Strange Pets?

sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
Anyone else have strange pets? Maybe even a photo or two to share?

It doesn't have to be anything wildly exotic, but just out of the norm. I have four cats, a Quaker parrot and a horse, all of which are pretty mainstream, but the oddballs are my two guinea pigs. Not that guinea pigs are strange pets in general, but it's mostly kids who have them, while I'm in an all-adult household. I write a pet supplies review column and initially got them to be...well, guinea pigs to test out food, bedding, and other products. I had no idea just how much space they need, along with daily fresh veggies, hay, and lots of other requirements to keep the spoiled little whistlers happy.

Here are the guinea girls:




  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    My aunt has some rare tortoises that she dotes upon.

    I just have cats. I don't think I'll be getting any more pets anytime soon. XD
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    There's a couple of lizards here. And of course, that means meal worms and crickets are always in the house as a food source.
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    I don't have an exotic pet, but I totally approve of this post! Love the photos!

    Do they have a sphere or wheel to run in or do they roam freely in your home?

    Also, does your Parrot talk?
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    I don't have an exotic pet, but I totally approve of this post! Love the photos!

    Do they have a sphere or wheel to run in or do they roam freely in your home?

    Also, does your Parrot talk?
    It's actually a myth that you should have a wheel or ball for guinea pigs. Their backs are not like other rodents, so they can badly injure themselves in those things. I have a playpen made out of a kids' swimming pool that they spend most of the day running around in, which the cats love because they jump in to visit (thankfully they all get along).

    Yep, my parrot is quite a little talker. He even says a few things that I wish he didn't!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I have rats! 4 of them to be exact, 2 males and 2 spayed females.

    These are my boys Tobi and Tsuki.

    Another one of Tsuki just because I think it's adorable!

    My girls, Padmé (tan) and Lain (black)

    Lain is so difficult to take pictures of, so I only have a really close picture of Padmé

    Other than these guys, I have two cats. I would really like to have a hedgehog or a lizard sometime in the future, though!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I don't have an exotic pet, but I totally approve of this post! Love the photos!

    Do they have a sphere or wheel to run in or do they roam freely in your home?

    Also, does your Parrot talk?
    It's actually a myth that you should have a wheel or ball for guinea pigs. Their backs are not like other rodents, so they can badly injure themselves in those things. I have a playpen made out of a kids' swimming pool that they spend most of the day running around in, which the cats love because they jump in to visit (thankfully they all get along).

    Yep, my parrot is quite a little talker. He even says a few things that I wish he didn't!

    Exercise balls are bad for all rodents. They can cause shock and respiratory problems.
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    lol. I actually own The Rat Stash & now work closely with Guinea Pig Market sewing hammocks & hideys for small animals. I myself own 3 cats & 3 rats that have pretty much taken over my life. <3

    I guess my avatar pretty much sums me up. :p

    KaleidoscopeE: Smeezes & hoodies... those melt my heart. So glad to see a fellow member with the same love for rats.

    Sunshinestate: Beautiful piggies. I owned just one when I was little but sadly did not have the knowledge of proper care and housing that I do now. Since working with the Market I now see a lot more photos & videos of happy piggies popcorning around, and they really do look like such wonderful, interesting pets. I love all the "wheeking".
  • fruitloop2
    fruitloop2 Posts: 437 Member
    I have a ferret, a bearded dragon, and an ornate tree lizard from Arizona that my mother-inlaw accidentally brought back. My daughter found it and asked if she could keep it. Being the animal freak I am, I of course said yes. I also have 6 fire belly toads, 3 chorus frogs and 2 dogs. My cat passed away just before Christmas, she was 19. I miss her :(
  • DalekBrittany
    DalekBrittany Posts: 1,748 Member
    Awhhh Lain looks just like my Lorraine, may she RIP. I don't have any, but I used to have a rat named Lorraine. She was supposed to be snake food actually, but I took one look at her and told my parents I would cry if they fed her to him. There was something about her. The pet store would not take her back, so my parents decided they would just let her outside because we "couldn't afford to keep her." The next morning, my dad found her nommin' on some dog food on the porch. He got a good look at her, put his hand down to her, and she grabbed a kibble and jumped in his hand. It was love :)

    She stayed for two years in a hutch in my room. She licked people to greet them as if she were a dog. The only time she ever put her teeth on me or anyone is when my father or I would reach in to take her out, she would sometimes gently put one of our fingers in her mouth, and tug until we had our hands in the back corner where she slept. Then she would crawl into our hands and curl up.

    Sadly, she got a tumor like a lot of rats do and her time was passed. But she was one of the best pets I ever had. Here she is

    ETA: I think that was a bit of feta by her foot. She loved feta, but it was very occasional treat for her :)

  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    lol. I actually own The Rat Stash & now work closely with Guinea Pig Market sewing hammocks & hideys for small animals. I myself own 3 cats & 3 rats that have pretty much taken over my life. <3

    I guess my avatar pretty much sums me up. :p

    KaleidoscopeE: Smeezes & hoodies... those melt my heart. So glad to see a fellow member with the same love for rats.

    Sunshinestate: Beautiful piggies. I owned just one when I was little but sadly did not have the knowledge of proper care and housing that I do now. Since working with the Market I now see a lot more photos & videos of happy piggies popcorning around, and they really do look like such wonderful, interesting pets. I love all the "wheeking".

    You're on Goosemoose, aren't you? I'm SatiricalWoman on there! And, I *think* I have your page "like" on FB too. Small world.
  • 37434958
    37434958 Posts: 457 Member
    I have a pet terrapin!
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    I have a pet terrapin!

    :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • MrsGriffin67
    MrsGriffin67 Posts: 485 Member
    Just three spoiled female cats. They are all spayed, indoor cats and they love to chase each other around the house. I just :heart: cats and wish that I would have become a veterinarian so I could have successfully ran a no-kill cat shelter. Maybe in my next life :happy:
  • Tatonka_usn
    Tatonka_usn Posts: 433 Member
    We have a hedgehog in the house, and (thanks to my spawnlings) are now looking into Sugar Gliders ( And the fun just NEVER ends..... :noway:
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    So many cool-sounding pets, and I love the rattie pics!
  • rushikareddy
    rushikareddy Posts: 604 Member
    There's a couple of lizards here. And of course, that means meal worms and crickets are always in the house as a food source.
    Wow! Your brave!
  • stealthSLOTH
    stealthSLOTH Posts: 695 Member
    I have a pet terrapin!

    oooo do you have any photos? :bigsmile:

    - - -

    ETA: Thanks for setting me straight on that idea that guinea pigs need to be stuck into a sphere! I've never had one, but now I know!
    I have a plain ole cat. I love her, and she is 'strange', but she is not exotic!!
  • squatsandlipgloss
    squatsandlipgloss Posts: 595 Member
    I have 2 Bengal cats. Definitely not your average cats ;) They're absolutely gorgeous, incredibly active, they can jump incredibly high (they have very high back legs) and I love how you can tell by their behavior that they have some wild cat in them.


    Ugh can't seem to make the picture smaller -_-
  • sunshinestater
    sunshinestater Posts: 596 Member
    Those Bengals are gorgeous!
  • canadian_bacon
    We have 6 snakes (including a boa constrictor), 10 lizards, a few turtles, dog, cat, a dove, a rat, and a guinea pig. It's a zoo!