The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • I think I'm going to re-weigh in tomorrow morning. I'm at 150.5, so I lost one pound, which would be amazing...except I went to the gym TWICE every day (seriously EVERY day-for a total of 15 times in the past week) and didnt slip up on my calories at all (eating on average 1500/day). I should have lost close to 2lbs, so I'm hoping some of that is water weight (I had a really salty dinner, breakfast & lunch) so Ill re-weigh myself tomorrow. I'll keep you posted...

    Shredder-don't be too hard on yourself, let that be motivation to work extra hard this week! maybe weigh-in again around wednesday

    Heather-yeah thats all I need, i have the other information on a spreadsheet. btw cute picture!

    CK-Great job!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    You guys are the best....thank you for the support.
    I did get a killer workout in this morning and ran 2.25 miles and walked uphill .75 to total 3 miles and 300 cals.
    Mu new Oxygen mag arrived in the mail and of course i ripped it open and devoured it within 10 guys HAVE to check it out. Making the salmon patties tonight from one of the listed recipes. Allie- you nut:noway: ....are you kidding with all those workouts. How did you do it, where did the stamina come from. Wow...I'm happy if I get one in. Wait till your weigh in next week, i bet you'll be down 4 or some crazy number.
    Have to go guys....hugs to you all
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    good morning everyone,

    Holy crap Allie - work it baby!

    re weighed myself this morning and Im down 3 pounds from yesterday WOW! Good Luck to all of us on the competitive thread today:drinker:

    CW 250.4
  • I'll admit it...I'm a bit crazy :laugh: but we're doing the biggest loser at work and our last weigh-in is next monday, so I've been pretty determined lately...hopefully this doesnt backfire & discourage me. I'm shooting for 15 workouts again this week (so far I'm at 4), then next week I'll shoot for wayy more strength training (P90X) and easing off the Cardio.

    9 more days until did that happen?

    CK-thats awesome! should I take 250.4 as your weight this week or 253.4?
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Allie, take my 250.4 for my new weight :smile:
  • I'm just testing to see if this works....bare with me for a moment

  • I'm giving up on the picture for now lol
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Ran a 5K last night in 29 mins (treadmill, 0 degree elevation). It is amazing how much better I fell after 2 days of less and proper food, no booze, and some exercize. Now if I could just get in some meditation time...

    You ladies are doing great so far! Keep up the great work!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Last night after Biggest Loser, I completed Week 3, Day 3 of Couch to 5K and it felt great! I even added two minutes of running to the end of the workout before the cool down. I always set the treadmill at an incline of 1% because it most simulates running outside.

    I also managed to stay within my allotted calories for the day! Woohoo. But, I was up a little bit this morning :ohwell: But, at least it was only about 1/2 lb. Maybe it will come off tomorrow morning, but I blame TOM! I really need to stop weighing myself every day, but I feel it really keeps me in check. I'd rather see a 1/2 lb. as it happens than wait for the one weigh in per week and find I've gained a ridiculous amount back.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • I finally figured it out!!

    So here are the results after 1 week. You'll notice the amount we lost in the past week and the overall amount (which are the same this week)


    P.s. a negative amount is good!! That means we lost .2%
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Awesome, Allie! Thanks again for being our official record keeper!
  • Not a problem!

    So...we're in 2nd place (out of three teams)! Visualize this is pretty serious...they lost 3%.

    Heather...great job on running last night! Keep up the fantastic work and I'm sure you'll be down wayy more than that 1/2 lb by monday!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    May I join your group even through I'm late? I just saw the postings.
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    CKholmes way to go!!!:drinker:

    Thanks Allie for putting this together. Next time around could you add a column for gross weight lost in pounds.
  • Of course you can join Stephanie!! Let me know your Current weight. Then Set a goal for Thanksgiving (which is only a week away...yikes!) and Christmas.

    Good news...I'm out of the 150's!! I weighed in at 149.5 this morning. I'm shooting for 147 on Monday which is pretty ambious but thats our final weigh-in at work and I'm determined to win!!

    Anyone have any tips on losing water weight fast?? I'd like to lose a little extra weight this weekend (to put me ahead of my competition for biggest loser)

    There was a correction done by Team Visualize This...there actually only down by .3% (not 3%), but theyre still in 1st, so lets kick their butts next week!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Way to go, Allie!! That's awesome. I'm really shooting for being under 200 by December 1st, but we'll see...darn turkey day. Those mashed potatoes are my down-fall more than anything else.

    In the past, I've found that drinking green tea helps me lose water weight because it has me running to the restroom every half hour!

    Good luck on your weigh-in at work! Keep us posted.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Fantastic! I'm looking forward to contributing to the team's efforts. My current weight is 210.5 @ 3:15pm EST 11/18 and my goal for next week is to have my weight start with 20 rather than 21!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    As for quick weight loss, I find low carb/ higher protein works best, but it's hard to maintain that type of diet for long. It's best for smaller shots.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Oh, and my Christmas goal..I'ld like to copy hajohnson24's goal and break the 200 barrier.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Allie, thank you for keeping tallies for our group! :smile:

    MPH2, thank you as well :smile:

    Heather, Have you done the couch to 5k before? Do you find it hard at all on the knees?
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