The Three Part Challenge!!!



  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone,

    Welcome back MPH-2 ; ' }

    I did fit in exercise this week a couple of dvd's, and the gym and a walk on Sunday outside, This week nothing yet, Im very sore, I went to the doctors today to have him check my back out, Its been hurting for months. Not sure how I did it but i strained my Lats, im guessing work.

    Im wicked upset with my weight though 252.4, I know I messed up on Sat. but my goodness Ive been doing good since and keeping my calories in check, It is the tom of the month but it hasnt hit me full borr yet. How depressing :( I hope for a better weigh in next week.

    I see some awesome recipes, these are great and are making it easy for me to decide what to have for dinner, thank you !

  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I made the fajitas last night, yummy! Tonight is chicken and shrimp creole. Also, I subscribe to Real Simple magazine, and this month they have a whole month of healthy 400 cal dinners. I think you can get them all on their website

    Christine - don't be upset, just keep going and drink more water to flush out any sodium that you may be retaining water from.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    I want to start by saying THANK YOU to all of you for being here to help me through this journey. You're all so awesome!

    That being said, I am happy to report that this morning's date with the scale said 199.8!!! Woo hoo! I'm super excited and motivated to watch those numbers continue to decrease. During my little celebration this morning, I woke up the house and then had to text my boyfriend to let him know I finally teetered below 200. I haven't been under the 200 mark since 2006, so this is a huge accomplishment for me. I couldn't have done it without all the support you have all given me!

    Yesterday I stayed within my calories, drank 48 oz of water (wasn't very thirsty) and exercised for 30 minutes with my mom. I had a tough time eating very much last night and found myself searching for more healthy things to eat to get closer to my calorie goal. Then, I thought, why am I eating just to get calories if I'm not even hungry? So, I stopped and left it at that. But, I'm having a hungry day today since TOM is expected soon, so I've been snacking on string cheese. Grr. TOM better not take away my under 200 progress...

    Hope you're all having a great day and thank you again!

  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
  • m0m2three
    Shredder... is the invitaion to join you all still open? I have looked over a few pages of past post, but am still a little unsure exacly what goals I need to set & what challenges are currently going on?
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Im checking in today saying WHAT A ROUGH DAY! Finally tom started phew! This morning I weighed in at 251.4 so down 1 pound from yesterday.

    Stephanie Ive been putting the water right to myself today.

  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    AMAZING JOB HEATHER!! Im soo excited for you!!

    I'm weighing in at 147 again...booo :noway: I WILL be at 145.5 next week!!! I havent been able to do cardio since the this week Im mainly focusing on strength, hopefully Ill lose some inches.

    Ill post the spreadsheet tomorrow! SO be sure to weigh in if you havent!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240
    HI Mom2three!!

    Welcome to our group! Basically you set 3 goals for yourself (1) V-day, (2) St. Pattys day, (3) Easter.

    We try to set group goals once a week. we weigh in every monday/tuesday...then I try to post our spreadsheet of our progress on Wednesday/Thursday.

    We are currently in a competition against 2 other groups to see who can lose the more weight in 12 weeks...were wrapping up week 9 now. You are more than welcome to join us...just let me know your current weight.

    This is a great group...and we cant wait to hear all about your goals!
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    mom2three, WELCOME!!!! you are now a part of the coolest, most inspirational thread on mfp!!!! No, seriously, we are soooooo committed to this journey, it will blow your sox off.
    Allow me to introduce us...,
    MPH is our bicycle guru and a total authority on the subject. Any and all questions on that subject, forward to him. He's also the lone male in this pride and one we love and respect!!!!!
    Heather is your go to person for counting calories, excersizes, trying new work out options and keeping on track with goals and deadlines. She's your go-to person for "accountability" ane we love her for it.
    Christine is the sunshine of the group. May dissappear for a few days but you know your day will be brighter when she speaks.Tougher on herself than we could ever be, this woman speaks volumes while all the time whispering.
    Stephanie is hard core, no knocks, take it like a man. I LOVE this woman. Down to earth,no bull**** and full of intelligence, charm and style. Value's only she can add.
    Allie is the bomb. Bottom line, she says what she sets out to do. She rasies the bar for us all. Allie is no joke and I love her for it.
    So, post your current weight (SW=starting weight) and where u want to be by V-day. That's it, couldn't be easier..
    REMEMBER: when Abe Lincoln was askedn what he would do if given 6 hours to chop down a forrest??????His answer was to spend 4 hours sharpening his axe and then.............
  • MPH2
    MPH2 Posts: 36 Member
    Welcome Mom2Three!

    Congrats Heather so cool to break through a threshold that big. In cycling parlance you are no longer a clydesdale!

    The biggest challenge for me is trying to lose weight without exercise or at least very little exercise. in the past I just put in more miles to drop weight, but my wife's work schedule leaves me with baby sitting duties every week night and on Saturdays. So anyway we have been doing a lot of cooking over the past few weeks, trying to cook more vegetarian dinners (so nice to say after dinner no animals died in the production of this meal) and taking lunches to work (the only way to really control calories and know what you are eating).
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    Shredder: Thanks for the great introduction. I love it!

    Mom2Three: Welcome! We hope you enjoy this thread as much as we do!

    Allie: Keep up the strength training!

    MPH: Clydesdale, huh? I guess that works with my "horsey" stuff, too!

    Yesterday I stayed within my calories (had 217 left for the day), drank 96 oz. of water and said no to chocolate before bed. I didn't do any exercise, but that's okay because I was under my calories. Last night, we had buffalo wings for dinner, but I drank water and logged everything before I ate it to make sure I would stay within my allowance. Low and behold, the scale said 198.6 this morning! Gotta love that.

    TOM is on the way, but hopefully my current weight is my bloated weight. Wouldn't that be lose during TOM and then drop even further when it's done? Hmm...I think all of the water intake is the key.

    If I keep going this way, I'm going to blow the cocky guy at the challenge out of the water!

    Have a great day!!
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    Mom2Three - Welcome!

    Heather - :drinker: :flowerforyou: :love:

    MPH2 - glad to see you back

    Shredder - I loved the introduction too! What I find even more amazing is that you hit right on the head what my friends have always said about me!

    allie - you WILL be at 145.5 next week

    Christine - I'm right there with you on the water, I need more.

    As for me - I'm no longer tracking my exercise, or at least the calories burned portion becuase I KEEP EATING THEM, and I don't want to do that!
  • allie5199
    allie5199 Posts: 240

    Great job everyone...esp Heather, who is now our biggest loser!!!

    I have a little game for us to play...everyone offer one piece of advice youve learned while on your weight lose journey. Share anything you want that you think might be helpful for others to hear.
    ....I'll start -- only eat half (at the most) of what you burn! Dont eat all of your exercise calories, esp when you're not hungry.

    Who's next??
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    One thing that I've been trying to do more this time around is to stop whatever I'm doing while I'm eating, and just focus on eating. So for lunch, I eat in the kitchen, no magazine, no computer, just me and the food. And my boyfriend and I have been eating at the table instead of in front of the tv.
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    I'll add...Do not become a slave to your weight loss. Eat when you're hungry, stop when your satisfied and get out there amongst the "do'ers" and LIVE life to the fullest. This loss will happen but it will take time, in the meantime, embrace the awesome things about you today and celebrate those :happy:
  • shredder
    shredder Posts: 404
    Heather, I can feel the fire coming off of you at the rate your losing :heart:
    You are an inspiration and we are all so happy for you. Your boyfriend must be stoked!!!

    MPH- I think your current strategy is an excellent one seeing as your exercise routine may be compromised slightly for a bit.
    I agree, it's all about what you put in your mouth. You can work your butt off 4 hours a day in the gym and blow it all at mealtime.
    Think control :flowerforyou:
  • m0m2three
    Hi all, thanks for the warm welcome.

    SW 235.5
    V-Day 225
    St. Patty's Day 215
    Easter 208

    My Tip ~ Before pictures (a few you especially hate of yourself) & other people's before & after's are very motivational & they are a great distraction when your feeling like fudgeing. :wink:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good afternoon!

    Thanks everyone for the awesome encouragement. I sure appreciate it; it's what keeps me checking in on this thread.

    MPH: I love your advice because I've been living it! When I watch shows like Biggest Loser where the contestants talk about "getting their lives back" because they were too fat to do anything, I get a little irked. As for myself, I've never not done what I wanted to because I was too big! My motto? I do what I want!

    The most important thing I've learned over the past year is that everyone is different, so we all have to find out what works for us in regards to exercising and eating plans. It's trial and error, but no matter what, you will get there if you stick to it and you'll be more likely to keep it off because you did it your way; the way that works for you!

    I don't know if any of you have read Ali Vincent's book, Believe It, Be It, but it's pretty good. She talks about having a motto or mantra that keeps you focused and motivated. I know it's dorky, but mine is "I love being awesome!"

    Shredder: You asked about whether my boyfriend was stoked. I don't recall if I shared this story from the other day or not, but here goes. On Wednesday night, I was laying on my stomach watching TV on the bed. My boyfriend came in and grabbed my butt and asked, "What are you doing, cute butt?" I said, "What??" He said, "My new name for you is cute butt. It's getting so small and firm. I love it!" Personally, I think it's awesome that he said that. Yes, we are a goofy, fun couple and all of our friends always want to know what we're up to since we are "living life" while they sit at home on their couches being boring!

    Wow, I'm chatty today. It must be because it's finally Friday. Tonight it's karaoke night with "the girls" and then the Brad Paisley and Miranda Lambert concert tomorrow night. Fun, fun!

    Have a fantastic weekend if I don't check in before I leave work today!!
  • ckholmes
    ckholmes Posts: 123
    Hi Everyone!!!!!!

    What a beautiful day here in Maine, I think we're having a heat wave here. Its warm out.

    Welcome m0m2three you couldnt have joined a more intriguing bunch of ladies and 1 man (mph) :)

    Shredder: youre awesome! You are so kind and thoughtful. Thank you for the kind words, Are u psychic or something ? what you said about me being the sunshine of the group (sunshine) is what I use for some passwords of mine hahaa, You brought a huge smile to my face when I read the kind words you said about me:flowerforyou: Thank you. I hope your weekend has started out well.

    Stephanie, Heather, mph : I hope you all have a great weekend:happy:

    Anyone have any ideas on what to do with Turkey keilbasa?
  • Stephanie08
    Stephanie08 Posts: 1,023 Member
    I usually make Jambalya with turkey keilbasa using Zataran's mix. I think they have a low sodium version now, which is better for you.

    So, I have been having this problem this week with eating. I have no idea why but I'm overeating every single day. I'm still tracking, but my calories are in the 2000's and I just can't seem to reel it in. and it's not even the TOM, that was last week! Any suggestions?