Pre-New Years challenge!



  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    CW 148.8 yeh!! down .4

    Neck 13
    Waist- 31
    Hips 35
    thigh 21 down :)
    arms 11
    wrist 6
    calves 14

    I burned 4211 cals this week, wish that challenge was this week :)
    Ab exercises 4 days
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Great job everyone! You guys are rockin'! :) Well, I stayed the same this week. I was stressed early this week because my hubby had an interview 3 hours from here and did get the job and now we need to move. The hardest is to start and uproot all of the kids and us. We live 2 seconds from my parents and are very close to them. So, the stress played apart in my weigh in today.

    Week 1...200
    Week 2...196
    Week 3...195
    Week 4....195 :(

    So, to alleviate some stress this morning, I'm hitting a Zumba class! :)

    Good luck everyone on your weigh ins!!
  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    Did not lose weight, again :( but did lose some inches! :)

    Neck: 12.25, Waist: 29.5, Hips: 36.25, Calves: 13.5, Arms: 11, Wrists: 6.5, Thighs: 19 inches

    Ab exercises 3 times this week.

    Hope everyone had a great week. Good luck to y'all during thanksgiving!! Hope everyone has a great holiday!!
  • Momma2fourunder5
    Momma2fourunder5 Posts: 98 Member
    Week 4
    Weight: 212 = down 0.7 lbs - yeah!
    Measurements: Neck-14in; Waist-39in; Hips-46in; Calves-15.5in; Upper arms-12.5in; Wrists-6.5in; Thighs-23in

    Hope everyone has an awesome Thanksgiving with no regrets:)
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Alright! On to the next challenge!

    This week is all about distance. All you have to do is walk, run, spin, bike, jog, fly anything.... Just keep track of your miles traveled! I don't know about you guys but this week is going to be busy with all the Turkey festivities not to mention my gym will be closed a couple of days. So I thought a mile challenge would be easy to fit in! Good look and Happy holidays!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Same measurements
    6 out of 7 days
  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    Great job on doing it 6/7 days MelissaRaeTerry!!! I'm super excited about this week's challenge!! My goal for the next ten days is to average 6 miles a day, and I'm running a 5k on thanksgiving day!!!! I've got this!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    wt: 141.2
    > its down a little!!

    No measurement changes though :(

    Due to my minor procedure I only did the challenge 3/7 days this week.....sorry it was all I was allowed to do!!

    Back on track for this weeks milage challenge!!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Weigh ins this Monday good luck all!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Starting week # 5
    weigh in for November 29th
    Challenge from 29th-December 4th

    Alright since I wont be weighing in till later I thought I'd get the challenge out now! I know it's a repeat but I think after Thanksgiving and with a bunch of holidays coming why not get some extra calorie burning days! I know I need it! haha :laugh:


    This weeks challenge will be the big burn!

    Basically its a cardio challenge. The goal is to burn 3500 calories or more in a week. You only need to burn 500 calories a day to meet the quota! So get out there and burn baby burn!

    Next Monday please turn in your results in the following format:

    Mon: (calories burned, exercises done)
    Tues: (calories burned, exercises done)
    Wed: (calories burned, exercises done)
    Thurs: (calories burned, exercises done)
    Fri: (calories burned, exercises done)
    Sat: (calories burned, exercises done)
    Sun:)calories burned, exercises done)

  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    No change in measurements for me this week. I didn't get on the scale this morning, and I honestly don't want to for the rest of the week. It's my TOM and I'm sure I'm up. I didn't do as bad as I normally do for thanksgiving! I didn't run as many miles as I'd hoped, but I still got a good bit done considering all of the traveling I had to do. So, here are my results:

    Mon 11/21- 6.2 miles running at 5.2mph
    Tue 11/22- 5.82 miles running at 5 mph; 10 miles stationary bike at 20 mph
    Wed 11/23- 0 miles
    Thurs 11/24- 3.1 miles running at 6mph
    Fri 11/25- 0 miles
    Sat 11/26 4.2 miles running at 5mph; 1.55 miles walking
    Sun 11/27 2.11 miles running at 5mph

    Total 32.98 miles
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    No change in measurements, I really need to get on some ab exercises for that i think :)

    Spinning - 10 miles Tuesday
    Bike Riding- 2 miles Friday

    Total 12 miles

    Hopefully I can have a week like week before last for this weeks challenge, burning 4200 cals
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    same measurements
    34.6 weekly mile challenge
  • Momma2fourunder5
    Momma2fourunder5 Posts: 98 Member
    Week 5
    Weight: 210 = down 2 lbs - whoohooo!
    Measurements: Neck-14in; Waist-39in; Hips-46in; Calves-15.5in; Upper arms-12in; Wrists-6.5in; Thighs-23in

    I only ran 4 miles this week, but I've kept up with my's working for me:) Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving!!
  • abby459
    abby459 Posts: 748 Member
    Still no measurement changes....but weight is 141.0 --->only down 0.2

    I had a hard time with mileage this week due to weather...I did 7 miles...but I did do 6 days of p90x!
  • CBaumgardner7
    CBaumgardner7 Posts: 212 Member
    Sorry i didn't get on Monday but was away for the weekend. Current weight is 194. :)
  • rlf58
    rlf58 Posts: 47 Member
    Hey y'all!! Hope everyone's week went well! I barely exercised this week. I had a cold, and felt miserable, but I did lose some weight!

    Weight: 138.6
    Measurements: same
    Monday ( 102 cals, Running 5mph for 12 mins)
    Tuesday( 127 clas, Running 5mph for 15 mins)

    Total: 229 cals

    pitiful, I know, I will do better this week! Good luck to everyone!
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    Mon: (oops no gym)
    Tues: (746,spin,strength,jump rope,abs)
    Wed: (422, spin,strength(arms),push ups,rowing)
    Thurs: (416, spin,strength(arms),pushups)
    Fri: (449,strength (legs)sprints)
    Sat: (778, sprints,jogging,jump rope,spin,strength training(arms),abs(KILLER CIRCUITS ))
    Total: 2897
  • MelissaRaeTerry
    MelissaRaeTerry Posts: 377 Member
    This weeks challenge will be all about sculpting those killer legs!

    50 Jumping jacks
    20 Calf raises
    20 lunges (on each leg)
    20 Squat jumps

    Do these for 4 sets, let try and get this leg workout in atleast every other day!! :tongue:
  • jesilva80
    jesilva80 Posts: 287 Member
    CW 149.8 (TOM)
    No change in measurements

    Monday Just Dance -25 mins- 303 cals
    Tuesday-Zumba-45 mins cals 500
    Circuit Train-40 mins 250 cals
    Wednesday- Circuit 42 min 409 cals
    Friday Circuit124 mins 990 cals

    Edited to add total 2755 for the week.