arrrrjt Member


  • Really struggling getting my Stronglifts in >.< Still pretty good about getting to the gym but I have football conditioning/group strength training Mondays, so I usually need Sunday / Tuesdays "off" from heavy lifting or I'm exhausted... Last Stronglifts workout was Saturday though, and much better than my Thursday lift! -…
  • I usually do one cardio of either treadmill (5km or intervals) and 5000m of row on another day. I don't really do more than 30-40 minutes inc warmup/cooldown. Because, bleh cardio.
  • My butt HURTS to touch from yesterday! Had an intense workout last night- 3x8 per arm DB snatchs @ 35 Superset: a) 4x8 per leg Bulgarian split squats (owwwwwww) b) 4x15 per leg single leg hip lifts (w/ 40 lbs) Second Superset a) 4x8 Barbell RDL (135 lbs) b) OH Squats (25lbs) Third Superset a) 3x 10 Cossack Squats (25 lbs)…
  • Soon, you may get an "emotional boost" from fulfilling those goals rather than eating - at least I know I do.
  • Try to set small goals at first - for example, eat a healthy lunch 5 days a week, then build on that =)
  • If you don't ever eat over 1700 cal (aka not eating back your exercise or fitbit calories) then yes, you will lose more than the 2 lbs/week (as you are not sedentary). Creepin' your diary you are very consistent in eating under 1700 (congrats!) so yeah, the rapid weight loss is definitely not unexpected.
  • Personally I put 170 because I honestly cannot remember the last time I was under 170. When I finally went under 200 (sw 245) I finally lowered my "goal" to 160 - it actually seems doable now. I just want to be strong as hell, really, and be happy looking at myself. I think one of the bigger "ooh maybe I can get smaller…
  • My size 14 jeans I bought a month ago can now slide on and off! Good and bad ;)
  • I... don't know. I HATE waiting, the "release dates" or lack thereof and delay in getting it to Canada are super annoying, and the Polar M400 and Basis Peak are out now (kind of). Waiting for more reviews to come in.
  • My SO's friend bought in and lost a bunch of weight, even convinced my SO to buy a bunch of their stuff. It is now sitting in our cupboard, untouched.
  • Great advice, this would be my first step.
  • Yup, I've started to realize some of the runner's watches may be more what I'm looking for (Garmin FR15, Polar M400, Basis Peak, etc). If you're spending $150+ for a step counter, it seems silly to not consider paying an extra $50 for something with a bit more.
  • I recommend finding out and nailing down what's important to YOU - syncing to MFP? Battery life? Design? What it tracks? I had the Force, loved it, but realized I kind of want the option of an HR tracker and built in GPS (which negatively impacts battery life). So, I'm holding off on getting a replacement until some of the…
  • No, because I use the TDEE method.
  • I think it's kind of funny people are skipping 14! I'm in the same boat. Started at 245 and was routinely buying size 16's - and Ricki's size 16's, so they were,.. quite... generous. Now I can't pass them off even with a belt, but my 14's are big/baggy... - To sum it up... @ 245lbs 16s were loose but comfy @ around 220 the…
  • It's a relatively friendly place, and I know they mean well... but I know there are a lot of people in the office who struggle with weight (we have a great group that emails a couple times a month). Everyone's happy for him, and I really hope he sustains it - but it's almost like if you don't have a drastic loss it doesn't…
  • Just be happy with what you've done, don't compare yourself to others (easier said than done, I know - I do it ALL the time). I know how hard it is - my work just sent out and email asking if we wanted to award a coworker for losing 100+ lbs in a year. Guess my 45 wasn't enough for it ;)
  • Sorry everyone I've been MIA! Finally found the "calories" that work for me, and stayed pretty active. Every day is usually lifting. riding, group conditioning, or cardio. Now that it's freezing I HAVE to go to the gym to do cardio, and that's forcing me to go. Still miss my Fitbit and super jealous of all you guys who can…
  • Also, yeah, some days if I'm still painfully hungry after a busy day, I'll find some healthy snacks to supplement what I've eaten, which will put me over my goal for that day.
  • I was using IIFYM which gave me an allotted calories of 1775 (sedentary, 1-3 workouts per week) for a while, but kept going over a bit, so I decided to "change" to scooby's, which is around 1880. I'm also a bit more active (usually at the gym daily) than 1-3 per week, so I don't see that number as a do not go over this…
  • Workout B yesterday! Squats - 1x5 @ 165 (because I can't rack correctly...) 4x5 @ 155lbs OHP - 5x5 @ 70 lbs Deadlift 1x5 @ 135, 1x5 @ 175 lbs Everything felt pl/ Finished off with some arm work (3x12 lat pulldowns @ 50, 3x12 chest press @ 45 lbs), my lower legs was a bit... off.. as I lost my orthotics and did cardio…
  • Great tips! Lots of people don't find success with a dietitian, but she helped me really look at food differently. We set little goals... my first week was: - Bring a lunch to work 3x - Eat fish twice a week (replace fattier meats with lean meats) and - Have three food groups in breakfast Now, I haven't had lunch out…
  • I'll add to this - a REALISTIC calorie goal! @jzalisa - Congratulations! I know a lot of people go through pretty rough football injuries and know how tough that can be.
  • Ha, that's pretty much my exact schedule! Lift Monday Thursday Saturday, yoga friday, cardio somewhere in the middle!
  • Check out the Stronglifts 5x5 for women group! Lots of great support there.
  • I really, really love this list! I'm going to start needing these for my OHP and bench soon, seems like a good opportunity to stock up on a nice kit =) Is anyone else a bit crooked/uneven? I lost a lot of muscle on my left shoulder from an injury a while back, and I find I'm still successful on my barbell bench/ohp, but…
  • @bepeejaye - That dreaded third set! Gets me "every" time! Thanks for the article! It's very true. I have a very poor body image, but lifting has really helped. If I have my "fat" days, I can always find a part of me I love and am proud for. Not something I could say a few months ago :)
  • Calgary! Originally from Winnipeg :)