Greetings and salutations: another pair of feet on the road

Hey, there!

I guess I should introduce myself, since I’m starting to post on the forums and all. Be prepared – this is a little long.

My name is Kylene and I’m 32 years old. As of this posting I weigh in the neighborhood of 244 pounds. I haven’t weighed myself since last Friday and I didn’t weigh in this morning. Long story. Not going into it right now.

Anyway, I’m 5’4” and when I measured my wrist a couple weeks ago it was 7” around, which, with my height, puts me firmly in the Large Framed category. So I guess I’ll never weigh 120 pounds. But maybe I can get down to 140 pounds.

The lightest I’ve been in years and years was when I was in the 170’s for my sister’s wedding back in 2003. I got back down to the 180s in 2006, but since then I climbed my way up to my highest weight of 250 pounds. That’s firmly 110 pounds more than I would like to weigh. So, time to start doing the stuff that I know I’m supposed to do. Enough is enough.

I have a pretty good grasp on nutrition, but I’ve got an addiction to carbohydrates and a terrible sweet tooth. I tried the paleo diet for a while and felt really awesome when I was eating that way. My hubby has a hard time with it – he doesn’t feel the need to eat that way – so it was more tricky than I was willing to do at that time. But I’m trying to get back into it again.

I know that the key to me losing weight is proper nutrition and exercise, but my biggest problem is that I’m super lazy. I love me some sofa time with a book or a TV show and a bowl of something to munch and a cup of something sweet to drink. But that’s got to change.

I know that when I lose weight most effectively, I am logging every single thing that goes into my mouth. And I’m running. My body loves running and I lose weight very well when I’m running regularly. My brain also enjoys running, but does better with a regular yoga practice. Plus, that’s my preferred way to do strength training. So those are my two primary activities lately: trying to get back into running and doing yoga.

And I’m learning to get back into the practice of logging all my food.

I’ve seesawed back and forth on my weight a lot over the years. It’s been a frustration for so many years of my life, I’ve just learned to live with it. But I’m tired of living with it and I’d really love to get down to the body I’m supposed to be living in.

My work has this competition every year where if you accomplish a number of things, you’re entered into a drawing for different monetary amounts. Some of the items this year were to have a normal BMI, keep a 12 week food diary, keep a 12 week exercise diary, and participate in a 10K/5K race or a marathon/half-marathon. The Savannah Rock ‘n’ Roll marathon/half-marathon is actually going on right now. It started an hour ago.

Next year. I’m gonna run in it. And I’m gonna check off all those boxes for the company competition.

I’ve set goals and wishes so many other times in the past regarding this type of thing but I want this so badly. I’m tired of living like this – being the fattest girl in the room, getting more and more clothes added to the pile of things that I cannot wear anymore, shoving my hips in between the vice-like grips of airline seats.

“The line must be drawn here! This far, no further!” (Bonus points if you can ID the quote) :smile:

Anyway, that’s me. I’m not off to the greatest start ever, but I’m ramping up. 2013 is going to be a good year.


  • vickij2
    "I will not sacrifice the Enterprise. We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, no farther! And I will make them PAY for what they've done!"
    — Captain Jean-Luc Picard
  • KyleneSusan
    KyleneSusan Posts: 68 Member
    Yea! Horray for Capitan Picard! :happy:

    Well done, Vickij!
  • Timmi1978
    Timmi1978 Posts: 34 Member
    Hi Kylene,

    Welcome and all the best for you!
