Period is in the way of diet



  • cutie_patootie
    Just before periods I get so hungry that if I don't get some high-carb treat, there is good danger that I would start eating my furniture.
    I had posted a similar topic some months back and found some useful advice from other members.

    1. Don't deny yourself what you crave, HOWEVER, do control the portions! This helps me not feel miserable.
    2. I get busy to get my mind off insane cravings. Do anything that keeps you away from junk food....go for a walk, clean up the house, send out pending emails. etc.
    3. PMS is the only time I crave for chocolates. I am not a fan of chocolates on other days. I found that if I have just one small bite of rich milk chocolate, I feel satisfied. I ensure that I savor the biteful and don't go on a mission to finish the entire bar. I recently discovered that Sugarfree chocolates work very well for me.
    4. Go for healthier versions of your favorite foods...sugar free ice cream, sugar free chocolates, baked chips.

    Hope these tips work as well for you as they do for me.
  • violet976
    violet976 Posts: 310 Member
    laraballs (nuts/raisins/coconut/sunflower seeds/oats/flaxseeds/coffee).

    Um... YUM!! I will have to try these! I have everything on hand but the sunflower seeds (cause the ones i have are shelled.. and i'm not deshelling enough to cook with LOL)

    Do you just mix everything together and roll into a ball? Do you need to bake them?

    Recipe?? LOL

    Luckily, you can use just about any combo of items you can think of. I read to do a combo of 1 cup nuts, 1 cup raisins or dates and 1 cup add ins, but my last two attempts with that came out way too oily (just add oat flour as needed and knead it in if that happens). Your best bet is to look up homemade larabars online, and you'll find tons of recipes.

    Ideally you need a high powered food processor or blender (like a Vitamix or Blendtec). I think the food processor is ideal, but I only have a Vitamix so I just trip the breaker once or twice to get the job done. You just throw in the nuts, the raisins and whatever else you want in them & process. Then you shape into balls or bars.

    If you don't have a blender, you can chop everything really fine and do it by hand, but it will take longer. Or you can opt for oat based bars and look for recipes you can mix & bake/refrigerate instead, like these:
  • hilldiggity
    hilldiggity Posts: 166 Member
    Sometimes you think you're hungry when you're really just thirsty.

    This cannot be reiterated enough.
  • missjones93
    missjones93 Posts: 74 Member
    Drink water and if you're hungry - eat healthy. Think about it PMS + introducing the unhealthy bad foods that you have finally gotten out of your system = pain. Between cramps and heartburn - totally not worth it!
  • FindingMyself24
    FindingMyself24 Posts: 613 Member
    Im so glad I looked this up....there's some pretty helpful advice on here....Right before/during my period I become this hungry animal lol...i get this ridiculous hunger....I usually end up eating maintenance as well...One thing Ive learned is to track everything...even if its bad....sometimes I dont want to put it in my diary because I dont want to face the all the food...but ive noticed tracking during my extreme hunger keeps me more aware of whats going in my body...
  • maiaroman18
    maiaroman18 Posts: 460 Member
    I had a partial hysterectomy (still have my ovaries) so no actual period, but my body goes through the monthly hormone changes still. I have no idea when I should be blaming my mood swings and food cravings and bloating to a "period" and what's just me naturally. Mine never ends. No idea if my hormones are in overdrive. Be thankful yours isn't every day like mine.
  • Sieden76
    Sieden76 Posts: 127 Member
    try to splurge with other things that would make it seem like cheating even though you're not. I just made a smoothie that tasted like ice cream lol. There are ways around that time of the month. Try to get fresh fruit (raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, blueberries are low in sugar) and chop it up and put it in the freezer, use a vanilla protein shake, a little extra vanilla extract, half of a banana, plain greek yogurt and blend..waalaa
  • nsagley
    nsagley Posts: 84 Member
    Eat Brazil nuts, bananas and dark chocolate.
  • tsubasamasuwaka
    i would drink lots of water until i am no more craving junk food , or just poor lots of vinigar over it then i wont dare to binge
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    I tend to crave dairy most during this time. Dairy, nuts and sugar. I find cottage cheese helps, as well as almonds, bananas and chicken. Not sure why, must be something in those foods I lack around my period.
  • nobleammonite
    nobleammonite Posts: 64 Member
    Ill give in to my cravings 2 or 3 days a month, it really doesn't matter and won't mess up your diet as long as you're being good the other 27 days!

    This is me. I'm lucky that I don't really really like chocolate... EXCEPT for those 3-4 days around the start of my period. So I eat chocolate for a few days a month. I don't allow myself to stuff my face, of course, but I'd normally choose to spend my calories on something other than chocolate things because I don't like them that much. When I have the craving, though? Totally.

    I also crave things like potato chips, but I just don't buy those so I can't eat them! The chocolate cravings are insane, though...