The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Oh Stephanie that really sucks! Maybe try just measuring your food out and when thats gone get up and go for a walk, or down a glass of water to fill you.
    Thats a hard one I go through that sometimes too and i have a hard time stopping, this past week with my tom i was coming home from work and going right to the chip bag and then felt wicked guilty after and hated myself, so instead i bought a huge bag of baby carrots and started on those instead so i wasnt over my calories. omg one day last week (sunday) i put all my food in for one meal and i was over 2000 calories for just dinner, i couldnt believe it, it was horrible, So dont get down on yourself it will pass, just keep thinking of that thong bathing suit u want to get in this summer! hahahaha

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    THONG Bathingsuit??? The only thing that I would use a thong for is skipping rocks in the water :happy:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Stephanie, I forgot to mention but your Fajita recipe was Da Bomb!!!!!!
    Awesome, awesome. Thank you for that. My kids couldn't get enough and I had it for lunch the next day also.
    Who's next up with a killer recipe????
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    LOL! Stephanie your funny:laugh:
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member

    Yes who? I was thinking one thing we could change though, if you don't mind. Can we post it on Fridays instead? That way if we go food shopping on the weekend we can buy the items. Let me know what you think of that?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sorry, guys, but I'll have to do some searching and trial for recipes to post. Unfortunately, I've never been a cook so the eating healthy has been hard for me. I'll try to find something, though!

    My boyfriend has been following the Men's Health Magazine Belly Off Diet and the meals are delicious and simple. For my metabolism type, the meals he's been making match what I need (higher in protein than anything else) and they all stay within my calories! I've searched the Women's Health Magazine website, but they don't have a good program that tells you what to eat each day for every meal. I need structure like that!

    So last night I went to the Brad Paisley and Miranda Lambert concert and it was the best concert I've ever been to! Brad can sure play guitar and Miranda is so sassy. There were over three hours of actual music, so it was well worth the money. Absolutely fantastic!

    Hope you're all having a great weekend!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    WOOOHOOO! Im out of the 250's I WEIGHED IN AT 249.8 THIS MORNING i LOST 1.6 LBS THIS WEEK!





  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Whooo Hooo Christine, congratulations!!!

    Heather - I like country music too, but it's been a while since I listened

    Well, I'm sorry to have to report that I'm up this week. I haven't been doing as well as I should have, I've been eating over my calories, and even though I've been exercising, it obvioulsy wasn't enough to burn my calories.

    I'm at 210.5 this week, and here's what I'm changing this week to address the issue. #1 - I'm keeping a notebook near me at all times to write down what I eat, #2 - I'm going to explore a new Zumba studio that's around the corner from my house to see if I like their instructors. That will give me the opportunity to do Zumba 7 days a week vs. 2 @ the gym.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Christine: Way to go, girl!! Keep up the momentum!

    Stephanie: Don't worry too much about being up. Do you watch your sodium intake? I'm up a little bit this morning and it's most likely from my higher sodium intake yesterday (darn Domino's). Drink lots of water to flush everything out and you'll be back on track. Keeping a notebook by your is a fantastic idea, too!

    As I mentioned, I'm back up a bit but am going to focus on flushing the system today with lots of water. Hopefully this will bring me back down, but as always, I"m blaming TOM! I also need to get active again, as I was a slug this week. I think we're going to order our snowshoes in the next few days and hopefully we'll get them for the weekend. For the only time since I was a kid praying for snow days, I'm looking forward to snow! Weird, right? It's amazing how much more fun winter is when I have things to look forward to.

    Have a great day!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Where is everyone??

    Yesterday, I stayed within my calories and even got a 30 minute brisk walk in last night. Woohoo. This morning, I'm down another half pound, putting me at 198.4, even with TOM! I cannot wait to get under that 190 mark now.

    I'm planning on doing my cardio kickboxing video tonight either before or after Biggest Loser and am planning on going to Zumba tomorrow evening.

    Hope you are all having a fantastic day!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Oh, you're going to love Zumba! I'm going to a class tonight at 5:45pm
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Current weight 212.0

    I'm not going anywhere. Trying to lose weight without working out just isn't working for me. I am going to have to squeeze in some activity anywhere I can. I'm ready for the weather to warm up so I can take the baby out in the jogging stroller and get in some miles.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I need to kick up the activity level a bit, too! I propose we each try to get a minimum of 30 minutes physical activity in during our day from now through Sunday. Anyone with me? Let's kick our weight-loss to a higher gear!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im In Heather! Sounds great, 30 minutes it is till Sunday Woot Woot lets pump it Ladies and Gent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I can do that!

    Where's Shredder and Allie???
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    That sounds great!!!

    I am very sad to report that I am still 147 (happily i didnt gain anything!). at least I know I will be able to maintain...but in my defense I did cardio yesterday for the first time in about 3 weeks (with the exception of the 1/2 marathon). Hopefully this will help. I am 110% determined to drop 1.5 lbs this week...and so far Im on the right track!

    Sorry to have let everyone down! on a more positive note...I think I might have lost an inch or two and Ive been crazy sore for the past couple days because Ive been doing strength training (instead of cardio)

    Great job to everyone who has lost weight this week! I hope to be in that boat next week!

    Heather...hows the biggest loser going at your gym??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: So far, I'm not in the lead in my Biggest Loser challenge, but it's very close! I'm hoping the weight loss for the guys will taper off a bit with the big football games and Super Bowl coming up!

    Yesterday I met the goal of 30 minutes exercise by doing Week 6, Day 3 of Couch to 5K, which was 25 minutes running without stopping. It was easier than I thought it would be, which says a ton in regards to the improvement in my fitness level! Tonight I'm going to a Zumba class, which I'm super excited about after all of the positive things Stephanie has said about it.

    Last night I also stayed within my calories but didn't drink as much water as I needed to. I'm working on that today. I've already logged all of the food I plan on eating today so that I behave myself. I've found that works so well!

    My boyfriend ordered our snowshoes last night and I'm hoping we get them for the weekend because we're expecting more snow over the weekend and we need to get our calorie burn on!

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Shredder...where are you??

    I'll post the new spreadsheet as soon as I hear from Shredder...or around 1pm, which ever one comes first.

    How was everyones night??
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: Thanks for keeping us updated. I'm anxious to see how we're doing!

    Last night I went to Zumba and had fun! Some of the steps were a bit hard for me to catch onto, but I would definitely go again and it did burn 703 calories in the hour long class. Whew! Even with eating Chinese food, which I logged before I ate it, I stayed within my calories. However, I'm up a tiny bit this morning from the sodium that Chinese food provides. Now, I'm trying to flush it out with extra water.

    I'm not looking forward to my commute home because on the way in, it was already sleeting and it's supposed to stay this way through Monday now. Yuck. So much for going to see my horse this weekend, if that's the case! Grrr. Tomorrow night, I'm supposed to play volleyball with my sister and her friend through a community education program. I'm looking forward to that since it's been a few years since I've played!

    Oh, and over the past week, my boyfriend has been getting calls from all of his lazy friends who never leave the house, saying they heard we're doing a candlelit snowshoe event and they want to join us! I think it's so awesome that we're inspiring others to get active just by being out there doing new things! Word is traveling fast.

    The other day, I got a message from one of MFP friends, saying that I'm inspiring him. How awesome is that??

    Time to get back to work. Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    That's cause you are inspiring Heather!!

    Allie - don't sweat the weight, you haven't let us down, we're glad you're here!

    Yesterday I walked each dog individually for 20-30 minutes, so I went for over an hour. Even though it's not a fast walk, I walked more than 30 minutes, so I'm counting it.

    Tonight is Zumba again, I'm glad the class is at 7pm because I have some errands to run before, and things are getting really busy at work. Good luck everyone!
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