The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    So the "naughty train" continues to roll through. I still haven't done any exercising (other than walking around while shopping) and I went over my calories yesterday. I dislike the holidays, but had a ton of fun shopping for gifts for kids yesterday. I bought two toys to donate to Toys For Tots and four pairs of mittens and four hats to donate to the local mitten drive. I still plan on making a donation to the food shelf and possible St. Jude Hospital. The local radio station is having their St. Jude Radio-A-Thon for the next three days and I was crying about three minutes into my drive this morning listening to it.

    Tonight I'm hitting the mall with hopes of finishing up my Christmas shopping. I know what I'm getting people, just need to find it.

    Hope you're all having a great day!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Apparently I hitched a ride on the "naughty train" too. Guess Santa's going to give me a big lump of coal. Which I will probably use to heat up the fireplace and roast hot dogs by the fire... Yes, that bad.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Hmm, I'm not big on hot dogs, so mine will probably be s'mores.

    I'm having a "hungry day" because I expect TOM's visit this week. How bad is it that I'm planning my bad snacks for this evening? At least I'm trying to fit them in while staying within my calories for the day!

    Wow, I need the holidays to be over...
  • allie5199
    ugh Yesterday was our work holiday party, so I over stuffed on treats & booze! I feel pretty guilty so hopefully that will be motivation to get to the gym today!

    Anyone else over do it with holiday parties?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    We had a retirement party for a coworker today and I overdid it. As long as I don't eat more than 600 calories for dinner, though, I'll be within my calories for the day.

    Tonight will be another night of shopping. Ugh. I can't wait for the holidays to be over so I can focus on my goals again.

    Hope you're all having a great day,
  • allie5199
    So I've officially hit my first plateau! I hate this!! Ive been between 143-144 for 3 weeks now. Anyone have any suggestions?? I'm thinking about eating more (right now Im at 800 net calories (which is like 1500 but I dont eat all my exercise calories)) and doing more strength training. Eating only half my exercise calories worked amazing for the first 6-8 weeks, but lately its really hindering Ive had 1 cheat day for each of the past 2 weeks...but I doubt it would hurt me this bad.

    I'll weigh in tomorrow...

    how'd everyone else do??
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Sorry I'm on vacation and don't have alot of time on the net. I stayed the same this week :( or :) I guess depending it's the "season"
  • allie5199
    I stayed exactly the same...143.5, BOOO!!! I'm raising my calories and lowering my expectations...I'm really hoping for 143 next Tuesday!

    Where's everyone else?? I cant post our progress if no one weighs in!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    in at 185.5.
    sorry, this week is hectic. May not talk to you all until the new year.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Sorry I missed the weigh-in on Monday! Wow this week has been flying by. I gained a little bit so I was at 201 but I'm blaming TOM. It's just not fair!!

    There have been treats in great abundance and I haven't been logging my calories, so I really need to get back on track after tomorrow. My boyfriend mentioned that he wants to do 30 Day Shred starting January 1, so I told him I'd do that with him and I'm starting a Biggest Loser challenge at the place I buy my protein powder from, so I'm hoping those two things combined will give my motivation a jump start.

    My new goal is to lose 30 lbs. by my birthday (April 24th)...this would put me around 170, which would be great even though it's a tad higher than my goal weight. I want to hit my goal weight of 150 by June 1st but that means I have a TON of hard work and discipline in front of me.

    Anyway, hope you're all having a great week and that you have a wonderful Christmas!!

  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone and Merry Christmas to you all :)

    I hope you all had a fun, exciting and safe holiday, I was able to stay home with my husband and two kids and relax. We started off with some Malibu and Oj on ice with plain bagels and light cream cheese and lox. I had no lox, just cant seem to get that down my throat, ? is so i wonder how many how many calories in all that! For dinner I made leg of lamb, fresh steamed green beans, mashed red potatoes, stuffing, rolls and butter and a couple bottles of merlot and cabernet, again how many calories? I didnt eat any sweets, but did have veggie dip and rippled chips during the day, Again holidays are done one more year passed and another year over weight! :( I can say I am not happy about this, but this is where all you great peeps come in :) I must say I am very proud of our group and I hope we all continue to stay a group and long distance friends that help each other when we need the lift. I personally would REALLY like us to all continue on our journey to a successful weight loss and becoming healthy and fit.

    Allie..... I apologize for not weighing in to keep our group up tp date with our challenge, Im embarressd to say that Ive put weight back on my last weigh in was Thanksgiving and I made challenge goal to 250.0 and I certainly did not make x-mas goal, I had to lose 8 lbs and actually I weighed in at 251.6, so Im dissapointed in myself that I let myself down but my group as well.

    So as of today Im getting back on track counting my calories and going through my house to get rid of any crap junk thats going to temp me to eat uncontrollably.. So whos in with me still? wooot woot!

    Are we going to make another challenge for our group? I like the date challenges it gives me a time fame for me to stay set at so i know how hard I have to work.

    Im glad to be back and hit the challenges again, I miss all of you, I hope to hear from all of you soon and get this engine steaming! hahaha

    Happy Holidays and New Year,
    Christine( ckholmes)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Christine: Don't worry about it because I did terrible over the holidays as well! I didn't track calories and didn't workout until yesterday. We'll both get back on track and 2010 will be our best year ever!

    Like Christine, I am looking forward to the new year and keeping this group going. I love having a solid group for support and I hope we'll all stick together for the new year! Would anyone like to propose a challenge to start us off??

    Allie: I didn't weigh myself this morning because my new, earlier hours at work started today and I had to really drag myself out of bed after my sleep schedule got messed up over the holidays. But, I did weigh myself yesterday and was at 202, so you can use that as my weight for today.

    Sorry, everyone, for my weight gain but I started back on track yesterday with snowshoeing for an hour (burned 727 calories!!) and stayed within my calories for the day. I got a cardio kickboxing video and a new workout outfit for Christmas so I'm pumped. By boyfriend just joined MFP, got some dumbbells and a HRM for Christmas so he's ready to join me in the weight loss adventure.

    I hope you all had a wonderful holiday and that you're all ready to start the New Year!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm happy to report that last night I stayed within my calories and did some exercising. I'm hoping to get back on the Couch to 5K program tonight; hopefully I didn't lose too much ground where that's concerned. I'll get to try out my new Nike earbuds for my iPod. Yay!

    I also have to decide whether I want to buy snowshoes, Reebok Easy Tones or Sketchers Shape Ups with the money my dad gave me for Christmas. I figure I'd better spend it on something that's good for me rather than more clothes that I'm hoping will be too big for me soon!

    Hope you're all having a great day,
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I'm afraid to weigh myself . . . . :sad:

    What's the next challenge?
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    What issss going to be our next challenge? Im going to have to kick myself in the butt this new year :huh:
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    I have a question ladies? When you reached the 10 lb loss mark did mfp ask you to update your calorie intake? and did you or did you stay at what you were at?
  • allie5199
    Hey everyone!!!

    Sorry its been so long since Ive posted anything...I was out of town for Christmas! I'm back, but I'm too scared to weigh myself...I skipped 3 days of working out while on vacation (mainly because my leg has been hurting), so I have a feeling I've gained a pound or two. Good news....I signed up for my first 1/2 marathon!!! I never in a million years thought Id say that...but its actually next saturday (1/9) so say a prayer that my legs feeling better and wish me luck!!

    Hows this for a challenge...some time before next monday you have to work out 3 times &&& clean (actually throw it out, dont eat it by monday) your house of all bad food (left overs from the holidays, junk food, holiday candy/cookies, etc). This should help you get on track for the new year.

    For the next 3PC what does everyone think of:
    Valentines day (2/14)
    St. Patricks Day (3/17)
    Easter (4/4)

    let me know...and start setting your goals!!!!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning,

    Allie: It's good to "see" you again! Congrats and good luck on your 1/2 marathon...that's something I'm hoping I can accomplish someday. I'm in for your challenge dates, so here are my goals.

    CW: 202
    Valentine's Day: 190
    St. Patrick's Day: 180
    Easter: 175
    My Birthday (4/24): 170

    I realize that they might be optimistic goals, but I'm determined to reach my goal weight by the end of summer (hopefully before). I'm a little bummed that I've stayed within my calories so far this week AND have exercised three days in a row but still have not dropped any of the holiday weight.

    That being said, I've met part of the mini-challenge by working out three days this week already. I did the W5D3 workout of Couch to 5K and was able to jog the entire 20 minutes even though I hadn't done any running in two weeks. It's amazing how much being in the right mind set has to do with it all! So, I'll plan on getting around to cleaning out my cupboards this weekend for the second part of the mini-challenge.

    We can do this, ladies!

    Have a great day,
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I love the challenges! And good luck on the 1/2 marathon Allie.

    Tomorrow I will clean my cabinets and refrigerator and make a list for food shopping for good healthy foods.

    Ckholmes - I just set mine manually, so I don't know if MFP asks to reset.

    My goal will be to lose at least 1% each week

    CW: Too afraid to get on the scale (but around 210)
    Valentine's Day: 195
    St. Patrick's Day: 187
    Easter: 180
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Last night was wing night so I was a little bit naughty, but only went over my calories by 77, so I'm not too bummed considering I did well the past few days. Tonight, my boyfriend and I are having our families over for New Year's and we're making a big meal along with an appetizer and dessert, so I know I'll go over my calories tonight. I'll just have to make up for it by working out tomorrow.

    This morning, on my way to work, there was an almost-full moon and I saw a shooting star, so I'm going to take them as signs of a good 2010 ahead of me.

    I hope you all have a wonderful New Year's and enjoy tonight's blue moon!