The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Thanks for the update, Allie!

    I'm sorry, everyone, for my slight gain. TOM will be leaving today or tomorrow, so I'm hoping I can make up for it. I promise to not gorge myself at Thanksgiving to make up for it!!

    No workout done yesterday, but I will get one in to tonight since it's Biggest Loser night. I was pretty good on my calories yesterday and got six water servings in. I'm now averaging 4-6 servings of water per day, which is up from 1-2 previously. Gotta start somewhere!

    Have a great day!
  • allie5199
    I am EXTREMELY excited to announce...3PC is now in the lead!!! Great job everyone!

    Keep that in the back of your mind this week/weekend before that second helping of mash potatoes or 3rd slice of apple pie (which are my two biggest Thanksgiving vices :laugh: )

    Everyone should be incredibly proud of themselves...keep up the great work!!!

    We need a challenge for this week....I'm thinking working out two times over the next four days
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Allie: I'll take your challenge of getting two workouts in during the next four days! I'm also very excited that we're in the lead...we totally rock!

    Last night was another good night at my weigh in. Although I did not lose (or gain) any pounds, I've lost another two inches overall. I KNEW my jeans were fitting better and to me that's even more important than the number on the scale. I've lost a total of 1 inch in the hips and a half inch in the waist, where it really counts. Hmm..size 12 jeans for Christmas?

    While at my weigh-in, I purchased vanilla protein shake mix because the chocolate wasn't very good and I'm in love with the vanilla. The cappuccino flavor added to the vanilla was just what I needed to pump up my morning. I'm looking forward to the strawberry vanilla one I made for lunch because it tastes like strawberry cake!!

    After Biggest Loser last night, I did Week 4, Day 2 of Couch to 5K and it was EASY! I'm flying high on the successes, can you tell? Even better, I lost a tiny bit according to my scale this morning. Perhaps the trick is that I've recalculated MFP for more calories...I think my body needed more fuel, so we'll see how it goes.

    Hope you are all having an awesome day!
  • allie5199
    Great job heather!! I know you'll be in a size 12 in no time at all!!

    Don't forget to weigh in tomorrow! I cant believe were almost done with 2/3 of our challenges...
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Looks like we'll have to start another challenge after that....I'm having too much fun with all of you to quit!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I can do the 2x per day workout challenge! That's cool we're in first place this week. It will be in the back of my mind as I eat this weekend.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    We are all doing such a great job!!! First place is huge- keep up the great work guys.
    Heather I'm so there with you- we can keep 3PC going for as long as it takes....
    Mmmmm- like New Years, Valentines Day, St Patricks day and on and on.:tongue:
    I've only gotton 1 work out in this week so far- I may not make that challenge but I'll be damned
    if I gain any weight this week.
    Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!
    I LOVE our group! You all mean a lot to me and for that I am Thankful!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hey, everyone!

    Hope there's been no gorging over Thanksgiving. I had Thanksgiving for lunch rather than dinner today, which means I have very few calories left (yes there are some left) for dinner. But, I did get in Week 4, Day 3 of Couch to 5K right away this morning knowing I would need all the help I could get!

    This morning's weigh in was good, with a loss of 1 lb. I'm still not at that 200 mark, but getting there.

    CW: 202.6

    Hope you are all having a wonderful holiday!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    I weighed in at 250.0 even on Thanksgiving!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    I forgot to let you all know that I reached GOAL for Thanksgiving, I wanted to lose 7 lbs, I weighed in at 257. something and I weighed yesterday at 250.0 even YAY for me, Next goal is to lose 8 pounds by Christmas! I hope everyone is doing well and had a great Thanksgiving :)
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Congratulations CK!!!! You go girl. Count that off of your to do list and on to the 3rd part of our challenge!!! Sooooo proud of you. I'm dreaming about the day I finally get into the 170''s taking forever ahhhhh
    Got in a 2mile run this a.m., my 2nd this week. I'll make another workout tomorrow but fear I will not make the 4 for this weeks challenge. That's ok....I'm on course with my weight and drinking water like a fish.
    Hope you all had a great day yesterday and back on track with our health plans.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Had to share the great news that I weighed the same this morning as I did yesterday morning! Woohoo!!
  • allie5199
    Hey guys...Sorry I havent responded in a while, I was out of town visiting family. I'm very excited to say that I weighed in this morning at 145, which is what I weighed on Thanksgiving, so some how I didnt gain weight over the weekend!! 145 was also my goal weight for our Thanksgiving challenge!

    Great job CK on also reaching your goal!!! and Heather for not gaining weight on Thanksgiving lol

    I feel another win this week!

    What's the challenge for this week??
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Ok, I'm weighing in this afternoon and I'm taking my lowest weight of the day. The scale says I'm up 1lb. but I'm going to drink a lot of water and hopefully flush out some extra water that I may be retaining due to TOM visiting me today!!! Stupid TOM... Otherwise, doing alright, ready to get right back to working out, it was hard trying to work out at my parents all weekend, no place to walk in the neighborhood and no extra space in the house.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I've been checking myself on the scale quite a bit over the long holiday weekend and have LOST! Woohoo!

    CW: 202

    My boyfriend and I did lots of hiking and walking this weekend (daily), and I even kept up with his 5 year old son when he wanted to run uphill at the state park. The even crazier piece was that I wasn't even winded. Because of this, I almost have the boyfriend talked into starting Couch to 5K. I told him he needs to be able to keep up with his son who plays soccer!

    I hope everyone else had success over Thanksgiving!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi Team...
    so many wins out there- Allie, wow!!!! It's got to feel so good to look at that number on the scale and know it's all because of your determination:smile: I'm really really happy for you.
    Heather, you keep going like this and you'll be at your goal weight so soon.
    Can't wait for your weigh in Stephanie. We've all been there with the TOM drama so please don't be hard on yourself if the scale reads and increase.

    My weigh in for today is 186.5- I'm happy with that! With all the eating and partying I did, believe me this is a good number!
    I would love to be at 180 by Christmas- notice how I've had to re-evaluate my goals!!!! That's ok- I feel I'm heading in the right direction.
    I have decided to skip the gym today and get into the holiday mood by decking my house out with Christmas decorations. This time of the year always lifts my spirits and I'll know my 3rd challenge is fast approaching with tinsel galore around the house. Don't worry I'll be back full swing at the gym tomorrow....I need a break after the chaos last week.
    So I can't wait to see what our team's outcome is for the you think we have a chance at maintaining the lead?
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    OK, the good news is that the scale went down from this morning...
    The bad news is that it's staying at 209.5 which is up 0.5 from last week
    I guess I'll take that considering no exercise since Thursday, Tom the Turkey, and just TOM in general
    I'm keeping my goal of getting below the 200 mark by Christmas.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    That's really not bad Stephanie considering....
    You can totally make your Christmas goal:flowerforyou:
    Where is everyone else????
    You all know how much I hate Monday weigh ins...but I'm here
    Where are you all hiding:glasses:
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Current weight 211.8 Previous 210

    Sorry folks, I had family in town for 5 days of cooking eating and drinking. I gained back what I lost and now I'm back to square one, but that was the last temptation for the year. No family in town for X-mas this year. Going to the gym tonight!
  • allie5199

    Let me know if the picture gets cut off.

    Considering it was Thanksgiving last week...we did pretty well.