Posts: 439 Member
    Fruits..royal gala apples, melons, papaya..
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    I reach for the chocolate. Every time.
    If you're not eating huge amounts, it's not a big deal. A 1/2 cup of chocolate icecream is under 150 calories, or two Oreos for 110, or, if you've accumulated a huge stash of Halloween candy like me, a mini chocolate bar is around 50-80 calories. I believe Fudgesicles and Revellos are easily under 200 calories as well.
    If I've got a good sized deficit after dinner, I like to have homemade chocolate chip cookies or brownies. Pre-portioned ice creams are great too. I really like the Hagen Daas peanut butter chocolate ice cream cups or bars.
    Fruit and yogurt don't cut it for me - I need chocolate!
  • krawhitham
    krawhitham Posts: 831 Member
    I keep dark chocolate morsels in my freezer. For some reason, luckily, those always quell my cravings.
  • emilysfatsuit
    emilysfatsuit Posts: 23 Member
    Almost daily, I dip into the 3.5lb bag of milk chocolate chips that sits on my kitchen counter. I bought the bag at Costco back in November, when I started this journey down the scale, specifically so I'd have something sweet to turn to. I'm still addicted to sugar, but I'm slowly weaning myself off with the help of the milk chocolate chips. :)
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I have ice cream almost every day.
  • MissGamerGirl
    MissGamerGirl Posts: 187 Member
    - mandarin orange slices dipped in 2 TBSP of melted dark chocolate
    - diet hot chocolate with whip and a few dark chocolate chips
    - Yoplait 100 calorie strawberry greek yogurt with granola
  • blackberrymuffintop
    Take half a banana and put peanut butter on top of it, then dip the whole thing in melted dark chocolate. NOT low calorie, but also not unhealthy I think

    Whipped cream is actually quite low-calorie since it is mostly air. Maybe put whipped cream on strawberries and sprinkle on unsweetened cocoa powder.

    Otherwise, yogurt is delicious, or replace a meal with a luna bar :)
  • Minx675
    Minx675 Posts: 30 Member
    I always keep dark chocolate in the fridge. Love it and it satisfies those chocolate cravings. I also build in treats into my weeks regularly. Sometimes it's mini chocolate eclairs or key lime pie or whatever strikes my fancy. Smaller portions, not as often, but nothing's off limits. If it was, I'd probably binge on it! If you stay under your cals, it's all good.
  • kimchi989
    I'm an ice-cream lover, and when i crave for some, i dos this: i take one banana that has been cut into little pieces and frozen, plus some frozen raspberries (or blueberries, or strawberries,...), put that in my blender and TADAAAA! soft served ice-cream without any dairy or added sugar^^
    For chocolate I splurge myself one little piece of dark chocolate a day