The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • cds2327
    cds2327 Posts: 439
    I'd love to join. Friday works best for me :)
    Let's see if i remember everything!
    Ok.... here we go!
    Goal weight- Halloween--220
    Goal Weight- Thanksgiving...210
    Goal Weigh- Christmas... 200
    My wins this week- No eating after my son's bedtime!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    So there’s a thread out there that proposes different challenges compete against each other each week for % weight loss. Would anyone in 3PC be interested in this? If so let me know...1st weigh in would be Monday. I'm just thinking this might be a good motivator for everyone...esp with our next two goal dates approaching quickly!

    I hope everyones have a great week!!

    P.S. Heather-I was pretty psyched Tracey finally got kicked off!

    Hey Everyone!

    Allie...... that challenge sounds awesome! Count me in, Do I weigh in here on our group and you take from there or is there a different thread that I should weigh in on?

    Hi Shredder, Heather,Tara, Aliciaann, Lynette and welcome cds2327 :smile:
  • allie5199
    Hey guys!!
    I'll be the first to weigh in...151.5!!! Very mini goal is to get out of the 150s by next week!

    My big WIN- over the weekend I fit into my smaller jeans (not my skinny "Goal Weight" jeans, but I'm out of my fat jeans!!!)

    Ckholmes-yep, if everyone wants to weigh in on this thread I will take everyones starting weights and post one group weigh in on the other thread (if you want to check out the threat its "So, whos up for a challenge?" our team name is 3PC)

    Welcome cds2327!!!

    Can't wait to hear how everyones doing!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    My scale was not nice to me this morning, so my official first weigh-in for the new challenge is 205. I gained two pounds, but I know I can get it back off this week. Treadmill, here I come!

    On the plus side, I went jean shopping and could comfortably fit into all of the jeans in my current size...I'm no longer squeezing into them, but slipping into them instead. I even tried on a smaller size and just need to lose a little more in the thighs and butt and I'll be in those! Woohoo! It was the most fun I've had clothes shopping in ages, even though I only bought a blazer and a new blouse.

    I'm actually considering doing the Couch to 5K plan because I was training for a 5k earlier in the year but gave up because I didn't have anyone to run with. Guess what?? I dont need anyone to run with this year! I know I'll be participating in a 5K in June for the volunteer group I work with and it will be the very first 5K we're organizing, so I want to shine!

    Have a great day!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather, that's so cool! Isn't it great to finally be rewarded through loose fitting clothes? Keep it up girl.
    I was thinking about your cal allowance and at your height and fitness level, 1,600 daily seems good. Are you losing on that? Are you logging every single morsel of food?
    It comes down to a very simple equation....calories in and calories burned.

    There's 3,500 cals in one pound. You exceed your cals in a week by this and you gain. You cut 500 cals per day and burn 500 cals at the gym and you have the potential to lose 2 pounds a week. You know your body no matter what formula you get the answer from. Listen to it and make the best choice in the moment that you can.

    Allie, great job on that number....I feel the 140's fast approaching for you!!!!! I'm at 186.50 today.
    Not great but not horrible.
    Today I start my detox and will be running in to make the first of many after I post this. 3 days on this doesn't seem like much but I may be slightly nutty by Wednesday night :ohwell:
    Already got in an hour at the gym with 700 cals burned...yeah baby.
    I have to have a huge loss this week or I'm checking in to a mental ward!

    cds- a huge welcome to you and good luck:flowerforyou: .
    Looks like every one of us has a stake in this new challenge. Let's kick some honeybuns this week.
    Allie what groups are we up against?
  • allie5199
    We're competing against Visualize This & Beautiful Blues. I'm still waiting to hear from a couple people in our group, but I'm hoping to post everything by Tonight/Tomorrow morning...So stay posted and Ill keep everyone updated on what we're up against. also its a 12 week competition (ending Feb 1st)...which means after Christmas were gunna have to set some new goals :flowerforyou:

    ***everyone doing this competition should understand that this is a group if you "fall off the wagon" or stop posting then everyone's going to be affected. Everyone has off weeks where they dont lose or gain a little...dont let that bring you down, just go into the next week full force and WOW everyone!! I'm really excited...and I hope you guys are too!!***

    ***Also, if anyone wants to join our team after 11/9 please feel free!! I'll just add you to our roaster and your % lost will start from that point forward***

    Heather -- I did the couch to 5K, and I loved it!!! Before I started it I had never run more than half a mile at a time in my entire life... but 2 weeks ago I completed my first 10K and now Im signing up for three 8K's over the next month. Good luck!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder, thank you so much on looking into my calorie allowance. I truly appreciate the help. The 1600 calories was doing well when I stuck with it the first week, but I was terrible this weekend. I just need to kick the workouts up if I want to eat more!

    Allie, thanks for inviting us on this new challenge and for keeping track of our team stats. I'm really glad the challenge goes until February, to help us get past the holidays. By the way, it's AWESOME that you've done so well with the running. I enjoyed it very much when I was training earlier this year, so I'm not sure why I quit. I know there is a 5K I'd like to participate in during the month of February because I did it last year, but only walked it. I'd love to improve on my time, even if I can't run the entire thing (the trail was snowy and icy last year).

    Let's kick some serious butt on this challenge!!

  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Sorry Im late . I just got out of work and had to pick up kids ! but my weigh in this morning was 254.2!

    I'm very excited about this challenge and I'm also glads it's running until Feb. it will keep me in check and still have a goal for myself and for my group. I'm in it for the long walk! I dont want to let any of you down!

    i'm soooo excited I lost 3 lbs since our last weigh in on Halloween! Woot Woot :)
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    ck... you go girl!!!!
    Where is everyone else.I sent Tara a friendly reminder today...guess I'll have to do the same with the rest of the gang.
    We have to take this seriously guys. I am way competitive and really want this win for our team. Like Allie says, we go full force every week, right???

    On my third protein shake oof the day and yes, this SUCKS!
    I figure i have 5 hours till bed and will probably down another 2 shakes bring that to 5 total and about 790 cals....
    wish me luck.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Yeah Competition! Shredder I'm pretty competitive also, this is for us (our team) I'm all for it!! I'm very excited! Thanks Allie for the great find for a group challenge, awesome move:drinker: :wink:

    Shredder ....... for 5 shakes it's only like 790 calories? What kind of protein shakes are they?
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Where is everyone:sad: ?
  • allie5199
    Hey guys

    Consider this our initial weigh in as TEAM 3PC:

    Heather: 205
    Shredder: 186.5
    Ckholmes: 254.2
    Allie: 151.5

    Total Weight: 797.2

    I'll post Visualize This (VT) and Beautiful Blue (BB) weigh ins once they're up.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I really have a lot of work to do! Yesterday was the first workout of the Couch to 5K plan, but I jumped right into the first workout of Week 3, since I knew the first two week's workouts would be too easy. Even the Week 3 workout was simple and I ended up walking an additional half mile just to get some good calorie burn. I ended at a total of 445 calories burned, but still went over my calories by 47 for the day :ohwell:

    Tonight is Biggest Loser night - YAY - so I know I'll get a good workout in tonight. I'll probably do BL Power Sculpt, since the plan only has be running three days per week.

    Tonight before BL, I have an appointment at Shake the Weight, which is a company that gives nutritional advice and they have a line of protein shakes, so I'll see what they have to say. I just love gathering advice from different people/places and testing different components of each one to fit my liking.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi All
    Allie thanks again for taking the initiative with posting the stats...
    Can you add cds @ 219 lbs please.

    Looks like our group is small but hey I'm serious about this and only want serious people in our crew. Enough talking and promising....time to put our words into action.
    Of course all newbies are welcome but I have to stress that this is not for you if you feel like taking a rollar coaster ride and jump off when it gets scary.
    This take guts and commitment and by February we will all be stronger, healthier and leaner.

    Have to fill you in on my day of hell yesterday..
    Had a total of 4 shakes and 1 cup of green tea, was in bed by 9pm and woke up 2lbs lighter (water weight probably). Each scoop of whey protein has 92 cals mixed with 8oz of non-fat milk at 120 cal, so consumed a total of 848 cals. Left me dead tired by 5pm- thus the tea, desperately needed the pick-me-up. But I can say I did it and didn't cheat once. The worst hours were between 2-5, I craved protein and fruit. I even had my husband take my girls out to eat so I wouldn't have to make dinner and be tempted. I texted my girlfriend when I was getting weak and losing some willpower and she ran to my house with new books for me to read and we chatted for 45 mins- what a distraction. I love her.
    I shopped at Sprout's and Ralph's and avoided the center isles, focusing on the fruit, veggies and dairy.
    Today- had 4 egg whites and spinach and am on grilled chicken and veggies all day.
    Ran 2 miles at the gym, ellip for 30 mins and fast walk for 15.
    I'm so pumped up for this challenge guys...
    Have a killer day
  • allie5199
    VERY IMPRESSIVE Shredder!!! Keep up the great work!

    So who wants to pick a group challenge for us this week? Something to really motivate all of us!

    Sorry cds...I wasn't entirely sure if you wanted to join the group, the challenge, or both so Ill add you!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hmm, a group challenge, huh?

    I suggest that we make sure to get some sort of exercise or activity completed (walking counts!) at least 5 days this week for 30 minutes each time. That should get us moving and I can't wait to hear what others are doing for their daily exercise.

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Sounds good Heather... I have 3 workouts to go to meet your challenge.
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    I want in! Starting weight is 211.2.

    My daughter is 4 months old, which pretty much means I haven't had any exercize in 4 months, so I'm ready to get started again now that she is sleeping through the night.

    Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    This morning, I got the second workout for the week done, which was another of the Couch to 5K workouts on the treadmill. I added an additional two minutes of jogging at the end of it, so I ended up doing intervals for 1.8 miles in 30 minutes this morning. Not too shabby.

    Last night, I had a meeting at Shake the Weight, which gives nutritional advice and sells the Herbalife line of products. They had me try one of their shakes (delicious) and one of their teas (okay). The tea must have had more caffeine than I anticipated because I had trouble falling asleep and then woke up early this morning, which prompted me to get on the treadmill at 6:30am.

    This morning, I had one of their protein shakes for breakfast to replace my usual coffee/cappuccino blend. It was good and I'm actually feeling full. We'll see how this works.

    On the plus side, I'm down 1.2 lbs since yesterday, but I think it was water retention from eating poorly this weekend.

    How's everyone else doing with their exercise? Was anyone else irritated that Rudy voted Shay off the ranch on Biggest Loser last night? I hope she absolutely kicks butt at home!!

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather, you're doing so well with your work outs and eating and congrats on the weight loss.
    I don't watch the Biggest Loser so I can't comment on the happenings.

    V-Day today and no school. I'm off to see A Christmas Carol at 1:30 with friends and kids. We plan on eating a healthy lunch before the movie so we won't get a barrel of popcorn. I know I was to be on the shakes and fruit portion of my D-tox but I'll go with a healthy salad and be happy with that.
    Need to get in my work out this afternoon. Heather, how the heck to you stomach a work out at 6:30???