The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Happy New Year to you too Heather and to all :)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Happy New Year to you too Heather and to all :)

    Thanks, Stephanie!

    Last night, I did some ice skating with my boyfriend and his son, so that was my workout yesterday. I only went 30 calories over for the day, so I feel pretty good about that as well. We bought snowpants and long underwear so we can continue our snowshoeing adventures. All in all, a great start to 2010!

    Hope you're all having a great weekend,
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Thanks Stephanie :) I hope your New Year has started off well, I understand what u mean by scared to weigh in:cry:

    Allie... Good luck with your 1/2 marathon, Im rooting you on :drinker:
    Im taking tomorrow off to clean my cabinets out and start the New Year Fresh( i know its already the 4th ) but this weekend all i did was put Christmas stuff away. The challenges sound great, I will weigh in 2mrow then set my goals for Valentines, St. Patricks and Easter, Im going to set some pretty high goals for myself. My husband and I bought a time share for x-mas so we plan on doing some vacationing and Id like to look some what good looking in outfits.

    Heather....... Thats awesome how you and your boyfriend ice skate and snow shoe keeping up the energy,plus seeing a shooting star first thing in the morning thats awesome! Can that star go for all of us? haha . All my husband and i have been doing is laying around watching movies, i guess thats what happens when you take the whole week off together:ohwell: Back to school and work for the kids and husband 2mrow, a day for myself:smile:

    Hey Shredder.....How are you doing?

    everyone take care and ill check in 2mrow,

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Hi there my friends. I have had the best Christmas and am so ready to get back in the saddle. Just spent a week in the snow just north of Big Bear in the quaintest cabin you ever saw. My kids had a blast sledding but fitting into those waterproof leggings (yikes)was a reality check. I need some serious changes to happen.
    LOVE the purge your cabinets idea and am all over it tomorrow.
    Also love the new about we name them...
    Hearts Desire....Feb.14
    Lucky Loser...March 17
    L'eggo the weight.... easter :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Here's my goal for V-day 175 lbs
    I want this guys and I know you are all really serious about your new committments.
    Can we do this???? Hell YES!!!!
    Let's rock and roll for 2010 and bring about some serious change and weight loss.
    Love you guys
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I love the names shredder...soo cute!

    My cousin was in town over the weekend so I didnt eat healthy at all. I'm Starting P90X tomorrow and I've already cleaned out my I have no choice but to eat healthy from now on!! I'm extremely scared to get on the scale...I was 146 last wednesday so Im really hoping I didnt gain more than a lb over the weekend.

    SW: 147
    Hearts Desire: 141
    Lucky Loser: 137
    L'eggo the weight: 135

    I think these are pretty realistic...its about 1 lb per week.

    So what are everyone resolutions for 2010??

    I'll post a new chart tomorrow/Tuesday, so try to weigh in by then. Sorry I havent posted one in a while...Ive been soo busy and its been hard to keep track of everyones weight loss.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Shredder: I also love the names!

    Allie: I forgot to weigh myself this morning, so I will post my weight tomorrow morning. I apologize for being late on this, but I was struggling to get out of bed this morning after the glorious long weekend.

    Yesterday, I stayed within my calories again and bought two new workout DVDs: Biggest Loser Jump Start and Biggest Loser Last Chance Workout. I tried a short segment of Jump Start and think the first two weeks of the program may be TOO easy, so I'll have skip ahead to their week 3-4 workouts. How awesome is it to be able to say that? I'm putting myself back on the program of doing Couch to 5K three days per week and rotating my workout DVDs or outdoor exercise the rest of the week.

    Yesterday, I started the cleaning process at my house. I only got part of the kitchen done, but purged all of the mail that has been accumulating on the counter for months AND got the pantry cleaned out. Now there's only organizing the rest of the cabinets, cleaning out the fridge. I also desperately need to organize my bedroom but didn't get to that this weekend. Baby steps, right?

    Tonight I officially start a Biggest Loser challenge at Daily Shake, the place I buy my protein shakes from. There are two categories which are highest percentage of weight loss and highest percentage of inches lost. My goal is to win ONE of the categories and I'm thinking it might be inches since it's hard to compete with guys when it comes to weight loss. They just have such an unfair advantage!

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Yes the names for the challenges are great! I'm happy to announce that my cabinets are clean, and the fridge and freezer too. I have to go food shopping tonight to fill it up with good foods.

    Weigh in this morning I'm up a bit 210.5, but that's ok, TOM came for a visit and I wasn't really paying attention to his arrival.

    CW: 210.5
    Hearts Desire: 195
    Lucky Loser: 187
    L'eggo the weight: 180
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Yes the names for the challenges are great! I'm happy to announce that my cabinets are clean, and the fridge and freezer too. I have to go food shopping tonight to fill it up with good foods.

    Weigh in this morning I'm up a bit 210.5, but that's ok, TOM came for a visit and I wasn't really paying attention to his arrival.

    CW: 210.5
    Hearts Desire: 195
    Lucky Loser: 187
    L'eggo the weight: 180

    Awesome job on getting the cabinets, fridge and freezer cleaned out! Have fun grocery shopping!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Ok I weighed in at 251.6. yuck
    Ive already gone over calories for the day -250 and its only 2pm, i have this huge appetite and i cant get rid of it, tom is coming and getting the best of me,

    CW: 251.6
    Hearts Desire: 240.0
    Lucky Loser:230.0
    L'eggo the weight: 225.0
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    ok- lets do this...

    SW- 187
    Hearts Desire :heart: On 2/14 I will weigh 175- 42 days to lose 12 pounds....2 pounds a week
    Lucky Loser :sick: On 3/17 I will weigh 169- 32 days to lose 6 pounds.....about 11/2 pounds a week
    L'eggo the weight :tongue: On 4/4 I will weigh 164- 19 days to lose 5 pounds.... about 11/2 pounds per week

    I will have lost a total of 23 pounds in a little over 13 weeks at an average of 2 per week.
    I will keep a food and mood journal and record my day at night- the good and the bad.
    I will weigh in without fail every Monday morning by 10am
    I will drink a minimum of 2 liters of water each day and aim to drink 3
    I will take my vitamins without fail daily.
    I will only have a glass of wine on Friday and Saturday nights- I will not drink during the week.
    I will work out a minimum of 3x weekly and aim for 4.
    I will incorporate strength training in 2 out of my 4 workouts
    I will keep a packed gym bag in my car so I can never have an excuse not to go.
    I will eat clean and avoid all processed anti-foods.
    I will plan my meals for the week and pack a cooler when I travel to avoid temptation.
    I will be more daring and try new classes and sports.
    I will reward myself with each milestone I reach
    I will not buy any new clothes to fit this current body, I will wait until i achieve my goals to purchase hot and smaller items.
    I will look in the mirror every day and repeat this mantra "How bad do you want this? Well..go get it"!!!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    That sounds amazing Shredder!! I think you should add that you will write on this post every we can see how youre doing throughout the week and not just on weigh-in days. Maybe brag every night that you went to the gym and stayed within your calories.

    We have NO more excuses to eat unhealthy (with the holidays gone and all) we need to bust our butts to look amazing by spring/summer!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Shredder! Youre Awesome! Im rite with you! How bad do I want this? BAD, REALLY BAD:drinker: And everyone else does too, I love all you ladies:heart:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Allie and Christine thanks for the encouragement! I'm gonna add your suggestion to my list Allie as it really does help with my accountability when I log in here. I know i won't be judged so honesty is really the best policy as there is simply no avoiding my actions and behaviours.
    So yesterday was my kick off and I did a lot right but it wasn't a perfect day (are there any?).
    I did journal,take vitamins, eat clean- but I also had 2 glasses of wine, didn't drink my water quota or work out.
    Today that changes. As soon as I get my youngest out the door to school I'm heading to the gym for my first workout of the year and I plan on making it a big one.
    How is everyone else doing and where is MPH hiding???
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I loved reading your post shredder. I'm right there with you with the wine (I love wine).

    I stuck to my grocery shopping list yesterday and now my house is full of good foods. I even bought oranges (I hate fruit, unless its crushed grapes made into a liquid form) and bananas. I can take bananas.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Awesome goals, Shredder. I love the one about not buying clothes to fit your current body; I'm definitely with you on that one.

    So, last night was the start of the Biggest Loser competition I'm in and there's a guy in it who is very competitive. Guess what I want to do? Not let on that I'm competitive and KICK his BUTT! At last night's weigh in, I hadn't dropped any weight, but was down about three inches overall from the previous week. How the heck does that happen??

    I stayed within my calories last night but didn't get any exercising in. Tonight I'm making sloppy joes for dinner and then will make sure I burn enough calories so I have a deficit. I've already logged what I plan on eating and am going to make myself stick to it!!

    Allie: My weight for this morning is 201...I think I forgot to give you information yesterday. Is that challenge still going on?

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240

    this just proves that we need to step it up a little!! hopefully we'll see everyone with pounds lost next week!!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Sorry...the numbers of labeled should read week 7 and 8 (i think), but the data is correct.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    As usual, Allie, you're awesome!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    All I have to say about the weight chart is UUUUUGGGGGGHHHHHH!!!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Thank you Heather!!

    I think it should be each of our personal goals to hit 3% total weight loss!!! We have 4 more weeks left...we can totally do it!