MPH2 Member


  • Naan bread, hummus, black olives, and mixed baby greens makes a nice little roll-up and serve with some fresh fruit. A simple garden soup with leeks, carrots and potatos can be made ahead of time, and portioned out in lunch containers, serve with some crusty whole grain bread.
  • +1 +1 I am trying to eat more plants, and less meat. When looking at a menu first look for the vegetarian option, then the most healthy options, before sanning the menu for what "sounds good".
  • 15 pounds in 15 weeks, I'm in! Start 211.5. This will put me back below 200, that would be a great X-mas present to myself and the poor overworked buttons on my pants.
  • From carrying that monkey on your back. What another word for synonym?
  • Thanks, some great ideas in there and the risotto sounds amazing.
  • Current weight 212.0 I'm not going anywhere. Trying to lose weight without working out just isn't working for me. I am going to have to squeeze in some activity anywhere I can. I'm ready for the weather to warm up so I can take the baby out in the jogging stroller and get in some miles.
  • Welcome Mom2Three! Congrats Heather so cool to break through a threshold that big. In cycling parlance you are no longer a clydesdale! The biggest challenge for me is trying to lose weight without exercise or at least very little exercise. in the past I just put in more miles to drop weight, but my wife's work schedule…
  • Tomato soup w/ fresh cilantro and a small salad with bell pepper and cucumbers dressed in lemon vinagrette.
  • Crockpot Fiesta Chicken Into crockpot add 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 can corn - drained 1 can of black beans - rinse the beans before adding 1 can Rotel or a couple of cups of salsa Get the temp up then reduce to low for 3-4 hours. Now go hang out in the hammock and read a book, but I guess you could do chores…
  • Congrats Allie on the highest individual % of weight loss so far!!
  • Want to learn more about the food industry?
  • I normally don't like to use factory food but this is so so easy and darn tasty. Crockpot Fiesta Chicken Into crockpot add 4 boneless skinless chicken breasts 1 can corn - drained 1 can of black beans - rinse the beans before adding 1 can Rotel Get the temp up then reduce to low for 3-4 hours. Now go hang out in the…
  • Yum!! This sounds good and made with fresh food!
  • I say stay with the original reciepe and use 1 cup of brown cane sugar. Sucralose is a man made chemical. Here is the production process from Wiki: Production Tate & Lyle manufactures sucralose at a plant in McIntosh, Alabama, with additional capacity in Jurong, Singapore. It is manufactured by the selective chlorination…
  • Thin some plain yogurt with a bit of milk to make a creamy texture, add dill weed, stir in thinly sliced cucumbers serve as a side dish. This is very common dish in Germany, easy and with a bright fresh taste. Cucumber bad? .................... Please. I say they are good for the exact reason you say they are bad. A food…
  • Season fish with salt and pepper, place inside foil packet. Add juice of lime, some sliced onion, fresh chopped cilantro, and a pat of butter or olive oil. Seal packet put in oven at 350 for about 20 minutes. This basic technique can be used with any number of ingredients try chopped tomatos, capers or olives. Oh yeah…
    in tilapia!?! Comment by MPH2 December 2009
  • Previous Weight 211.8 Current weight 210 Squeezed in a bike ride and a spin class over the weekend. I have tried to eliminate any snacking and smaller portions for dinner. We have 8 weeks left of this challenge right? I want to be below 200 at the end of this. Weight loss is simply a matter of making thousands of correct…
  • Current weight 211.8 Previous 210 Sorry folks, I had family in town for 5 days of cooking eating and drinking. I gained back what I lost and now I'm back to square one, but that was the last temptation for the year. No family in town for X-mas this year. Going to the gym tonight!
  • close, but your a winner anyway fitness carries its own rewards. Nice job Shredder! Under 200 and size 12 happy days are near Heather keep it up.
  • Nice job Stephanie!! My current weight is : 210.0 Previous 211.8 I didn't get below 210 per my goal but I had a Thanksgiving lunch at work last week and relatives in town for Thanksgiving over the weekend. 5 workout challenge didn't happen I managed to squeeze in 3. More relatives this week, goona be a challenge.
  • Heather you are right it is a matter of bike fit. Numbness in the hands is caused by too much pressure on the hands because your body is too far forward on the bike. The best way to address this is a bike fit at your local bike shop. Another contributor is locking your elbows and getting "turtle neck" where your head…
  • USA Cycling is broken in to categories 5 through 1. Cat 5 is where everyone starts, learn the basics and tactics of bike racing. Cat 4 is a level up with a more skilled an intense field of riders. To give an idea when I raced Cat 5 our average speed was 21-22 MPH, Cat 4 races usually average 25…
  • Shredder, thanks for your intrest, I ride on the road. I am a Cat 4 racer and I ride for Richardson Bike Shop here in Plano, TX. About three years ago I dropped 36 pounds using (a site similar to this one) which allowed me to move from the ranks of charity tour riders to road racing. I gained about 7 of those…
  • I say go for it. Set a 5K course for yourself today. Run as far as you can then walk/run the rest. Do that 3 times a week and you will be at 5K run before you know it. The only limitations of the body are those of the mind.
  • CKholmes way to go!!!:drinker: Thanks Allie for putting this together. Next time around could you add a column for gross weight lost in pounds.
  • Focus on nutrient rich and caloric sparse foods and avoid caloric rich and nutrient sparse foods. Have an orange vs. orange juice. The orange contains a lot of fiber and half the calories as a glass of OJ. Have oatmeal with a bit of jam instead of breakfast cereal with milk, again much more sustaining fiber and fewer…
  • I set my DVR to record Namaste Yoga on Fit TV, that way I have a fresh routine everytime and whenever I have the time.
  • Ran a 5K last night in 29 mins (treadmill, 0 degree elevation). It is amazing how much better I fell after 2 days of less and proper food, no booze, and some exercize. Now if I could just get in some meditation time... You ladies are doing great so far! Keep up the great work!
  • So is someone compiling the data, and going to show results today? What week are we in? Is this the end of week one or two?