My Food Log

Could you guys take a look at my log and give me some pointers? I'd appreciate it.

The link is to my food log. I went over a little bit on the protein. Is that alright?



  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Your log is set to "private", so the link doesn't work.
  • BoilerMaker22
    BoilerMaker22 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for that. I set the log to public.

    Does it work now?
  • 0rangeorchid
    It works now.

    Wow, based on the day linked there, you seem to eat some pretty well balanced meals. While I don't think it's terrible that you went over on your protein by a little bit (4g out of 80-something: less than 5%), I'm generally not a big fan of protein shakes. They do provide a lot of protein and other vitamins, but it's much healthier and more natural to get your protein from natural sources. If you've never tried them, I would recommend veggie burgers and other soy protein foods from companies such as Morningstar Farms or Boca. Don't expect them to taste exactly like the real thing (and by all mans continue eating meat as well), but in my opinion they are delicious, and have more protein and fewer calories and grams of fat per burger than a beef burger, even a really lean one.
  • CourtneyF
    You have very well rounded meals. The only suggestion I would make is changing to a fat free ranch. And going over on your protine isn't that bad. Are you doing streangth training to put that protien to use? Keep going. Great job!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Yep, it works.

    I wouldn't worry about going over on your protein. For my opinion, the MFP default settings are a little low here.

    You might want to start tracking your sugar. The only thing I see on the diary is that your unintended sugar (from fruit and added sugar in weird foods) might be high. Also, I track my fibre to make sure that everything's good in that department. (fibre keeps you fuller longer)

    I'm no dietician, but that's my 2cents.
  • BoilerMaker22
    BoilerMaker22 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks for your replies guys.

    I do do strength training, so that's why I do use the protein powders.

    I have tried some of the veggie burgers and the like before and they weren't too bad, so I might try them.

    One thing I absolutely can't stand though is fat free ranch. It tastes like wall putty or something like that.

    Again, thanks for your replies.
  • xStargazerx
    I'm no expert on nutrition but I took a look at your food diary report and your sodium is high. I've been trying to get mine down to the recommended. Excess sodium retains water. I noticed mine is that high sometimes too. It hard but I know you can do it. You other food looks great! Good luck!
  • BoilerMaker22
    BoilerMaker22 Posts: 53 Member
    Is there a way I can look at the overall sodium and sugar for the day?
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    In "food" "settings" you can add other nutrients to your daily log tracking(up to 5). Also, under reports, you can view individual nutrients. This one is very handy, as you can check all kinds of things in the reports.:flowerforyou:
  • cassandra1220
    cassandra1220 Posts: 284 Member
    At the bottom of your food log page, there is a green button that says "view report". It will show you your daily totals.

    Keep in mind that sometimes people leave out sodium when they add a new food to the data base. So they might not always be accurate.
  • BoilerMaker22
    BoilerMaker22 Posts: 53 Member
    Thanks again guys.

    EDIT: Wow, I had no idea my sodium and sugar were so high. What are some low sodium and sugar alternatives to some of my higher foods?
  • xStargazerx
    I just noticed when logging my foods that all food has sodium. Even chicken breast, its used, i think, as a preservative. Anyways fast food and a lot/ almost all of prepared food has very high sodium. I knew deli ham had sodium but I never thought it had as much as it really does. My mom said you can buy low sodium deli ham which is great. I would just look around. Your doing great so far just a little tweak and you'll be fine!
  • BoilerMaker22
    BoilerMaker22 Posts: 53 Member
    Yeah, I'll try that. Sank you.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Your high sodium for the day came mainly from the deli meat and the pre-packaged rice. Processed foods are generally super high in sodium, so you might want to limit yourself to one or the other rather than both in the same day.

    To reduce your sugar, cut out the OJ- stick to fruit rather than juice.
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    I was shocked at sodium in items I did not think would be high - like cottage cheese (400 mg). I thought I was doing great with balanced meals until I saw my daily sodium. Unfortunately, I like the convenience of prepackaged meals but I'm working on eating cleaner as well as balanced.
  • abredbenner
    abredbenner Posts: 125 Member
    The Minute Rice ready to serve brown rice is 150 mg sodium vs Uncle Ben's Rice pilaf >900 mg sodium. It is just as convenient 60 seconds in the microwave.
  • sajar_06
    sajar_06 Posts: 173 Member
    Be very careful with protein unless you are a body builder. The thing with proteins is they can build up too much in the body if not used and cause serious problems later. Once in a while is okay but that was a little too much and the sodium needs to be checked on. Sodium can cause you to retain water or fliud as it is said. I use Hidden Valley Ranch Fat Free Dressing and it is preatty good; maybe think about changing to that if you can. God Bless, brenda
  • BoilerMaker22
    BoilerMaker22 Posts: 53 Member
    I'll see if I could give the fat free ranch a shot. I've tried using the fat free stuff before and it just doesn't taste good at all to me.

    As for the protein, I don't think that'll be a problem. I work out every area of my body over the course of a week, so I think I use it all.