wlkumpf Member


  • We are TTC #4 :) I can not say I am on here every day, but come here for motivation. I skyrocketed over 200lbs with my 2nd pregnancy and will still come on here to remind myself I am not eating for 2 grown people~ I am hesitant and almost want to wait for 4 months to make my daycare numbers work out better with our new LO…
  • bump to save for later :)
  • 33. 34 in April, although I almost just said 34 and had to actually think about it. I guess I feel older than I am?
  • you would take her walking or bike riding with you, you would take her canoeing or hiking. I think it is good to promote health before there is even a hint of a problem. Healthy habits now will save her lots of heartache and hard times later :) YOU are one good example and are helping your daughter be more successful :)
  • starting today! But I will admit I have a day here or there that I can't fit in a full one so if I KNOW my time will be really short I will slip in Jillian Michaels to get a faster workout. Not often, but about 1-2 times a week. I tested the waters before Christmas but am ready to stick to it now!
  • I like the 0 calorie green tea with citris but prefer the white tea with raspberry. I have to limit myself to 1 a day though. I also love chai tea, black tea, earl grey, lemon lift and almost any tea besides plain green. I usually add some sweetener or sugar with a bit of milk to mine. Can't stand water and trying to avoid…
  • try unsweetened almond milk. I don't like it with water either but the almond milk I buy has 30 calories.
  • I use all stainless steel, easy to clean once I got the hang of them and a tiny spray makes even eggs slide easilly around. I use EVOO for most things I cook because I need the healthy fats and buy really lean meats.
  • On the beginner Jillian Michaels she shows proper form, what not to do and modified moves in case you aren't capable of the full move or are a beginner. She also says you can start with no weights or build up to make the workout harder. So, Jillian Michaels really is a great beginner video since she is VEry Very thorough…
  • I thought about it, but am not as fond of the kinect as I thought I would be. I prefer the $10 Jillian Michaels DVDs from walmart. 30DS and butt and thighs. Pop it in, choose your level and spend about 1/2 hour.
  • 30 day shred by Jillian Michaels is my fave. I loaned it out and have used her butt and thigh one. I plan to do p90x but it is kinda a scheduled confusing thing and a bit longer than 1/2 hour like Jillian Michaels. I have insanity too, but that is a long term goal. Fo Sure I would do Jillian Michaels first.
  • true we dont' need to go nazi on them, but my kids prefer homemade healthier pizza to the store brand cardboard. They enjoy the all beef, lite or turkey hotdogs as much or more than the junk ones and the turkey with cheese are fantastic! They have not complained about the sarah lee low cal buns yet They like the lite…
  • we don't discuss diets. We do discuss looking at labels for hidden ingredients, that nothing is forbidden and moderation is the key. We talk about everyday foods and someday foods. WE talk about serving sizes and why some foods are bad choices. WE talk about lots of physical movements and healthy habits like activities…
  • not sure if you knew this about yourself, but you look kinda amazing ;) Great job!!!
  • have you tried cauliflower pizza yet? I heard it is horrible for leftovers but even kids like it on the first day. I can't wait but need to be more brave and build up to it. I think homeade pizza, if you substitute half wheat vs white flour and spread thin with tons of sauce and vegies and minimal cheese can be healthy and…
  • I eat what they eat, but pair it with a big salad or with a bunch of steamed vegies. When I cook for us I use super low fat cuts of meats and fish. I try to use whole grain everything when possible and everyone else is welcome to have vegies as well. Tonight I am making an allrecipe version of tips over noodles. I used the…
  • don't fall into a gimmick trap, especially on your low days when you just want to find a "cheat". Even if they help short term most people gain back the weight if they do this. Look for what is on sale, visit the websites of your 3 favorite stores, make a list based solely on what is on sale, pick the best and then you can…
  • mix red wine with diet cherry 7 up ;) Delicious!!!!! I only drink moscato, I added it on here yesterday and was pleasantly surprised there wasn't as many calories as I thought ? I can polish a bottle, but usually have a glass or 2 when I do. I used to only drink Mogan David, that made me drunk super fast and left me…
  • I am tri state :) Right in MN, but close to WI and IA!!! I have lived in all 3.
  • eat back at least half. Try reading Burn the FAt Feed the Muscle. Think of your body like a furnace, if you hardly ever feed it or give it "plastic" or things that don't burn well or hot you will not go through your calories, you need to feed it often and feed it enough to get it fired up!!! Your body will lose weight and…
  • If you don't eat any back you may lose less because your metabolism slows down. Try eating half. Each person is different though, loseing weight is cause and affect. There are no failures, you will learn by how your body reacts. Check out feed the muscle burn the fat (may have switched that order) to show how we need to…
  • young, smart and fun :)
  • I want to like it, but I end up uncoordinated and out of breathe :( Even when I try to pace myself I can only run very very short distances and it takes me longer than I was running to catch my breath and quit feeling like I have sharp pains in my sides. I did a 5k and was walking before I hit the first hill and was…
  • Jillian Michaels 30 day shred or the ones she has that are target specific are fantastic!!! I ordered a few different beachbody ones and if I had ordered for MYSELF I would have ordered turbokick, but my husband and I ordered together so we ordered p90x. We also have insanity. You need a doorway to add a pull up bar…
  • You may like salmon or cod if you try it, prepared right it is delicious and healthy. I would try frying chicken breast in olive oil, seasoning with an herb type seasoning and then slicking it thinly over top of a salad. Also add to a mix of penne pasta and steamed broccoli with diced tomatoes and either alfredo sauce or…
  • I buy the sugar free caramel or french vanilla syrup from Sams club, walmart has a torinos brand too. I will then use skim milk to add the dairy creaminess. Sometimes if I am out of flavor I will use the stevia liquid.Last time I thought I grabbed a liquid but got some pill dispensing fake sweetener thing, I have been…
  • curious, do you have extra skin or loose skin? That is a fast weight loss and they say for your body to keep up you should aim for 1-2 pounds a week. Congrats, but I am leery to htink it should last? Or the health benefits/negatives. I had a friend that had a lot of bone cracks and issues when he lost weight too fast (yes,…
  • within the last few hours my fit bit fell out of my wrist holder somewhere in this house!!! I do daycare and am everywhere and the bathroom and laundry and garbage and diapers and bags of stuff!!! I am ticked off!!!!!!! IT fell out once while I was in bed, but I really like the wristband. Obviously I will never use that…
  • Respect yourself enough to hold him accountable and take it VERY seriously that he could use words to hurt you that badly. I would not be able to trust him enough again without some apologizing and make up behavior. I would find some activities you enjoy and take some time and make yourself a priority for YOU! Find some…
  • My kids tell me everything, so even without asking they will inform me they are going to have an apple/banana/orange/crackers/carrots with dip etc..... I don't know why they do but even my 10 year old still tells me EVERY time! I try not to keep the unhealthy things on hand, but when they are here they know they HAVE to…