Nikki_G30 Member


  • Yes, I am starting next month. I did my first track workout for speed work today to start preparing. I am signed up for 2 in the fall, Akron and Denver Rock N Roll but may only be able to do one because of scheduling conflicts that I discovered after I sign up. I run regularly with an average of 5 half marathons a year but…
  • I hope I'm not to late to respond. I just realized I never did! Anyway, I stretched 10 mins for 5 days for a total of 50.
  • Runner's World Amby Burfoot The article discusses a recent review that looked at 99 studies that followed 5 different design protocols about calories and exercise. The conclusion was generally people do not increase calories…
  • Hey there! My name is Nicole, I'm 5'2" and 31. I work full time outside the home. I have been on MFP since 2012 but started using it consistently in 2013. I am a gluten free, dairy free, vegetarian. I lost about 15 pounds over the last year and am trying to lose the last 5 - 10 pounds. I workout daily and love running,…
  • My NSV for 2014 are: 1. To run a sub 4 hour marathon in September 2. To be able to do 5 dead hang pull ups without breaking 3. Decrease my body fat by 5% (not sure if this is realistic) I think this challenge will help me to stay on track so I can remain focused on my goals for the year.
  • How fun! You will have a blast! Depending on which heat you are in, there can be bottleneck at certain obstacles so your team may not be able to keep the 10:30 pace and the slower people may catch up. I would make a plan ahead of time as to if you all are going to stay together or break off. At the last Spartan race I did,…
  • As others have mentioned, I would go see someone for it. However, I would not go to an MD right away unless they are a knee specialist who is a runner or works with runners. I would start with PT or a chiro that does Active Release Therapy. Dry needling has really helped me too. The most important thing would be,…
  • I have been a vegetarian for a little over a year. I am also dairy free and try to be gluten free. I will add you.
  • Awesome job! It looks like you had a lot of fun. Thank you for sharing!
  • I think it depends on your training and your goals for the race. I am running 3 halfs over a 6 week period, 1 trail and 2 road. (Sept 21, Oct 5 and Oct 20). I know I am not going to PR at each one or really race in all of them. I will note that I enjoy running races and do them quite frequently. I would say go for it and…
  • Working out is super important to me so I make it a priority. I work full time and have a dog as well. My typical week is as follows: Mon: 4:15am walk dog (25 mins), 5:30 am Fury Class (60 mins at gym), 7:45 am catch bus Tues: 4:15am walk dog (25 mins), 5:30 am Spin Class (60 mins at gym), 7:45 am catch bus Wed: 4:15am…
  • Nicely done! I love Spartan Races. I have done 4 Spartan Races (2 military sprints, 1 super and 1 beast), 3 Warrior Dash Races, 2 Tough Mudders and 2 small local OCR. I think they are so addicting! Look into volunteering at one if its sold out so you can get a discounted entry into a future race.
  • Are you with the kids the whole time during your 12 hour shift? If you have some time away from them such as at your computer, bring healthy snacks with you to munch on such as veggies, fruit, apple & peanut butter, hummus, etc. That way you won't be famished when you eat with them and over eat. Also, maybe look into doing…
  • Bump. The chocolate chip recipe sounds delicious!
  • I'm a spartan chick! I love Spartan races! I have done 4 so far and got my trifecta in 2012. Colorado Military Sprint May 2012 & 2013; Utah Beast June 2012; Midwest Super October 2012. I am signed up for CO Military sprint next May and looking forward to it. I am also doing Warrior Dash this weekend and super excited to do…
  • Hi 5'2"ers! SW: 141.4 CW: 122.6 GW: 117 I have found that I need to eat around 1400 net calories a day and burn about 400 daily to see the scale move. I workout usually 5-6 times a week running, spin and a workout class 3Xs a week that is a mix of weights and intervals and strength training. The only thing I am totally…
  • I have done 2 Tough Mudders, both in Colorado. I would say my favorite obstacle was funky monkey. Although I did not get across it since the bars moved but definitely something to strive for next year. My least favorite obstacle was walking the plank because I don't like jumping off cliffs, freaks me out a bit.
  • Hi! I love running buddies! I am running a few halfs this summer. One trail next month and 2 road ones in October. I am hoping to break 2 hours on my road halfs. Once I am able to get under 2 hours, I would like to run another marathon. Feel free to add me.
  • Yum! I have tofu that I was thawing in the fridge and this sounds delicious! Thank you for posting!
  • Aroo! Way to go Spartan Chick!! Congrats on your achievements! I love OCRs! I think Spartan races are by far my favorite! TM is fun too but I find Spartan more challenging.
  • I'm a vegetarian and a runner. I am not quite sure what issues you are having. I lost some weight right away once becoming a vegetarian but then I plateaued for quite a while. It takes time to figure out what works for you now. Lots of the stuff I used to use when doing long distance running (gels, drinks, etc) does not…
  • Thank you for sharing! This will be great for camping!
  • The only band that I can get to stay on my head even during an intense workout is called Sweaty bands. They don't keep all the sweat out of my eyes like a bandanna or hat but they stay put.
  • My husband and I tried 4 hour body's version of the slow carb diet last year. My husband had quick and amazing results. I think he lost 20 pounds in the first 3 weeks and he was only thinking about losing 30 or so. I, on the other hand, maybe lost 8 pounds in the few months we were on it. I am not sure which slow carb diet…
  • Great job! Keep up the hardwork!
  • My week has been interesting due to my knee. I went to my normal class on Mon. Here was the workout: 30 TRX push ups, 30 man makers (15lbs),30 reverse burpee box jumps, 30 plyo push ups on green boxes,100MTN Climbers, 100 AirSquats,100 Sit Ups, 2 lap run,100 Burpees,100 Push Press 15lbs. Needless to say I didn't scale it…
  • Yum those both sound delicious!
  • Recently, I started to get knee pain and it was killing me during Tough Mudder last Saturday. I had it worked on a few times already and got a massage last night. My legs were so tight and there is some fluid build-up and heat from under my knee cap :( PT thinks is from over use and need to scale my workouts down until it…
  • Rose Tears, I hope your runs got better this week. With TM on Saturday and my right knee bothering me, I have been taking it easy this week. I took Tuesday, Thursday and today off. My workout on Wednesday was 36 burpee pull-ups, 36 frog jumps, 36 plyo one clap push-ups, 800 m sprint, 1 lap bear crawl, 60 push-ups, 30 DB…