The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • We're in 2nd place again...not good!! Time to step up the workouts!! 23 more days until our final Christmas challenge.

    Whos got a challenge for us?
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    uggh, Ive been so out of sorts since thanksgiving, i just cant seem to get my energy back up, ive also stopped tracking my intake which helps me alot stay on track with calories....... SOMEONE KICK ME IN THE *kitten* ! PLEASE:grumble:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    SOMEONE KICK ME IN THE *kitten* ! PLEASE:grumble:

    Okay, this is me kicking you in the *kitten*! Today is the perfect day to get back on track!

    This week, I've been doing awesome at staying within my calories, drinking more water and being active. Last night my boyfriend talked me into going for a walk after dinner and I ended up jogging a half mile without stopping! I only stopped because I felt bad about leaving him behind because he kept taking walking breaks and would then run to catch up.

    This morning, I was actually envying a guy who was out running in the snow flurries. I wished I had the morning off to go running. I'm looking forward to my date with the treadmill tonight for my next Couch to 5K workout. Yay!

    The best piece of all of this, though, is that I'm 1.4 lbs away from the 200 mark. If I stay on track, I could be under 200 lbs for the Christmas parties I'm going to next weekend. Woo hoo. I'd say that would deserve a new outfit, right??

    For our challenge, since it's already so late in the week, I suggest we each get at least one workout complete each day of the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday).

    Have a great day!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Where is everyone?? I certainly hope the holidays didn't kill the group that much!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening!

    I've stayed within my calories this weekend except for today. We were on the run a lot today, so the boyfriend and I went to breakfast this morning, took his 5 yr. old son to McDonalds today on the way to the barn and then had my mom's homemade enchiladas for dinner. Yikes! But we were active again all weekend, so I can't be too hard on myself.

    The scales says the same thing it has all week, so we'll see what tomorrow shows.

  • My scale didnt move at all...although I had a really high sodium day yesterday so hopefully it'll move a little tomorrow.

    Does anyone want to do a pretty intense challenge w me over the next two weeks?? I really want to drop 4 more lbs by christmas (actually 12/23) so my goal is to get to the gym EVERY day (at least once) & stay within my calories EVERYDAY!! I'm shooting to lose 1.5-2 lbs per week. Of course your goals dont need to be exactly the same as mine, just increase what you're doing a little. Anyone interested???
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I'll do the challeng with you Allie, I need to lose 7lbs to my Christmas goal. Just nearly 3 weeks away. I'm happy to report that I'm down to 207 from 209.5 last week -2.5
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie, I'm with you on this challenge, too! I'm trying to loose 2.5 lbs. by the weekend so I can be under the 200 mark for the Christmas parties I'm going to. I've been doing pretty well on the eating and exercising, but there's always room for improvement!!

    Have a great day,
  • Where's everyone else?? The weekend couldnt have been that bad...

    Stephanie & Heather...what are you guys going to do to improve the next two weeks??
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi guys... checking in. This week has been quite huh? I guess the Holiday spirit is taking hold and the madness of shopping etc is underway.
    I didn't get to the gym once last week and on Friday I weighed 184.5 lbs yahooo. Today I'm at 185.5 :happy:
    Eager to continue my workouts this week. It's pouring rain outside and soooo cold, Coming from Ireland it reminds me so much of home and one of the reasons I made the move to Cali :flowerforyou:
    Ok- lets hit ot big time this week.
    I want to be under 180 by the 23rd so full steam ahead with the workouts and discipline.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Where's everyone else?? The weekend couldnt have been that bad...

    Stephanie & Heather...what are you guys going to do to improve the next two weeks??

    I was just going to follow what you outlined: gym everyday and within calorie range. But I think what I'll do is modify mine a little and say "exercise every single day, and use the myfitnesspal food tracker every single day (good or bad)"
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im here everyone, It has been a horrible weekend, LOTS of partying and Drinking! And another big party coming again Saturday, But Im in with this challenge to get myself back on track for me and my wonderful group:wink: My goal was to lose 8 lbs by x-mas so we'll see, I wish us all the best of healthy eating, motivation and fun exercising:drinker:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    OK, so here's a challenge to everyone to help us stay on track this week. I know we mostly check in on Mondays with our weight, but who would like to check in every evening? Not with weight, but to let the group know how we're doing on food and exercise. So even if we don't make our goals of loosing the weight before Christmas, we at least won't gain weight!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    OK, so here's a challenge to everyone to help us stay on track this week. I know we mostly check in on Mondays with our weight, but who would like to check in every evening? Not with weight, but to let the group know how we're doing on food and exercise. So even if we don't make our goals of loosing the weight before Christmas, we at least won't gain weight!

    I'm in!
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Previous Weight 211.8 Current weight 210

    Squeezed in a bike ride and a spin class over the weekend. I have tried to eliminate any snacking and smaller portions for dinner. We have 8 weeks left of this challenge right? I want to be below 200 at the end of this.

    Weight loss is simply a matter of making thousands of correct little decisions. :wink:
  • Great job to everyone that lost this week!!! I'm still waiting for CKholmes, kelekele, and Heather to weigh-in then Ill post this weeks chart.

    I'm happy to say that I'm weighing in at 144 (down from 145)...I stayed away from Sodium all day yesterday (to make up for Saturday & sunday) so I think the reason the scale didnt move yesterday was because I was retaining water.

    I love your idea, stephanie. Checking in every night (or in my case every morning) will make me think twice about skipping the gym or over eating at dinner time!!
  • Oh...and if anyone is interested I've created an Excel spreadsheet to track my calories (I found it wayyyy easier than using this website) and it has helped me lose all 16 lbs!! If anyone would be interested I would be more than happy to tell you more about it and send it to you.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    checking in - exercised tonight at the gym, drank all my water and I'm logging in my foods right now. Whoooo else???
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sorry I have been missing! I don't have internet access at home and yesterday was just crazy at work and then I left early.

    CW: 201.4, so no change, but it's better than gaining.

    The fact that I tend to stick at one weight for a while makes me confident that I'll be able to maintain once I hit my goal weight. Now I just need to get there!

    On Monday night, I did Week 5 Day 3 of Couch to 5K. I was supposed to run for 20 minutes or two miles without stopping but couldn't quite do it. I ran for 16 minutes, which was about 1.5 miles instead. I'm bummed I couldn't do it, but it was the first mile I've run outside...ever, I think! Tonight I'm going to try again, but it will be on the treadmill due to the mini-blizzard we're experiencing here in Minnesota.

    Sadly, I did not get a workout in last night and have no good excuse other than being lazy. However, I have been within my calories. I really need to kick it in gear to get the last 1.4 lbs. off by the weekend, though!

    Good luck all!
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    AMAZING JOB EVERYONE!!!! We're in the lead again!!!! Lets go for 2 weeks in a row...

    I had a great workout last night & this morning!! I found and fell in love with SF jello pudding snacks...only 60 calories. How's everyone else doing??
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