P90X Challenge Group

Hi everyone!

I'm a Beachbody coach and I was wondering if anyone on here is interested in joining my P90 or P90X challenge group? I was planning on starting the P90X programme again myself within the next two weeks and my sister will be joining me with P90 and we'll be using MFP to track our calories and nutrition. If anyone is interested then let me know! The only requirements for the programme are that you have access to some weights or resistance bands, a good dose of optimism and determination, and the official DVDs. There's no requirement to buy anything from me! I'm doing this because I genuinely like to help motivate people and see them achieve their fitness goals and I thought it might be fun if a group of us could get together and complete the programme.

Either way, hope everyone is doing well at reaching for their fitness goals of 2013!


  • Time2sow
    Time2sow Posts: 9 Member
    howdy! i was just researching for how people were entering their calorie burn on mfp (there's no dedicated p90x entry) and saw your post. i'm about to start the 'lean' program this morning. i'm already doing fine calorie-intake wise, but my workouts needed a push.

    anyway, i might be starting too soon for your purposes, but if it's ok that i'm starting today, then yay! count me in.
  • SaraTrinityJones
    Hi Cat...I started my second round of P90x on Monday...can I join your challenge group? Really feel like I need some pushing and support this time round as I'm doing it solo this time :(

  • wlkumpf
    wlkumpf Posts: 241 Member
    starting today! But I will admit I have a day here or there that I can't fit in a full one so if I KNOW my time will be really short I will slip in Jillian Michaels to get a faster workout. Not often, but about 1-2 times a week.

    I tested the waters before Christmas but am ready to stick to it now!