The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Allie- what a super job you have done, Thank you thank you:flowerforyou:'s all clear as day in black and white on that spread sheet and how embarrasing to have GAINED weight and let you all down. I am so sorry team, it will NOT happen again. It is a wake up call though isn't it?
    I too am on that TOM (sorry MPH to have to put you through this) and I have figured out I am using these days as an excuse to cheat and more I say.
    I read an interesting article about emotional eating and how the acronym HALT plays such a huge roll. 4 things to ask yourself when you reach for the cake. Are you....
    H- hungry
    Cool huh...I have it on a post it on my fridge's working guys.

    Allie- I just knew you would break that barrier and I'm totally convinced you will win next week. The biggest change I know I make in dropping weight fast is to cut off eating at 6:30pm and hit the sheets at 8pm- thats not eat again until the next morning. Watch the weight fall off you.
    Welcome Stephanie- we are thrilled to have another teammate!!!
    ok- I am p***ed off about that other team in the lead. I promise I won't let you guys down next week:drinker:
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    I have completed three of the five workouts for this week. Last night, I did Biggest Loser Power Sculpt and this morning I did Week 4, Day 1! It was hard because it was 6:20am, but I made it through and have had just a ton of energy the past few hours. I had my protein shake this morning and am on my way to a good day. It's wing night tonight, so that's motivation not to snack today and it was my motivation for getting up at 6am (an hour earlier than usual)! Oh, the sacrifices I make to have my boyfriend's favorite meal with him once a week...

    Someone asked if I'd done Couch to 5K before...nope, this is the first time. I previously was training for a 5K on my own, but this is the first structured plan I've done. I haven't had any trouble with my knees, but it's been a few years since I've had knee trouble overall. Once in a while I feel it in my hips, but that's because one leg is slightly longer than the other.

    Shredder, we KNOW you won't let us down. I have TOM, too, so we'll struggle through it together.

    Anyway, welcome to our new challenge member! Keep up the great work everyone!

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Haven't forgotton your challenge this week....heading to the gym in one hour for my 2mile run. It's getting easier and I just downloaded the most killer music to get me going. This will be the 3rd workout of the week and come hell or high water I WILL make it to the gym Fri and Sat.
    The wheel on my ipod broke and I've been listening to my 13 year olds for the past 3 weeks....Lord help me but I can't take Green Day any longer :laugh:

    MPH- do you bike on the road or at the gym? Do you belong to a cycle club. You seem pretty serious about it...I was just curious.

    Lynette.....where are you....I'm waiting for you:flowerforyou:
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Shredder, thanks for your intrest, I ride on the road. I am a Cat 4 racer and I ride for Richardson Bike Shop here in Plano, TX. About three years ago I dropped 36 pounds using (a site similar to this one) which allowed me to move from the ranks of charity tour riders to road racing. I gained about 7 of those pounds back but I stayed there for over 2 years. We recently had a baby, Madigan, and in the intervening 4 months with the sleepless nights, no time for work-outs and general stress I gained almost 15 pounds!!! So now that she is sleeping it is time to get back to work and regain some form. So if anyone has any cycling or endurance sports related questions, I 'm your guy.

    For cool free music podcasts check out they have weekly podcasts designed specifically for working out.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Cool....forgive my ignorance but what's a Cat 4 racer?
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member

    USA Cycling is broken in to categories 5 through 1. Cat 5 is where everyone starts, learn the basics and tactics of bike racing. Cat 4 is a level up with a more skilled an intense field of riders. To give an idea when I raced Cat 5 our average speed was 21-22 MPH, Cat 4 races usually average 25 MPH. Cat 3 is even faster and is where the best local racers usually end their climb. Cat 2 and 1 are neo-pro or elite ranks and usually are people trying to go pro or used to be pro and now race at an amateur level. Above the amateur level is Contiental Pro which are pros that only race in a single country American teams such as BMC, Jelly-Belly, Toyota-United, etc. Above that is Pro Tour teams which race in venues around the world, these are the guys you see in the Tour de France. For 2010 Lance Armstrong is creating a new team with the sponser Radio Shack, other American pro-tour teams are Colombia (sportswear), Garmin-Chipolte, and BMC appears to be making the move up to Pro Tour status. So their you go a primer into the world of competitive cycling. LOL

    So what are your guys hobbies, sports or passions?
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    MPH2: I have to say I envy anyone who can be serious about bicycling. I tried it a bit this year, but had to give it up because my right hand goes numb every time I ride for more than 20 minutes. I went to a chiropractor who fixed it, but it came back the next time I biked, only to have the chiropractor fix it again. Needless to say, I've given it up for good. It's most likely because my bike was a cheap one that isn't fitted to me, but I don't have the money to get a good bike. That's awesome that you do it, though!

    I'll stick to horseback riding and jogging! Horseback riding is my true passion and I'm currently in the process of obtaining my therapeutic horseback riding instructor and I coach a Special Olympics Equestrian team. I'm addicted to teaching kids how to ride horses!!

    So, last night I stayed within my calories for the day even with the buffalo wings. I skipped the beer and had lemon water instead and therefore got 7 servings of water in for the day, which is a huge improvement over my usual. I'm hoping I'll be able to get a workout in tonight, but I have tickets to see New Moon...dorky, yes, but I can't help it!

    Hope you're all having a great day,
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Wow- MPH2, what a huge achievement to have such a dedication (and knowledge) of the sport.
    Last time I rode my cheapo bike I went head over heels over the handlebars and had to walk home with it in tow cause I buckled the wheel. I admire you, I really do.

    Just got in # 4 workout- ran 2.25 miles, walked uphill .75 So far this week I've ran 9 miles...that's the most I have EVER done in one week in my life :laugh: Yahoo
    Plus I weighed myself this morning and am back to 186 lbs :bigsmile: need to hold on to that until Monday- the weigh in day from hell!!!no, just kidding

    Mmmm hobbies- I dabble in interior design and just redid the grandkids room at my in-laws and my girlfriends daughters room- they both came out quite well.
    I also love photography, gardening and am an avid beach goer (gotta love San Diego)
    This time of year I always break out my knitting needles and knit a ton of scarves for my friends and daughters friends for Christmas gifts - I know sounds a bit nerdy right? but it relaxes me and I have something to show for downtime.

    What are you all up to this weekend, any big plans out there before Thanksgiving?
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Heather you are right it is a matter of bike fit. Numbness in the hands is caused by too much pressure on the hands because your body is too far forward on the bike. The best way to address this is a bike fit at your local bike shop. Another contributor is locking your elbows and getting "turtle neck" where your head crunches down inside of your shoulders. On the bike your arms are your best shock absorbers and only work when your elbows are bent. This takes quite a bit of concentration and effort to maintain bent elbows throughout an entire ride, but it becomes habit. The third cause is poor flexibility and strength in your lower back. You should use your core to lift up your torso while riding vs. just leaning all your weight on the bars. Horseback riding is a great workout as well and it sounds like it is something you are passionate about. Not to mention you are reaching out and giving to others. Awesome.

    Shredder, over the bars (OTB) has but one cause too much front brake. 70% of your stopping power comes from the front brake so it is easy to apply too much, stop rotation of the front wheel, and boom inertia carriers you right over. You did say you taco'ed your wheel so it could be you just ran into

    Have a good weekend ladies and "keep the rubber side down".
  • allie5199
    I'm jealous...I want to buy a nice bike but I live in a big city and I'm a little scared it will get stolen.

    as far as sports go I am the most un-coordinated person you will ever know...I cant throw/catch a ball, I have no rthym, no aim, I can barely run in a straight line...but at least I know this and can laugh about it :laugh:

    I do LOVE to run though...I'm even training for a 1/2 marathon.

    Shredder thats so great!! Do you go to the gym? are you signed up for any 5k''re almost there!

    As far as the weekend goes...I havent been feeling too well lately (I got a little dehydrated & iron deficient so I skipped 3 work my new goal is 10 by the end of the week (Im currently at 7)) so I'm hoping to be back to 100% for the I can bust my @$$ at the gym, win biggest loser and have some spending money when I go home for Thanksgiving!! BUT I know that I need to be careful & my health comes first so I'm not going to push myself if Im not feeling well.

    What about everyone else? I hope your weekends are more eventful then mine!!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather...I met your challenge- just completed my 5th workout for the week :drinker: and ran a total of 10 miles, a personal best.
    Allie I run on a readmill at the gym and have never considered a 5K- you know what, if I can run consistently for a month I just might.
    Have you weighed yourself yet? I'm dieing to know if you are where you need to be.
    MPH- you are so right about the brakes lol-
    The city was laying new road and my wheel got caught between the lower old road and the higher just freshly laid road. I slammed on the brakes and over I went.:sick:
    Off to lunch with my girlfriend right now to have a mimosa and salad.
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Good morning everyone, just weighed in at 209 exactly.
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Nice job Stephanie!!

    My current weight is : 210.0 Previous 211.8

    I didn't get below 210 per my goal but I had a Thanksgiving lunch at work last week and relatives in town for Thanksgiving over the weekend. 5 workout challenge didn't happen I managed to squeeze in 3. More relatives this week, goona be a challenge.
  • allie5199
    I lost Biggest less than half a pound :sad:

    On the up side...Im at 147!!! (actually 144, but I did Bikram Yoga so Im attributing 3lbs to water weight that I'll gain back in the next couple days) I havent been this weight in almost 2 years! I'm going to bust my butt this week to get to my goal of 145 on Thanksgiving...then my only goal is to not gain while I'm home :laugh:

    I hope everyone else had a wonderful weekend!

    Nice job MPH & Stephanie!! I have a feeling were going to kick butt in the challenge this week!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    :happy: Way to go Allie. What an achievement to be almost at you goal weight by your goal date. I know it happened only because you WANTED it soooo bad and worked your butt off, you so deserve it. You're a winner to us all:drinker:
    Stephanie and MPH- Yahoo- love those numbers- great work guys

    My stats-
    Last week...189
    Today...187 -2lbs
    Met the 5 workout challenge plus ran 10 miles total for the week, a good week overall!
    Like you MPH, I have family in town and the obligitory lunches, dinners etc.....HAVE to make time for me and my workouts and not get derailed.
    Good luck to everyone else today- 3PC ROCKS
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning, everyone!

    So, I met the workout challenge and got five workouts in this week. I actually jogged on the local path with the public! Other than the gym (where only other members could see), I haven't moved faster than a walk in public in a very long time. But, it wasn't until after I got done that I thought about that fact.

    This weekend I was also good with my water intake, with Saturday getting 8 glasses of water in.

    On Saturday, I had lunch with the friend who did Slim4Life to lose 45 lbs., but I've decided there is NO WAY I will be doing that diet. They recommend NOT working out and they restrict the things one SHOULD be eating, such as low fat milk. Anyone who tells people not to exercise is crazy to begin with, but then to tell any woman she should limit her dairy is insane. Hello, osteoporosis. Not to mention that I read a bunch of reviews about the diet online and most people gained the weight back immediately after quitting the counseling AND several people said they were asked if they were sick because they were thin with no luster to their skin and no tone. I'd rather have the extra pounds and look healthy and be strong!! Okay...sorry for that rant.

    MPH: Thanks for the information about the biking. Maybe I'll try again in the spring. At least I can say I've done the Mackinac Bridge ride, which was killer since I hadn't trained or anything, but it was a huge accomplishment!

    Shredder: Good job on getting the workouts in. You rock!

    Allie: Way to go with your Biggest Loser competition. You are my inspiration. Keep up the AWESOME work.

    I weighed myself this morning and am at 204 even. So, no loss but I'm blaming TOM. I do, however, think I've lost some more inches because my jeans are loose! My size 14s can be pulled off without unzipping or unbuttoning now (needless to say I have to always wear a belt). I can fit into my 12s again but they're just a tad too tight to be comfortable...5 lbs. and I'll be under 200 AND in a size 12....I need to ramp up the workouts a bit more!!

  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Options close, but your a winner anyway fitness carries its own rewards.

    Nice job Shredder!

    Under 200 and size 12 happy days are near Heather keep it up.
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone ,

    Great job with your weigh ins! I weighed in the same this week 250.4 , No loss or gain! Ill take it.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Allie- kelekele is at 220
    I sent a reminder for her to weigh in but I don't think she found us on the community board.
    How did we compare to the competition this week...
    Nice job everyone...looks like we've all go0tten a little serious about this- I love it.
  • allie5199

    We are kicking butt!! Ill let you know how we compare to the other teams...

    if you have any problems reading the chart let me know