rlf58 Member


  • Sounds like a great workout routine already, but I totally understand wanting to change it up some. I lost most of my weight when I started running. Couch to 5k I hear is a great program to help you start running if you don't already. I recently started doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred workout video. From other reviews…
  • Hey y'all! My name is Rachel. I'm from south Mississippi. 5'6" and start weight for this challenge is 144.4 pounds. I don't have a particular weight loss goal for this challenge, but I do have a fitness goal. I'm training to run a 10k in December, and currently can run about 3 miles. In the next 6 weeks, I'd like to be…
  • Yum! Will have to try!
  • No change in weight or measurements this week. I did the leg exercises twice this week. Really wish I had done more because it was a great workout!
  • It's snowing in Mississippi today!!! SNOWING!!!!!
  • Hey y'all!! Hope everyone's week went well! I barely exercised this week. I had a cold, and felt miserable, but I did lose some weight! Weight: 138.6 Measurements: same Monday ( 102 cals, Running 5mph for 12 mins) Tuesday( 127 clas, Running 5mph for 15 mins) Total: 229 cals pitiful, I know, I will do better this week! Good…
  • No change in measurements for me this week. I didn't get on the scale this morning, and I honestly don't want to for the rest of the week. It's my TOM and I'm sure I'm up. I didn't do as bad as I normally do for thanksgiving! I didn't run as many miles as I'd hoped, but I still got a good bit done considering all of the…
  • I am nervous too! I'll be traveling home 4.5 hours for thanksgiving, and driving back the next day to go to the MSU/Ole Miss game. Like you, our tailgating events last all day, and there will be so many temptations!! I'm planning on running a 5k on thanksgiving day, and hoping to get up EXTREMELY early before our game to…
  • Great job on doing it 6/7 days MelissaRaeTerry!!! I'm super excited about this week's challenge!! My goal for the next ten days is to average 6 miles a day, and I'm running a 5k on thanksgiving day!!!! I've got this!
  • Did not lose weight, again :( but did lose some inches! :) Neck: 12.25, Waist: 29.5, Hips: 36.25, Calves: 13.5, Arms: 11, Wrists: 6.5, Thighs: 19 inches Ab exercises 3 times this week. Hope everyone had a great week. Good luck to y'all during thanksgiving!! Hope everyone has a great holiday!!
  • I have been a bad girl this week! :( I only did the challenge Tuesday and Thursday. I also did some late night snacking the past two days! I'm going camping with a group of friends this weekend, and I don't know how I'll be able to work the challenge in, and I don't know how I'm going to be good with food. I'll try, but…
  • I did my challenge yesterday. I held a plank for 1 minute. Is that a good time?? Has anyone else tried it? If so, would you mind sharing your time? It was really difficult for me to stay for that long. I want to improve my time this week.
  • Search "strength training" under cardio, but the most accurate calculation will come from a HRM
  • Clairabell!!!! You can do it!!! Don't get discouraged! Every little bit that you do helps!! I did half of the exercise on my lunch break today. I'll have to finish it tonight. I'm sorry if that is cheating... I was pressed for time today. Just to be clear, Is it 80 total of each that we should do? Thanks!
  • No change in measurements or weight this week. Monday: 495, 10 minutes elliptical and ran 2 miles @ 5.2mph Tuesday: 1367, Ran 4 miles @5.2mph, 1 hour of Zumba Wednesday: 738, Ran 2 miles @ 5.2mph, 30 day shred level 1 DVD Thursday: 432, Walk 2.5 miles @ 3.5 mph, Ran 1 mile @ 5mph Friday: No Workout Saturday: No Workout…
  • I really hate that they took the signature feature away. Here is my ticker though!
  • I don't have that watch, but have the Nike+ Sports band. I wear it to track my distance and pace but wear a HRM to know how many cals I burned
  • I have run 14.3 miles so far.
  • I'm slacking a little bit too. Really inspired by everyone, though. This week will be better!!
  • This week I lost some weight! Lost 1/2 in in my hips, but gained 1/2" in my thighs :( CW: 140.2 Measurements: Neck: 12.25in, Waist: 30 in, Hips: 36.5 in, Calves 13.5in, Arms 11 in, Wrists: 6.5 in, Thighs: 19 in. Days: 6/7 Total pushups: 456 ( these should not be counted- I did a modified push up with my knees bent) Total…
  • Thanks for the support y'all! Good luck to you both on your races!! Hope y'all are having an amazing week!
  • * Thank you for asking :)
  • It went well!! I ran 3.6 miles, which is the furthest I've been able to go. I did it in 39 mins, which isn't the greatest time for me, but the course was super hilly! It was a race to support a foundation established after one of our football players passed away. His mom was at the finish line thanking everybody. It had a…
  • I didn't get to do the challenge yesterday :( I ran a race though, so I got some miles in! I want to double up tonight, but not sure if I can do that! I'm so sore from Monday!!!! Good luck to everyone this week!
  • I would love to be a part of this! I have only done 5k so far, but would love to improve both time and distance.
  • Week 1: Weight 142 Neck: 12.25 in, Waist: 30in, Hips: 37in, Calves: 13.5 in, arms: 11in, Wrists:6.5in, Thighs: 18.5 in
  • So glad I could join this challenge! Name: Rachel F. Age: 25 SW: 144lbs Pre-New Years goal: lose at least 1 lb/week, but would love to lose 15 by New Years, and be at my goal weight! Really wanting to tone up and lose inches too, but I don't have a goal for that. I'll just know it's right when I see it :) Measurements:…
  • I would like to join!
  • I work for an orthotics co. We usually sell custom inserts to people with that problem. They can be transferred to just about any running shoe. They are pricey ($300) and are not covered by insurance, so we usually recommend to patients who don't want to pay that much a brand of inserts called Lynco. They are about $60 a…