BoilerMaker22 Member


  • You could look at Isopure. I'm not sure of their taste, but the serving size is 220 calories for 50g of protein. You could just halve that, which nets about 110 for 25g of protein. Haven't tried it, but it's worth looking in to.
  • It's maybe a once a week type deal. I guess it's not such a big deal if it's one meal a week. I haven't had the three little pigs, but my friends tell me it's dericious.
  • I have a bodyweight scale, which tells me my body fat percentage as well. Do you recommend using one of the other equations on the IIFYM website?
  • I, too, had this question a couple of days ago. I did a search and found this topic, which really helped: I hope this helps. On a side not, do you really think the tuna is causing those problems?
  • Thank you for the information and encouragement Scott. That's amazing that your heart rate is so low.
  • Denise, I am wearing a heart rate monitor with a chest strap. After reading your post, I got to thinking how my heart rate monitor determined my target heart rate zone. After investigating further, I noticed that I set my target heart rate zone, not the watch. I bought this HRM about four years ago and haven't touched the…
  • Hi Carrie. I haven't quite dealt with depression, but I too have been dealing with anxiety. I was a very anxious kid in high school and always thought everyone was noticing everything I did, so that made me nervous. It got to the point where I wouldn't eat lunch anymore because I was afraid of the crowds. I don't know what…
  • The heart rate monitor was a good suggestion. Does your heart rate monitor estimate how many calories you burn in a workout? If so, just use that and create a custom exercise and enter what you see on your monitor.
  • I set my profile to sedentary, because I figure it's better to underestimate than overestimate. With that in mind, it says I should eat 2200 a day. So, like you said, this 2200 is the amount already figured in to lose 2 lbs a week, or no?
  • Thanks for the reply. I think I understand it a bit more.
  • Do you weight yourself at the same time each day? That's the first question I would ask. It could be due to not chaing your exercise routine. You may be on a plateau right now due to your same exercise routine. I also don't think this would be due to water weight, as I believe water weight has the tendency to level out…
  • I got mine at ****'s Sporting Goods. I'm not sure what kind it is, but it's great. You can input your Height, weight, age and some other things and it gives you your target heart rate zone and beeps when you're not in it so you can work harder or slow down to get in your heart rate zone. It has a bunch of other cool…
    in HRM's Comment by BoilerMaker22 May 2010
  • Yeah, I guess it's just best to just get at it again. Thanks for all the encouragement and replies you all, I appreciate it.
  • do you enter in and eat all your exercise calories? I enter in the cardio calories, eat those, but leave the calories i burn from strength training out, which is usually about another 500. i've reached a plateau, I think. do you think this could be why?
  • 6'6" and 300 lbs. I'm not fit, but I thought that would make me lose more calories if I worked hard?
  • I bought a good one. It's from sport-line and it has a chest strap. It takes into account my height, weight, age and activity style. i don't think it accounts for my V02 max, though.
  • going over on protein is fine. i go over about 30 grams per day, but i also do strength training 3 days a week, so it's good to have that extra protein as a buffer. i also eat more protein than carbs and fats. from my understanding, since proteins are more complex than fats or carbs, so they stay in your system longer and…
  • I can't check the cafeteria right now because I'm on an internship. I brought this up because I'm going back to school in January, so I was thinking ahead. Thanks for the input though guys/gals, I appreciate it.
  • Heh, I didn't think to google the nutrition info for the dining courts. I just found an entire website dedicated to the foods that we have at each dining court, with every item needed to track my calories. Thanks for the tip :)
  • I use a george foreman to cool my chicken. It's pretty nice. I tried going to the store to take a look at the beef/chicken broth to cook the rice with, but they both have a lot of sodium in them. One thing I'm trying to keep down is my sodium, so I think the broth would be out of the question. I just bought a bunch of…
  • fast food. i like my brown rice, green beans and chicken for dinner, but on the weekends, maaaaan sometimes could I go for a juicy steak n shake steak burger, or some mcdonalds chicken mcnuggets. not gonna do it though!
  • You're supposed to take the shell off?! I've been eating sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds with the shell on this whole time >.<
  • Personally, I think you're doing a tad too much. Since you're just starting, shoot for five days a week. Last year I tried going for seven days a week and about an hour and a half a day, and I got burned out about half way through my second week. Doing five days a week is plenty. Like the others said, make sure you're…
  • I just use the dressings for my vegetables. I can eat carrots without any dressing, but I have salad at night, and I can't eat plain lettuce. What would you suggest for the salad as an alternative to dressing? I also drink five liters of water a day, so I think that may help a little bit. Thank you guys for you input. It's…
  • Try varying your routine. Do you cycle at a constant pace? if you alternate slow and fast periods of cycling, or any type of cardio exercise for that matter, it speeds up your metabolism higher than if you were to just cycle at a constant rate. What I mean is this: 1-2 minutes into workout: 5 MPH 3 minutes into workout: 10…
  • I'll see if I could give the fat free ranch a shot. I've tried using the fat free stuff before and it just doesn't taste good at all to me. As for the protein, I don't think that'll be a problem. I work out every area of my body over the course of a week, so I think I use it all.
  • Yeah, I'll try that. Sank you.
  • Thanks again guys. EDIT: Wow, I had no idea my sodium and sugar were so high. What are some low sodium and sugar alternatives to some of my higher foods?
  • Is there a way I can look at the overall sodium and sugar for the day?