The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Stephanie,your so funny with the uuuggghhh on the weight chart but i do agree with you.
    Those numbers are not pretty huh?
    ok- got to the gym this morning as promised and ran a mile, walked for 10m, abs and a really long stretchy cool down. Feels goooood to be back and not nearly as intimidating as I felt walking in. There a lot of little rolly pollies in there and they are all busting their butts!
    Today is good.
    Got by fridge and pantry purged and now filled with greens, chicken, eggs,yougurts etc.
    We can do this ladies....I'm really excited and feel the buzz coming from you all
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Stephanie....... I also agree about the weight chart, my numbers are horrible, youre also funny about not liking fruit (except grapes when there smushed into liquid form hahaha, i like grapes but also wine so im right down you and shredders ally.

    I must report to you all I kept myself within my calories, but im going to have a hard time getting this exercise in, i get up and get ready for work at 5:15am then im at work at 6:45am, I get home around 4:30 pm start dinner, eat do my sons bath get him ready for bed then my husband gets home, takes over with our son I clean up and prepare lunches for the next day, I sit down at 7:00 - 7:30 and the last thing on my mind is working out, im not sure what to do about this because i know my body needs the exercise to become healthy and lose weight.... Whats a fat women to do?
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Christine, there is no doubt that your life is hectic but maybe one or two of these ideas may work for you.

    *Buy the greatest invention known to woman....a crock pot. Seriously, they will do your cooking for you all day and all you need to do come dinnertime is serve!!! Chop and prepare for the dish you want to serve the night before and the next morning throw it all into the pot. You can make the most beautiful, healthy meals like soups, stews, all sort of meats etc. For this to work you have to plan your week's menu and shop for it in advance. The rest is a breeze.
    * When your husband gets home, grab your son and all 3 of you get out of the house for a walk, throw a ball, get on your bikes. Leave the dishes, they'll be there when you get home.
    * Throw on a yoga/stretching video at 7pm. It will totally relax you in addition to you doing something for YOU at the end of the day.
    *Can you start a "Power Hour" at work? Take a brisk walk with your co-workers for 30mins and eat a really healthy lunch.

    The biggest thing to aid in your weight loss is what you eat- it accounts for 80% of your success. So if you truely master that piece first and then incorporate excercise when your energy levels'll be on your way.
    Hope this helps
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Hi Christine - I had an additional ideas for you. When you get home you do 30 minutes exercise play with your son, like lifting him on your legs, play ball, ring around the rosie, anything fun that gets you moving, and you can use him as a weight :wink:

    The other idea is that while you cook dinner, throw on some music and dance as you prepare food. You may feel crazy while you do it, but it works.

    Checking in from yesterday - I actually had a pretty good day. I logged my foods and finally got to the gym after the holiday break.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Yesterday I logged my entire's day of food in the afternoon and stuck with it. I stayed within my calories and then burned 455 calories doing my Couch to 5K, Week 6 Day 1 workout and didn't eat those calories. Overall, a good day!

    I'm a bit mad at my scale because I'm at a definite plateau (again), but I'm losing lots of inches without losing weight so I can't completely complain. I keep reminding myself that the skinny people I know may be thin, but they're in worse shape than I am because they can't run a mile without stopping OR lift 50-75 lb. bales of hay!

    Christine: On my hectic days, I feel like you do, but ultimately I'll get up and workout at 9pm because I keep reminding myself just how much I want this! Tell your husband to make dinner once in a while so you can workout! Take the family hiking or ice skating to get your exercise in. Heck, dance around the kitchen as you make dinner. All of the activity calories will add up and if you're staying on track with your calories, you'll see changes!

    Keep up the great work, ladies!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hey Everyone, Thanks for the great ideas!

    Shredder ... whats nice is that i do own 2 crockpots hahaha, Im just not sure what to put in them. I get so sick of the smae thing over and over again, all ive really made in crockpots are chili and beef stew and i dont think there to healthy.

    Thank you Shredder, Stephanie and Heather for youre awesome ideas, ill def. put some of these ideas into action:drinker:

    My food intake has been great today,

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    You can always head to a bookstore and pick up a recipe book specifically designed for healthy crock pot meals.

    That's so cute you have 2 crock pots.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    UGGHHH I have a cold...which couldnt have come at a worse time, considering my 1/2 marathon is coming up on Saturday. I stayed home from work today (for the first time in 2 years) hoping to feel better...hopefully it pays off.

    on the upside I did stay within my calories!!

    I'm really psyched everyones been checking in soo much!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Oh Allie.. Rest up, that rots that your sick! I hope it dont get worse.

    Stay healthy and Hydrated :wink:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: Good luck! I can't wait to hear about your 1/2 marathon experience, as I'd love to be able to run one someday!

    Christine: Yesterday I read about a website called "Eat Better America" (I googled the name to get to it), which has some delicious looking recipes and some of them are healthy stews and soups to put in the crock pot! I printed a bunch off to start trying out this weekend. My boyfriend doesn't know yet he's going to be my guinea pig!

    Yesterday, I stayed within my calories (55 calories under) and didn't eat any of my 569 exercise calories. I drank all eight servings of water AND worked out for 53 minutes using my Cardio Kickboxing DVD. I love the cardio kickboxing because it's so fun that I don't even realize how hard I'm working. I burned 569 calories and had fun...who knew?

    The new Community Ed booklet came to my house yesterday and I"m excited that they're offering three nights of Zumba, all of them being drop-in classes that cost $5. I've been wanting to try it, but it didn't fit into my schedule last time, so I'm looking forward to picking a night to go next week. My sister's friend also called last night to see if her and I would be interested in joining an informal volleyball league. Yay! I just figure the more fun things I do that are active, the less I'll have to work at finding time for actual "workouts."

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Stephanie,Shredder Where r u ?

    Heather: thanks for the google site im going to check it out tonight, I had a good day today I worked out to a Kathy Smith DVD upper body only (20)min. I kow its not much but it was something, then I went out and played with my son for awhile in the backyard trying to sled on what little hills we do have in our yard, he had fun thats what counts!
    As far as my calories today I was way in range, to much actually I had 600 left, what happened was I had today off so I slept in till 10am got up and had coffee then ate around 12:30 for breakfast and ate dinner at 7pm so i missed an entire meal, its now 9:30pm and Im hungry but dont want to eat before I go to bed.

    Heather: MY mother in law goes to a Zumba class and loves it, and a friend of mine also has gone a couple of times and it kicks her butt she says, she come out drenched with sweat, shes asked me to go with her, on certain days she can bring friends for free , so i guess ill try it, it sounds like alot of fun.

    Allie: How are u feeling? 2 more days to your marathon, GOOD LUCK:drinker:

    Goodnight ladies!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Christine: Thanks for the feedback on Zumba. I won't be able to go next week, but am planning on it for the following week and am looking forward to trying something new.

    Yesterday I stayed within my calories, with 800+ left over after exercising. I drank 72 oz. of water, did my Couch to 5K workout and felt energized overall! For some reason, I'm really giddy again today.

    Happy Friday!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I'm here! I'm finally back into the groove of things. Lost my Christmas present pounds :)
    I LOVE Zumba! I think its the only exercise that I LOVE.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Oh and I meant to tell Allie GOOOOOOD Luck!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Thanks for all the support guys!!!

    I'm feeling like 80% Im praying for 100% by tomorrow! I'll try to post how I did some time tomorrow afternoon/Sunday!

    It looks like everyones starting the new year off great!! Great job losing the holiday pounds Stephanie! I'm jealous lol and for staying wayy in your calories Heather & Christine!

    Where are you shredder?!? We miss you!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Shredder: its friday, im taking out the wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Shredder: its friday, im taking out the wine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mee tooo :love:
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone,
    Well I had a good day ate well all day, do a lower body exercise dvd for 20 min. I wanted to log in my dinner before I pop the cork on the wine and when I did I went over by 67 calories:cry: . So I must say Stephanie I put the bottle back, maybe tomorrow:wink: .

    Ive made plans with a friend to go to the gym in the morning to do some cardio so I think Ill be good for a couple of glasses anyway , Then Ive got to come home and do some grouting yay, just what I feel like doing, ! Things to do to make a house look nice before you sell.

    Hope you all had a great day !


    Shredder???????????? you out there?
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    I'm here, I'm here!!!!!
    Me too, have my shiraz corked and breathing and ready to have a killer Friday night.:drinker:

    Allie, I do hope you are better. Running when you are ill and exerting that much energy can make you regress. I implore you NOT to run unless you are 100%, I don't care how bummed out you'll feel, it's so not worth your health. At the very least, cause we all know what a go getter you are, take it easy and STOP if you feel dizzy, overheated etc. Do you have a running buddy? If so, let her know your condition and a plan of attack if you feel nausus.
    Let us know how it goes and you know 3PC will be thinking of you all day tomorrow.:smile::smile: :smile:

    I'm in the dark about what Zumba is????Sounds like a dance of sorts but what kind?
    Go for it if it means shaking your booty and pounds off. I love it!

    So back to the saga of the crock pot. Christine, i made the most fab soup yesterday and the best part is each serving is only 192 cals and delivers your protein and complex carbs in every it is
    2 chicken breasts, 1/4 shredded cabbage, 2 diced carrotts, 1 sliced celery stick, 1/2 cup button mushrooms, 1/4 cup whole grain rice, 1 28oz can diced tomatoes, 2 cans low sodium, chicken broth, salt and pepper and any spices you like to add ( i did rosemary, sage and basil). Throw it in the pot on high for 4 hrs or low for 6 hrs and you have the most delicious meal. Of course you can add beans, and any other veggies you love, even double the veggies for a minimum increase in calories. Shred the chicken right before serving (just pull apart in the pot with 2 forks) and serve with ww bread or a sprinkle of cheese (bump up the cals for those 2 little ditties). My kids loved it and I have a days worth left to eat tomorrow.

    What do you guys think about sharing a recipe each per week. The challenge would be to keep it uber healthy, easy, affordable and most of all TASTY.... let me know your thoughts.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    :smile: To clarify, Stephanie would post her recipe by Monday for next week, Heather for the week after etc etc. Oh and by the way, this recipe does not HAVE to be in the crock pot (mmmm sounds like a good sign in name :smile: )

    One more thing. Can you guys go and get MPH2 back in the game. I already sent him a message and he feels like he's left the team down over the winter break, which is ridiculous because we all have had our ups and downs and we're still here.Sounds like he's taking it hard.
    He added an important element to our team and we need to get him back!!!!