Pre-New Years challenge!



  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    I have to post a mid-week update so I dont forget my calorie totals:

    Monday: Trail Run 73mins
    922 cals
    Tuesday: p90x 75mins
    425 cals
    Wednesday: Trail Run 42mins
    502 cals

    Total to Wed
    1849 cal


    Great work!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Here some results for the first weeks challenge....

    Point Totals:

    Jesilva80 = 50

    Points winner this week was Abby459!
    Most sit ups: Melissaraeterry with 840!
    Most pushups: rlf80 with 456!
    Most body squats: Melissaraeterry with 910!
    Most miles: Abby459 with 18!

    As you can tell most people didn't post anything, however everyone did super awesome greatjob! Hope this weeks challenge is going well! Just a couple more days left till the next weigh in Good luck everyone! :flowerforyou:
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Didn't hit 3500 but got close!

    Mon: (400, raking)
    Tues: (686, jogging,strength training)
    Wed: (oops rest day)
    Thurs: (1117, balance class,bike,spin class, strength training,abs)
    Fri: (233, jogging)
    Sat: (374, jogging,calisthenics)
    Sun:(calories burned, exercises done)
    Total: 3159 To go: 341
  • cdomoe
    cdomoe Posts: 30 Member
    Measurements: Neck-14in; Waist-37in; Hips-40.5in; Calves-14in; Upper arms-12 in; Wrists-6.5in; Thighs-22in.

    Mon: (90 only sit ups, and push ups for PT test the followng day)
    Tues: (950, pt test and spin class)
    Wed: (200 jogging super sore from tuesday)
    Thurs: (800, spin class, strength training,abs)
    Fri: (00, break still sore)
    Sat: (got lazy)
    Sun:(still lazy)
    Total: 2040

    bad week i got lazy after the Pt test, gotta pick it back up this week!
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    I didn't manage to get in what I wanted to for a workout but I did hit the treadmil daily and sometimes 3x's a day. But my weight this week is 195.

    Starting weight is....200
    Week 2 weight.........196
    Week 3......................195

    Hope all of you do well in your weigh in's!
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    CW 149, no change in measurements.
    Exercise Diary-
    MON-Leisurely Bike Riding -150
    TUE-JIllian Ripped in 30- 367, Pushing stroller with child-87
    WED-Zumba -595
    THUR- Zumba-576
    FRI-Pushing stroller with child-87
    SAT- class (no exercise)
    SUN- no exercise

  • Momma2fourunder5
    Momma2fourunder5 Posts: 98 Member
    Week 3:
    Weight: 212.7
    Measurements: Neck-14in; Waist-39in; Hips-46in; Calves-15.5in; Upper arms-12.5in; Wrists-7in; Thighs-23in
    Mon: 337 (run)
    Tues: 0 sick day:(
    Wed: 518 (Zumba)
    Thurs; 498 (Wii Fit & Football)
    Fri: 300 (3 mile run)
    Sat: 507 (Zumba & Walk)
    Sun: 1013 (football and 2 mile run)
    Total : 3173

    Great week and great job everyone!!!
  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    No change in measurements or weight this week.

    Monday: 495, 10 minutes elliptical and ran 2 miles @ 5.2mph
    Tuesday: 1367, Ran 4 miles @5.2mph, 1 hour of Zumba
    Wednesday: 738, Ran 2 miles @ 5.2mph, 30 day shred level 1 DVD
    Thursday: 432, Walk 2.5 miles @ 3.5 mph, Ran 1 mile @ 5mph
    Friday: No Workout
    Saturday: No Workout
    Sunday: 493, Ran 3 miles @ 5mph
    Total: 3525
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Sadly no change in weight or measurements this week :(

    Monday: Trail Run 73mins
    922 cals
    Tuesday: p90x 75mins
    425 cals
    Wednesday: Trail Run 42mins
    502 cals
    Thursday: p90x 65mins
    539 cals
    Friday: p90x 100mins
    607 cals
    Saturday: Rest day
    Sunday: p90x 58 mins
    542 cals

    3537 cals
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Sorry the challenged is late I couldn't get to a computer yesterday! :ohwell:

    This weeks challenge will be all about core strength. A strong core is essential to your bodies well being! :wink: Here is a list of some of the benefits of a strong core:

    1. Strengthening core muscles will improve posture and prevent low muscular back pain.

    2. Helps avoid back injury.

    3. Improves physical performance

    4. Improves balance

    5. Helps your running


    So heres your challenge:

    20 russian twists with or without weight

    20 each side super man leg lefts

    20 toe touches

    20 each side criss cross

    20 each side leg scissors

    20 crunches

    Now repeat this 3x. Try to get this work out every day!

    Extra credit:: Plank challenge. Everyday try and hold a plank as long as you can! Keep track of your progress and lets see who holds it the longest!
  • clairabell2024
    clairabell2024 Posts: 194 Member
    You lot are hardcore, i dont have the time nevermind energy to fit in all this! Between full time work and full time study i try and fit my workouts in before work in the morning! Maybe i was kidding myself into thinking i could do this when i first joined the group! 8-|

    I didnt even get near the amount targeted...... and feel a little ashamed to be considered in the same group of all of you!

  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Did my first set of ab workouts! With out resting took about 13 minutes one day Ill have some nice abs haha! :happy:
  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    Clairabell!!!! You can do it!!! Don't get discouraged! Every little bit that you do helps!!

    I did half of the exercise on my lunch break today. I'll have to finish it tonight. I'm sorry if that is cheating... I was pressed for time today. Just to be clear, Is it 80 total of each that we should do? Thanks!
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    Ab exercises done :)
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Yes It should be a total of 80 for each exercise (ones for sides like russian twist you have to do 20 for each side) :tongue:
  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    I did my challenge yesterday. I held a plank for 1 minute. Is that a good time?? Has anyone else tried it? If so, would you mind sharing your time? It was really difficult for me to stay for that long. I want to improve my time this week.
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Yes I've done it! I try to do at least a minute then hold it till I fall and not time the rest. I want to get up to at least 2 minutes. I've done it before but thats was when I was doing planks more often! You can try side planks as well I find those harder to stay balance but you can definatly feel them! :happy:
  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    I have been a bad girl this week! :( I only did the challenge Tuesday and Thursday. I also did some late night snacking the past two days! I'm going camping with a group of friends this weekend, and I don't know how I'll be able to work the challenge in, and I don't know how I'm going to be good with food. I'll try, but it's going to be hard!! Hope everyone else is having a better week! :P
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Week one points:
    Jesilva80 = 50

    Week 2 points:
    Melissaraeterry- 3159 cals: 70 points
    rlf58-3525 cals: 90 points :+ 10 for hitting at least 3500
    samandjacksmomma-3173 cals: 80 points
    Jesilva80-1862 cals: 50 points
    Abby549-3537 cals:100 points :+ 10 for hitting at least 3500
    cdomoe-2040 cals: 60 points

    Abby549 is a point winner again, second week in a row!!! Woohoo congrats! Watch out, rlf58 is nipping at your heels! :laugh: ! Good luck with tomorrows weigh ins and results! Below are the current totals...

    Jesilva80 = 100
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Well I will not be on top this week!! I had a minor medical procedure earlier this week and I was not allowed to work out from monday thru I am far behind! Next week I will be back on track!