The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    MPH2- a HUGE welcome to the first and only guy (so far) to our team.:flowerforyou:
    We really need you for the team challenge so if you haven't already, you can get caught up on the whole goal deal by reading prior posts.
    Get ready to rock'n roll
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder, thanks for the support! I still need to lose another 2 lbs. to get rid of what I gained back by being naughty for too many days, but I'll get there.

    As far as stomaching a 6:30am workout...I normally can't! Like I said, I had that tea while watching Biggest Loser last night and it made me restless last night, then woke me up to use the bathroom this morning and I couldn't fall back asleep. I figured instead of laying in bed wishing I were sleeping, I could get my workout done for the day. It will probably never happen again that I do one so early, but it feels good knowing I don't have to take time tonight since it's Bar Bingo night!
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Thanks Shredder for the hearty welcome. The YMCA has childcare yea! I was able to run a 5K on the treadmill and lift some weights last night.

    Created by - Calorie Counter
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    It's quite out there tonight.....what's going on?
  • kelekele44
    OK - I'm in..

    Start weight 230
    Goal weight 165
    Current weight 227
    11/26 - 218
    12/25 - 208

    Good Luck everyone! :glasses:
  • allie5199
    Hey guys!

    Heres the new updated roaster for our group!!

    Starting Weight:

    KeleKele44 - 227
    MPH2 - 211.2
    Heather - 205
    Shredder - 186.5
    Ckholmes - 254.2
    Allie - 151.5
    Cds2327 - 219
    TOTALS: 1454.4

    I'm currently trying to figure out how to post fancy charts, so hopefully Ill have that done by next week!

    Welcome Kelekele & MPH2!!

    Heather...that sounds like a great challenge!
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    So yesterday was the first day of protein shakes and I have to say I'm a fan when they have coffee in them and are blended, but not a fan when just mixed into milk. Last night, I had beer, nachos and boneless wings while playing bar bingo with friends . Naughty, I know, but I actually was down another pound this morning. Could this truly be working?? I think I have to credit the fact that I had six glasses of water instead of my usual two.

    I also had a TON of energy yesterday from my workout in the morning. Today I have a bunch of energy too, and I don't know if it's the extra water from yesterday, happiness from being down a pound OR if the protein shakes helped that much. No matter what the reason, I think it's terrible I have to be at my desk instead of being active today!!

    Hope you are all having a good day. How's the exercising going for the week?

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Excercise is going really well. Ran 2 miles on the treadmill and 30 mins elliptical this morning.
    I actually can't believe I'm running 2 miles straight, I don't where it came from???
    I had finished 1 mile on Tuesday and kept going and realized I wasn't dead, hadn't fallen off, could still breath and was keeping pace with this skinny chic cruising beside me. Now I walk in and think to myself....get 2 miles under your belt.
    Yesterday was horrible :explode:
    Had 2 beers with the girls at lunch and then 2 glasses of wine last night. HEEELllllOOOOOOO???
    Plus I didn't work out- sigh, made up for that today.
    Still plan on making your challenge this week Heather- with a work out on Fri and Sat.

    I'm weighing in tomorrow everyone just to keep me in check for the week and upcoming weekend.
    I'll also weighing in for the group challenge Monday.
    Welcome kelekele :flowerforyou:
    CK- where are you?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Shredder: I didn't exercise last night, either, which means I have to workout today, tomorrow and Sunday. So much for sticking to my own challenge, huh? I also had pizza last night, which was naughty but delicious.

    The protein shake thing has been hard because I am starving my dinner and therefore make bad choices, but am staying within my calorie range. The shake I made this morning for my lunch is awesome, though...chocolate raspberry. It blended perfectly and I'm looking forward to lunch now.

    Have a great day!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im here Shredder, just been taking some time away from the computer, Ive had some headaches which have left me not wanting to do a darn thing, I did go out with a friend yesterday to get out of the house for awhile and had lunch at longhorn resteraunt I had Salmon, steamed veggies and sweet potato..... good ah! Thats not all though Before the meal I had some texas tonions (very very GOOD) and a huge Margahrita AND some Bread It was all very good then after my meal I was stuffed and had to go walk around in some stores to help digest alittle food. This was a downfall for yesterday but I also havent exercised ALL week, I cant seem to find the energy, That time of the month maybe? Ill be readt to weigh in on Monday though, :drinker:

    Do we weigh in on Tuesday for the challenge with the other teams?

    Ive got Turkey burger out for dinner Anyone have any suggestions on what I could make? :heart:
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Beer and wine last night, I'm well into the "negative calories left"

    How do you make your weight loss tools automatically part of your signature?
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Yuck .... what a rainy day!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    MPH- go to tools and choose your style of weight loss ticker.
    Once you save it, it should auto show each time you post. Doues that help?

    Hella of a hangover today- why do I overindulge :drinker: - had so much fun though.
    I really do not think I will make it to the gym today, so I have blown your challenge Heather. I did go yesterday and ran 2.2 miles. Thought I was going to have a hernia on the treadmill :laugh: that was 4 times this week.
    Hey there ck- sorry to hear about those headaches. Hope you feel better!!!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    I ate like crap lastnite, had a salad then followed by an order of jalepeno poppers and salsa and tortillas:sad:
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Well I am glad no one is getting voted off the team because I would definately be below the "Yellow Line" this week. Starting weight 211.2 today's weight 211.8.

    It was just the first week back into a diet and tracking calories, I am ready to get serious now. So my goal for this week is to get below 210. In the past I used copious amounts of exercise to lose weight, but witht he baby, I will have to change my focus to calorie reduction and squeeze in work-outs where I can. I did bike 43 miles yesterday, but clearly that is not enough.

    BTW nice work shredder on working out 4 times last week.

    Cry in the dojo, Laugh on the battlefield.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    Wow, looks like we all were lacking discipline this weekend. I had a wonderful time bowling and drinking with friends on Saturday night, though. And then there was dinner with a good friend last, including more beer.

    Even with all of the overindulgence, I've lost all of the weight I gained back, so I'm ready to get to that 200 mark this week!

    CW: 203.8

    If I can count bowling for exercise, I met the challenge; if not, I was one day short on the exercising.

    Hope you are all having a great morning!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Can i first of all say that I HATE weighing in on Monday...sorry but I do!
    I work my butt off Mon- Friday and then indulge a little over the weekend so my weight on Mondays always reflects a gain and I have to start all over again :explode:

    I had a horrible Sat and Sun and gained 5 lbs over 4 days-
    CW- 189 (I was at 184.5 last Tues) so thats a gain of 3 lbs for the challenge and is detremental to the team. Sorry guys, I know I have let you down. It's that TOM and I behaved like a total twit with the snacking and eating. I need a bonk on the head. Who wants to go first?:cry:

    Heather...I want to do your 5 day workout challenge again this week- you guys in?
    MPH2- are you kidding with the 43 miles on a bike? You are totally on fire- keep it going :smile:
    CK- we've got to get back in the groove and shake off the funk we both seem to be in. This can be our week.

    Here are my goals for this week-
    Get in 5 workouts (aim for a total of 10 miles running)
    Cut off eating 2 hours prior to bed.
    Drink 2 liters of water daily
    Good luck out there for the weigh in, oh and Heather congrats on your loss!
    Be at 185 on Friday ( i know this weight is yo yoing right now- I need to stabalize it)
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Shredder: Thanks for the support! I'm game to repeat our workout challenge from last week. We can do this! And don't be so hard on yourself...we all do it and it's obvious you know you need to jump right back in. You'll do great this week, I just know it!

    Allie: Did you need more info from me regarding the weigh in, or do you have the rest of the stats from last time?
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    I concur with weigh-ins on Monday, I know I used to do Tuesdays just for that reason, but I'm sure we could all do with a bit more restraint over the weekend. If you add up all of your calorie deficits for M-F then add up your calorie surpluses for the weekend, it is easy to see how 2 bad days can ruin all the efforts of 5 good days.

    5 workout challenge I'm in.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone,

    Great job Heather!
    Shredder as Heather said , jump right back on and you'll do better this week as I will too.
    I had a horrible week but I managed to lose 1 pound at that was just now that I weighed myself after I ate lunch( pasta and bread) and a glass of water and still a pound down

    CW ( 253.4)

    For a goal this week I'm going to at least get one day in exercising, (that would be good for me) I just dont make time for it. So if I get just one day in Ill be proud of myself.