

  • I gave up my green tea...That was so hard. When I quite drinking coffee I used hot green tea as a substitute. I felt energyless and tired all day! Even though the green tea I buy has no caffine in it.
  • I made collard greens with my lunch.....I try and eat them atleast once a week!!!! so yummy and packed full of godness for your body.
  • I am sorry it's so late but my weight in is 150. Not so good in numbers but i lost almost 7 inches in the last two weeks if that counts for anything. I am a firm believer that measurement count more that the scale. Seeing that muscle weights more than fat. Also seeing that I am down two pants sizes in only one month but…
  • I would love to have done this challenge but unfortunately I am limited to what and how long I can exercise a day due to my heart. I will definatly add these to my exercise tomorrow! I love being a part of this justice league but the hinderance because of my bad choice earlier on life suck!
  • i added 10 minutes to my workout today. wow i could definitely feel the difference an extra 10 minutes makes! i'm pooped.
  • This is a great challenge. I learned I must take part in all of these particular challenges and more the hard way after I had my heart attack in May of this year. I didn't really start to make the dietary and exercise changes that I needed until July but it definatly shows when you do make those changes! I learned positive…
  • this is a great topic to post about. i weigh myself once a week but i also take my measurements once a week. i am more concerned with my measurements than i am my weight because as you lose fat you gain muscle. as you know muscle weighs more than fat.:smile:
  • You want to count them separately. I found out from my cardiologist back in May that certain tea's and all coffee's dehydrate you. I was told for every cup of coffee that I drank, I needed to drink two extra cups of water. So I just cut coffee out of my diet completely and replaced it with green tea. That is one of the…
  • Today was actually a fun challenge for me to do. I went to a friends house and swam for an hour. I have not been swimming in a really really long time. My doctor says that is the best kind of exercise that you can do because it work your whole body with the least damage. So not only did I get to spend some time with a…
  • Yesterday was a total family day for me. Even though I ate a whole lot that I shouldn't have it was still a total family day. Me and my husband woke up and made breakfast for the kids. Then we took them school clothes and supply shopping since it was the tax free weekend. Then we took the kids to Wendy's for lunch. I…
  • Mine is most definatly watermelon or cherry tomatos.....super yummy and almost no calories....
  • So easy!!!! I did my three reps of ten....workin it workin it!!!!!!!!
  • This was a fun challenge today! I had both watermelon and tomato's. I eat tomato's almost everyday, but I got to add watermelon today, that was fun! Surprisingly there is almost no calories in watermelon. It was also a cool treat to have after I exercised because of the cold wateriness of it.
  • As promised, I did them when my husband got home. I do not think that I have pushed myself that hard since I started MFP. Thanks! Can't wait for today's.
  • Monday 250 Dance Aerobics Tuesday 250 Dance Aerobics Week Total So Far: 500 ;)
  • 150 this morning :)
  • OMG...I feel like I'm back in high school. I'm definitely in. I have to wait until my husband get home though. So I can't do it until tonight.
  • I generally tend to eat better over the weekends because my husband is here. He is a very nutritious eater. It's generally during the week that I have issues with snacking on things that I shouldn't. I am kind of mad at myself for being to lazy to exercise on Sunday. I am usually very admit about doing at least one kind of…
  • Thank you guys for all of your help!!!!
  • Hi everyone- I would like to lose 5 pounds this month.
    in Goals Comment by michelleraber July 2012
  • I'm excited my favorite exercise is dance aerobics. It is a very high calorie burner and so much fun. We can do it let's show those 1400 calories who we are made of! :happy:
  • Hi everyone, my name is Michelle. I am a stay at home mom with 3 children 10, 8 and 6. I was always a bean pole growing up until after I had my last child. Then in May of this year I had a heart attack with only being 32 years old. Then a month later I was diagnosed with high cholesterol. Cardiac and cholesterol is a…
  • I did really well for this being my first week in the program... Last Monday(my first day in the program) 151 Today..150 So pumped and excited.... Michelle :smile:
  • Hello everyone! I am a 32 year old female. This is only my first week on MFP, and I love it. I have three children 10, 8 and 6. I lead a very sedimentary lifestyle. I am a stay at home mom. I have a wonderful husband. In May of this year, I had a heart attack. It was very scarry, but it opened up my eyes to the kind of…
  • Thank you so much for your help!
  • I loved your post...most of the foods that you listed in your post are considered "power foods" that should be included in everyones diet. All of the "green" foods that you listed are high in fiber and work as a natural "intestinal flush" food and low in calories. Garlic is another excellent food to put in you diet because…
  • As absolutely horrible as this sounds, my favorite food is McDonalds french fries. Now that I eating healthier definitely cherry tomatoes. Once a month though, I go and get a small order of McDonald's french fries.
  • I have the same worry as you do. I have three children, 10, 8 and 6. In May of this year, I had a heart attack. I am only 32 years old. I was diagnosed with cardiac arterial spasms and high cholesterol. I have know since I was a really young age that I have a family history of cardiac problems, but I blew it off like I was…
  • I definitely agree with getting enough water, however, if you are getting enough water my next concern would be your blood sugar. If the light headedness continues it might not be a bad idea to go to the doctor and get a blood test done. I hope everything works out for you!:smile:
  • I love the idea about making your goal about inches. Some people have more muscle mass and as you know muscle weighs a lot more than fat so this can make it difficult when you are trying to hit a certain weight. This is especially true for people using a lot of strength training as their exercise. I think what ever way you…