Keep working, you're on the right way. It's just a plateau
You know, hunger is an irresistible force. Sooner or later will power gives in to hunger. The problem with most diet is that they leave you hungry. And you will never lose weight and keep it off on any diet that leaves you hungry all the time. Have you tried eating Paleo yet? One of the unique features of Paleo is that it…
You can replace most of your carbs with good fats & protein...nuts & pure peanut butter (nu sugar, no added fat). Then of course egg whites.
If you want a yoga DVD for completely new yoga wannabes, then let me suggest to you the ShapeShifter Yoga videos. Check out a demo lesson on Juli's blog: I really LOVE yoga and I do yoga every morning, and postures throughout the day if I feel the need for it. Timmi
Thank you for sharing, a great idea!
Wow, I'm really impressed with all of you going through this EXTREMELY hard workout! I actually purchased the dvds for my girl friend because she wanted to start working out, but after her first session she gave up totally exhausted and crying. Now, she transformed into a 100% Yoga geek, doing a routine every morning, even…
I usually start eating stuff that won't make me feel bad and takes up a lot of space in my stomach: carrots, soda water, cucumber, bell pepper, almonds. Are you a sweet tooth? Last year I had to make some big changes with my eating habits after discovering that I truly have a problem with sweet stuff. Go through the list…
Dear FoogooFish, Have you considered eating paleo? My wife is doing aerobics and I'm into weight lifting and after modifying our meal plans for almost 6 months, we started to eat paleo because it simply serves both of our requirements. You can find some fantastic books on Amazon or you may try the a complete meal plan like…
Have you tried a complete and planned sugar detox? Get rid of all sweet temptations at home and drink plenty of water. Before shopping, plan out what exactly you're going to buy and what you're going to eat for breakfast/lunch/dinner. To have a precise plan makes you can follow along makes it easier to stay 'clean'. If…
Jessnay, In your case when you feel tired and you need an energy boost, try to stick with fruits or some small healthy snacks you can bring along. One simple thing that does the trick for me is to have a big glass of soda water with wonders :) You'll find some great tips on how to overcome your sugar cravings…
You're going through a natural process. Now your body wants to stick with your 'old' habits. Try to resist...but if you really can't resist to eat some sweets, substitute with sweet fruits (bananas, red apples, ...). Some people even swear on Vitamin C. Find more helpful tips to reducing your sugar cravings in this short…
Hi Kisserek, I experienced the same problem with food. There are several things you should try out that might help you: - No milk products (diaries) - No gluten (bread, pasta,...) - Avoid sugar - Reduce carb intake (white rice, pasta) - I always got bloated after eating rice! - Reduce stress (yoga, meditation) - Actually…
You're truly in a dangerous situation :/ It may help you to bring along your healthy snacks and substitute as soon you feel like eating sweets. Also, many people swear on a sugar detox challenge - overcome the cravings in the first place create new eating habits. Of course it will require some initial willpower but it's so…
Hi Sarah, You remind me of myself, because I also kept up the discipline...until I had a weak moment and ate ice cream like it would be the last day on earth :) I did the 21 sugar challenge which gave me some great insights into sugar cravings and I think the one thing that helped me most and still does: - Always have…
Especially within 15 minutes after the workout your body will need some "fast" carbs for you to recover properly. In your case you might want to eat a banana, or another piece of fruit. If you consume fast carbs right before your training, then your body will burn these calories before burning body fat. So the best way is…
One way to keep yourself from eating at that place is to have some healthy snacks with you. Even before you leave the building of your taekwondo club, eat your carrot/apple/almonds to withstand the restaurants gravity :)
Oh, great, I love Pad Thai! - Thanks for your recommendation, will check out the book on Amazon
Ah, I love dark chocolate too:) that's also (almost) my only sugar that I consume. Small tip: Don't keep any sugary foods around at home. Remove yourself from the situation. Eliminate your cues to eat sugary foods! Lizbennet, I don't want to promote anything that I'm not 100% convinced of but because my girlfriend also had…
Hi Slchiosie, Since 11 weeks me and my future wife (just engaged :D) are big fans of the Paleo Recipe Book on She came up with the idea to follow this recipe book because she was tired of me asking her everyday what she is going to cook...and I can be very picky with choosing healthy food…
Hi aroundthemulb, Your sugar 'addiction' ,might be related to something else, like stress. Keeping a food diary can help with these things. In addition to noticing what you eat, record your emotional state or how you are feeling along with it. Keep it for a few weekdays and a weekend and review it, see what patterns…
:D I second that! P90X is also pretty intense. Glad I'm not the only one mixing these workouts. We can get great results without getting totally sore and exhausted after 1 week.
Insanity involves A LOT cardio and some body weight exercises.
Hi Kylene, Welcome and all the best for you! Tim
Christine, respect for finishing Insanity! That's a really hard program :) Currently I'm combining Hip Hop Abs with some routines of the 10 minute trainer (just if I'm too busy). Just wondering, if you still don't lose more weight, it might be because of your food consumption. You could try challenge yourself with a…
If you are really in a rush and you don't want to cook anything fancy, just eat some nuts or have a spoon of 'healthy' oil like olive oil. This will keep you from feeling tired or exhausted
Do you feel that you require less sleep after being following Paleo for a while? That's what I experienced after about 2 weeks of eating "clean", suddenly waking up an hour earlier than I've been used to.
Yes, especially avocados and some almonds are a great add-on for your salads and will provide you with enough energy without the risk of gaining weight.
Totally understandable, as it is quite difficult to eat healthy nowadays. I got pretty much rid of allergy symptoms through avoiding MSG, and all food additives. Check out the food packages => Exxx (E plus number usually bad). Start using healthy oil for cooking: olive oil Get rid of sugar in your diet. It's a habit and…
Thank you guys for your welcome!
Glad to read that I'm not alone. Shockingly I discovered that I can't consume gluten and milk anymore. Was wondering why I had diarrhea once a week. Since about 3 months I happily switched to paleo and get great support from my family :) Got a few good recipes from this book hxxp:// (no, that's not me:))