violet976 Member


  • lol. That took me a second. That's actually one of my former rats, Nibs. <3 I've only had cats, rats and mice, but ferrets are definitely on my wish list. I've read that they don't usually get along well with cats though, and I'd have some fears as well if one of the tinier critters ever escaped. Thank you for the detailed…
  • This summary page has a brief description of warm ups:
  • Perhaps I simply missed it, but how did everyone determine a good starting weight for each exercise? Is there a procedure that helps you figure it out? At the moment I decided to work my way up from 35 pounds, as I wanted to make sure my form was correct first. I have a feeling I may be cutting myself short though as it…
  • I believe the knee pains are from quite a few falls I've taken over the years (slipping in rain/ice). My knees don't bother me under normal circumstances, but the last time I tried to do some exercise videos they were focused on a very large number of squats/lunges/jumping and my knees just couldn't keep up. While I can do…
  • I went ahead and purchased the above set. I figure it was priced reasonable, in my opinion, for a bench, the weights, and two barbells. I'm told the weights range from 2.5 pounds+, and that all together the included weights can go up to 300 pounds total which seemed more than enough for little ol' me. The bench is also…
  • I'm in the Shady Cove area. I don't make it out to Medford but once a week or so and mainly work out at home, but feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • I'm actually not doing the 5x5 program but wasn't sure where else to post this question. I'll look to see if I can find a better group to post this to. *** MODS: I'm moving this question to a more applicable group - please feel free to delete it. Thanks ***
  • I seem to come and go on MFP, and don't keep a food diary anymore because I found I spent way too much time using it as a procrastination tool, but I wanted to share a few online resources that I love for getting my vegan food fix: OhSheGlows is a wonderful food blog. Her macN"cheese recipes are fantastic (esp. the…
  • You are a stunning girl inside and out. Thanks so much for sharing such a personal part of your life with us. It brought tears to my eyes but I'm glad that you got to say your goodbyes. I wish you much more success and happiness. Good for you for realizing that you are, indeed, worth every happiness. <3
  • Wow. Amazing. & I *love* that dress.
  • Would love to see the recipe for the fruit pudding.
  • lol. how funny. Yes, I am certainly on Goosemoose, RatShack forum, you name it. Small world indeed. I think many of the die-hard rat owners tend to find their way to Goosemoose eventually. There is just such a wealth of knowledge and experience there.
  • Love the tip about the smaller plate size. That's definitely one that would be great for me, as I love to pile it on & cram it down.
  • lol. I actually own The Rat Stash & now work closely with Guinea Pig Market sewing hammocks & hideys for small animals. I myself own 3 cats & 3 rats that have pretty much taken over my life. <3 I guess my avatar pretty much sums me up. :p KaleidoscopeE: Smeezes & hoodies... those melt my heart. So glad to see a fellow…
  • I get western family concentrated, I believe. Fortified & vegan, as far as I can tell.
  • I can *absolutely* see a difference, and I want your stomach. Great job toning.
  • You look amazing.
  • I also like to do about 1/4 juice to 3/4 water. I hate water and love juice, so I find this helps me to get my water intake throughout the day.
  • Luckily, you can use just about any combo of items you can think of. I read to do a combo of 1 cup nuts, 1 cup raisins or dates and 1 cup add ins, but my last two attempts with that came out way too oily (just add oat flour as needed and knead it in if that happens). Your best bet is to look up homemade larabars online,…
  • I pretty much give in, but I try to at least make healthier "subs" for what I'm craving. I'm actually in this phase myself and have been cooking up a storm the past few days. Instead of the brownies I was craving, I made laraballs (nuts/raisins/coconut/sunflower seeds/oats/flaxseeds/coffee). Made cashew french toast, but…
  • you can make killer sandwich filling or salad filling with cooked chickpeas. Just mash them slightly, add celery, kale, carrots, cabbage, olives, dressing or flavored oils & spices. I think of it as my replacement "egg" salad sandwich and I love that it turns out differently every time. I'll make sandwiches out of it and…
  • I have an old 3600 and have trouble getting them perfectly smooth without heating up, but I am getting there now. I rip up my kale, spinach & chop up the fruit, add some juice/water, and ice at the top. I find I have best results starting low & using the tamper, then moving to high without the tamper, and then I do a few…
  • I would love to be in a group focused on this. I'm not above my target weight, but have eaten my way into flabby butt & thighs & want to undo the damage. A group focused on this would be exactly what I'm looking for.
  • I think I'd be too afraid to do it, but if I wasn't, I'd want to at least wait until I was at my target weight. That's a lot of money to spend to find out additional weight loss affected how they looked down the line.
  • I love OhSheGlows & VegWeb (vegweb is great because you can simply search through user submitted, & rated, recipes for exactly what you are craving, and many times there are comments underneath from people showing substitutions that they've tried & liked)
  • You look great.& I don't know if it's just the photo... but you've got *amazing* calves.
  • wow. what an amazing difference. good for you for making it this far.
  • You're supposed to take days off on this program, aren't you? I thought it was just 4 days per week, so something like Mon, Wed, Fri, Sunday, correct?