The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Oh...and if anyone is interested I've created an Excel spreadsheet to track my calories (I found it wayyyy easier than using this website) and it has helped me lose all 16 lbs!! If anyone would be interested I would be more than happy to tell you more about it and send it to you.

    Allie....I'm interested in this. Can you email it to me or how does that work?
    I know I'm eating waaaayyy more than I should be, thus the miserable slow loss. I'm getting fed up and haven't worked out in 10 days:sad:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    OK, so I've been on a Cheetos Crunchy Cheese curl kick for like 2 weeks. Today I noticed while eating my lunch that there were little blue spots all over the white paper plate I was eating from. I thought that was weird, but knew that it had to be something from the Cheetos. I looked at the bag and it states "Turns Tongues BLUE".... I mean seriously.... how healthy is THAT!!?!? What the heck are we feeding our kids? I'm throwing the bag dye, unreal.
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Want to learn more about the food industry?
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Want to learn more about the food industry?

    I'm going to check it out right now.
    Stephanie, that would scare the crap out of me :sick:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I had yummy oatmeal this morning. Plain old fashioned oatmeal. How's everyone doing? Working out? Drinking water? I did a class called Body Attack yesterday at the gym and burn 432 calories in 58 minutes....
  • WOW! 430 in an hour is great...are you sore??

    I had a great workout last night and this morning. It was -20 windchill here this morning so Im pretty proud that I pulled my butt out of bed to get to the gym (which luckly is only 2 blocks from my apartment). My work Christmas party is one week from today so Im determined to look great in my new dress!!

    How's everyone doing?? have you been, I havent heard from you in a while...
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    No I'm not sore, it was more aerobic than anything else. The weights usually make me sore though, they have a Body Pump class that's pretty cool too.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    I didn't do my workout last night because it took me two hours to drive to my friend's party and by the time it was done I was starving, so I ate dinner and went to bed. Naughty, I know, but seriously, two hours? People need to learn how to drive in the snow.

    I went over my calories but only by 8 calories, so I'm not beating myself up over it. This was even after I had a handful of chips and a few crackers at the party. I was so hungry, but refrained from filling up a plate.

    So, my intention is to do my next C25K workout tonight. Let's hope I actually get to it this time.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    So far so good. Did my work out at the gym with the lose big team, and even though I wanted to have take out because I had to go Christmas shopping and got home late, I made a turkey burger at home instead.

    I have Zumba tonight and off to a Christmas gathering at a friend's house.

    Heather - great work on your calories, I wouldn't even count the 8, you'll burn those through breathing!
  • was C25K last night?

    How was everyone elses night?? I can't believe we only have 2 more weeks until our final 3PC weigh-in...that went by soo quickly!! Have we decided what our next three challenges will be??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I regret to report that I did not do my C25K last night. I went Christmas shopping instead, but did stay within my calories again. However, it looks like today will be going over the calories, but if I stay within 400 it will balance with my deficit from yesterday and it will be fine. I'm lacking motivation for working out because shopping is so much fun! I absolutely need to get back on track after the holiday parties this weekend. I didn't even weigh myself this morning because I was scared of what it would tell me!

    I hope you're all doing better with the workouts than I am!

    Have a great day,
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Heather here are some tips if you don't get to work out:

    Park in the furthest spot from the store entrance
    Walk the entire store floor before you shop
    DON'T eat anything from the mall food court!
    Go to the sporting goods section and lift up a few weights
    Squat down like you're looking at someting on a bottom shelf, do this the entire lengh of the aise
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi sorry I have been MIA but I swear this holiday season is taking over!!!!
    I had the BEST weekend. My girls performed in their dance schools annual Nutcracker production on Saturday. My oldest one (13) played the role of Clara and of course I was sobbing like an idiot watching her on stage. It's so cool to see your kid on pointe floating across the stage.....awesome.
    Anyhoo, it's that TOM and I'm due any minute and about to explode. Stephanie, I'm gonna do what you did last week and weigh in this afternoon after I down a ton of water and and have a super healthy breakfast.
    Did I mention I didn't work out ONCE last week :sad: but will rectify that today, I promise.
    Allie thank you for the spread sheets, I'm starting to log today.
    How's everyone else doing????
    For the next 3 challenges....mmmmm, will have to think of something. Do we want to do 30 day goals or longer??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Thanks for the tips on what to do if not working out. I've always been a big fan of parking farther out in the lot!

    So, I haven't done any workouts since Monday(?!?) and went over on my calories both Friday and Saturday due to holiday parties. I didn't do too bad yesterday, but definitely back on track today. I had a protein shake for breakfast and a granola bar for my mid-morning snack and will be having another protein shake for lunch.

    Luckily, I have no money to go Christmas shopping with until the end of this week so I can stop using that as an excuse to skip the workouts in the evenings. I NEED to do my C25K workout tonight!! I'm craving a run.

    Needless to say, I was terrified to get on the scale and hadn't done so since Tuesday. This morning, I thought I'd better suck it up since I have an official weigh-in tonight and didn't want to be shocked. The result? I LOST another pound. This means I am 1/2 lb. away from being UNDER 200. I haven't seen that since 2006. Woohoo. The bad thing is that TOM will be visiting any day now, so I'm afraid that will hinder my progress.

    CW: 200.4 Yay!

    Hope you all had a good weekend and I promise, I'm back on track this week!!

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Excellent Heather! You'll reach your goal for sure.
    Shredder that sounds very nice have been able to see nice to see your girls up on stage

    I was a little hesitant to get on the scale myself this morning because of lots of sodium this weekend. But to my surprise I was actually down .5 lbs from 207 so down to 206.5 at -0.2% from last week.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Stepahanie and Heather.....GO TEAM!!!! What great achievements for you both :flowerforyou:
    Still cannot get on the scale...I just know the number I see will suck so bad. What's the latest I can weigh in you guys???
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Tomorrow morning I think. We haven't heard from Allie yet.
  • Sorry guys...I weighed myself yesterday and was very disappointed with the result...but I weighed in again today and now Im down to 143.5 (down .5 lbs)...which isnt bad but I was expecting wayy more. I'm a little nervous Ive hit my first plateau...I'm gunna continue to bust my butt this week and pray for 142 next monday, if that doesnt work I might have to switch things up a little --maybe more strength training

    Where's everyone else?? I'll post the updated spreadsheet as soon as more people weigh in. Even if you've stayed the same or gained a little please weigh in!!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    ok- checking 186 +.50 from last week.
  • 232323232%7Ffp63282%3Enu%3D33%3C4%3E%3A84%3E258%3EWSNRCG%3D325%3A99%3C355349nu0mrj

    we're back to 2nd place
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