The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening!

    Okay, so I know I really shouldn't be stepping on my scale more than once per week, but I did it this morning anyway because I had lots of energy and thought I'd see something good. Low and behold, down another pound!! I'm now 4 lbs. away from the Halloween goal and have been eating within my calories. There's still hope!

    Hope you all are having a wonderful day! I'm about to head home to work out to burn off some of the stress from today!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Ya Halloween sounds perfect for the weigh in, I think it makes sense to stick with the goal dates.

    How much did all of you make for a goal to hit for Halloween? I only ask because I didnt actually make one this time around so of course I want to make one for Thanks\\giving but have it be reasonable.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I had made a goal of 6 lbs. for Halloween, but won't make it unless I miraculously lose 4 lbs. in the next two days. I'm not going to be too discouraged, though because I've already lost two lbs. this week and got past my plateau.

    I promise I'll try REALLY hard to remember to give my officially weigh-in on Saturday morning!

    Good luck, everyone.
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    I set my first goal at 8 lbs, then Thanksgiving at 6lbs, and lastly christmas at 5lbs. As of monday I was about 3 lbs away from my first goal...which I'm busting my butt to reach!!! I think the most reasonable goal would be one pound a week, so I set mine a little higher to really challenge myself :wink:

    Hows everyones week going? 2 more days...yikes
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Thank you for the info.
    Heather thats still great on losing 2lbs and breaking plateau, before our goal date, and we r weighing in a few days early , I'd be happy with the 2, Congrats to you!!!!:):drinker: :drinker:

    Allie your so close to goal good luck tomorrow weighing in, you can do it, if not weigh in on Monday( hehe)
    I feel the same as setting my goals higher, I feel It will keep me in check. So when I weigh in tomorrow and figure what my goals will be for Thanksgiving and Christmas.

    Good Luck everyone tomorrow!!!! :>)
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Ok it looks like Im the first to weigh in! And i stayed the same 257.2 Thats good for me for this week, I didnt log my intake in most of the week and candy has been floating past my face as well AND I had a salty dinner lastnite So Im good! :)

    Well for my goal for Thanksgiving Im going to shoot for 7lbs and Christmas 8lbs and thats weighing in on that Monday and x-mas being that up coming Friday. Good Luck to me and all you lovely peeps.

    Good Luck on your weigh in today everyone:drinker: I cant wait to check in and see how everyone did later!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Happy Halloween everyone!
    Ok- this is the first of our 3 major milestones for the remainder of 2009.

    Sadly I missed my goal which was to be at 182 today...I weighed in at 185.5 -3.5lbs since the 3PC began. I actually gained a pound since my last weigh in but I value the loss and will keeep steaming ahead full force.:tongue:

    My wins for this week...
    I didn't weigh myself compulsively every single day.
    I ate breakfast almost every day, which for me is a huge win.
    I got a ton of compliments on my hair ( my least fav feature) as I just colored it a dark brown. Those felt good to hear...self esteem +4pts ha ha

    CK- yeah- no gain is ALWAYS a win- great work.
    How are the rest of you doing?
    Good luck with the weigh ins today...I'll probably check in again this Monday to get me on track for the week.
    Happy ghost hunting :bigsmile:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    We are onto our Thanksgiving phase of the challenge tomorrow and welcome any and all newbies to jump aboard and be a part of our awesome group:flowerforyou:
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    Official Halloween weigh-in...151!!!! Which is exactly my goal...BUT I'm using a different scale so it might be a little off.

    I'm going to weigh-in again on Monday with the scale I've been using so it's more accurate & so I don't binge on candy and goodies this weekend.

    Good Luck to everyone!!!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    comeon ladies lets way in ! Were here together step on that darn thing! :}
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening, everyone!

    Okay, I didn't get a change to get on the computer yesterday, but here's my official weigh in.

    SW: 206.8
    10/31: 203.8

    So, I'm down three pounds this week. I missed the goal by 3.8 lbs. but hopefully I can make it up and still hit the November goal.

    Wins: I did not eat any candy for Halloween AND I had success with my Peg Bundy costume at the bar last night.

    Good luck everyone and keep up the good job!
  • allie5199
    I weighed myself again this morning...Im at 152.5, so I'm pretty sure the scale at the gym was a couple pounds off. I'm more than happy with that number, but I'm gunna continue to bust my butt to see 145 at Thanksgiving!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    It's been pretty quite around here...I hope that means everyone has been busy exercising and eating right!

    Is anyone else glad that Tracey finally got booted off Biggest Loser? I was impressed with how determined Rebecca was in her challenge against Rudy last night...You go girl!

    I did the Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD after watching BL last night and remembered why it's been so long since I've done that workout...tons of lunges and squats! But, I made it through and burned 298 calories.

    Have a great day!
  • allie5199
    So there’s a thread out there that proposes different challenges compete against each other each week for % weight loss. Would anyone in 3PC be interested in this? If so let me know...1st weigh in would be Monday. I'm just thinking this might be a good motivator for everyone...esp with our next two goal dates approaching quickly!

    I hope everyones have a great week!!

    P.S. Heather-I was pretty psyched Tracey finally got kicked off!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Allie: I'd be game for a little friendly competition. That seems to be the best motivator for me.

    Terrible but true story: When I was going to Weight Watchers several years ago, I would secretly compete against people who started the same time I did. I'd tell myself, "you need to lose 5 lbs. before her." Everyone would raise their hands at meetings when they met certain goals and my biggest motivator was being able to raise my hand more often or before others. The result? I lost 20 lbs. in 12 weeks...not a lot, I know, but I did it faster than anyone else in my group.

    Anyway, so last night I went for coffee with a friend then a fajita dinner with my boyfriend. According to MFP, I should be eating 1600 calories per day. Last night I went over by about 500 calories. This morning, I was on Medica's Health Manager, which is offered by my company's insurance plan. It said I should be eating 2000 calories a day to lose weight. I'm not wondering which is more accurate. I've been in the situation before where I wasn't eating enough calories to lose and I'd hate to be at that point again. Any thoughts?

    Hope you are all having a great day.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Allie- I LOVE that suggestion....holy cow... I say bring it:wink:
    I figure the more accountability we have not only to ourselves and to each other, but now against a challenge group is awesome. I am soooo into this.
    What are the details, rules etc???
    We can still keep our groups personal weigh ins and figure with another challenge added we'll reach that Thanksgiving goal faster-

    You guys are not gonna believe this but on Sunday when I stepped on the scale I was 192.5 freakin pounds. I was like what the heck!!!!
    I weighted in at 186 this morning and have got to chalk the ridiculous gain up to Halloween. Yikes!
    How about that for a fluctuation.
    I'm going hard core on Monday with a detox of sorts....
    Monday....Whey protein shakes all day!
    Tues....Egg whites, grilled chicken and veggies.
    Wed...Whey protein and fruit....
    No wine, no white flour, going to the bones.
    I know that if I see a significent wight loss in a short period, I'll be wicked motivated and blow our challeng group out of the water.
    I know it's not the healthiest but it is only 3 days and I need a win soon!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Allie: I'd be game for a little friendly competition. That seems to be the best motivator for me.

    Terrible but true story: When I was going to Weight Watchers several years ago, I would secretly compete against people who started the same time I did. I'd tell myself, "you need to lose 5 lbs. before her." Everyone would raise their hands at meetings when they met certain goals and my biggest motivator was being able to raise my hand more often or before others. The result? I lost 20 lbs. in 12 weeks...not a lot, I know, but I did it faster than anyone else in my group.

    Anyway, so last night I went for coffee with a friend then a fajita dinner with my boyfriend. According to MFP, I should be eating 1600 calories per day. Last night I went over by about 500 calories. This morning, I was on Medica's Health Manager, which is offered by my company's insurance plan. It said I should be eating 2000 calories a day to lose weight. I'm not wondering which is more accurate. I've been in the situation before where I wasn't eating enough calories to lose and I'd hate to be at that point again. Any thoughts?

    Hope you are all having a great day.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather hi...I'm trying to figure out a safe and achievable daily calorie allowance for you.
    How tall are you and on a scale of 1-10 (10 being can jog on a treadmill level 5 for 15 mins straight), how active are you?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Heather hi...I'm trying to figure out a safe and achievable daily calorie allowance for you.
    How tall are you and on a scale of 1-10 (10 being can jog on a treadmill level 5 for 15 mins straight), how active are you?

    I appreciate the help! I'm 5'6" and on your scale, I would be probably an 8 or 9. I can jog at 5 on the treadmill for about 10-12 minutes without stopping.

    Thanks again for the help...I definitely need it!
  • allie5199
    I'm soo excited you guys are interested in this challenge!!! Heres the details:
    Our initial weigh-in is Monday (11/9). This is considered our starting weight. Then each Tuesday after that I will post on the challenge thread (and ours) everyones (1) SW, (2) last weeks weight, (3)current weight, (4) total pounds lost for that week, and (5) individual % lost. Then I'll determine the groups % lost. Whichever team lost the highest percentage wins that week. **I still need to find out how long it goes for (hopefully through christmas), and how it works if people are added after we begin**

    Its really important that everyone weighs in on Monday so I can post on Tuesday.

    We totally have this!!

    Shredder-let me know how the detox goes...I'm interested in trying it before thanksgiving.

    Heather-have you been following the 1600 diet so far? if so, has it been working for you? I'd probably stick with the 1600, esp if its been working.