Jred36 Member


  • You need to find out what it is that you like to do. Maybe try volunteering in different fields so you are exposed to the the different areas, i.e. healthcare, legal system, social work, etc. Once you have an idea on the field that interests you, find an entry level position. I like the legal/law enforcement system. 5…
  • I have also been told to not skip meals and eat every couple of hours. That is what it looks like you may do.
  • I love your posts and you are inspirational! I am celebrating not buying candy from the candy man that comes every other week. May be silly, but let me tell you I had 3 people come to my office to say are you really sure your not coming to see what he has. I said no thank, then it was, well I'm sure he has some things that…
  • Mine will be arriving on Monday. I can't wait and hope it helps me push harder.
  • Looking good and congrats on your transformation!
  • Awesome transformation!!! Thank you for sharing and being an inspiration.
  • I took it over 4 years ago for 3 months. I lost 40 pounds, but guess what happened after I stopped taking it! Yup gained all that back and then some because I hadn't changed my mindset. I did try it again about a year ago after searching for a doctor who would prescribe it, because again I was looking for a quick fix, I…
  • A lot of great advice here. I can relate to the motivation. I think surrounding myself with people who won't let me slack off is what I need. Setting smaller goals this time instead of one ultimate goal. Someone said she me she wants to lose 10 pounds 8 times. I love that. Instead saying I have 80 pounds to lose, she set…
  • Inspiring transformation. Thank you for sharing!
  • Wow...great job and thank you for sharing with us!
  • We are all different and it is best to seek the advice from your doctor. With that being said, my doctor put me on metformin as well as several other medications and a strong talking to about my healthy and heading down an unhealthy path. I took them on and off for a short while, but not faithfully. I have been off of them…
  • I can relate, my husband says I have popeye legs.....not the look I'm going for. Guess I have to live with them. Runners legs would have sounded better than popeye legs. He needs to work on his sucking up to wife skills, lol.
  • I like protein shakes, pure protein bars, boiled eggs, fat free cheese, cottage cheese, and low sodium deli lunch meats.
    in protein!! Comment by Jred36 June 2013
  • I think I am going to change my day to Friday since I never thought of this before, lol. I think realistically as long as the scale moves downward, it doesn't really matter what day it is.
  • Thank you all for the responding and providing me this helpful information!!! I greatly appreciate it and will post updates as I continue on this journey!
  • I love peanut butter too! I tend to eat pb and celery for my snacks. I didn't realize how much I was eating on my celery until today when I measured. Yikes...easily I was eating 3 tbsp. I have PB2 which I use in my shakes, but it isn't the real thing. I agree with what others are saying, moderation is key.
  • Wow what a post! I can relate to a lot of the comments. Yes I used to over eat and eat things that had little nutritional value. It was very easy to eat 3,000 calories a day. I'm currently at 1475 calories and all I can say that I have learned is that it really depends on what I eat for the day if I can get my calories in.…
  • I agree, you want to eat more protein than carbs. I really shoot for high protein low carbs. Protein helps build muscle. I was told by a friend who is a nutritionist and a fitness instructor to eat half my body weight or more in protein daily and keep carbs low. Its working for me.
  • I'm using ViSalus. It is the Shake mix that tastes like a Cake Mix!!! I've had awesome results. My mom who is 61 is having amazing results. I love the products so much I became a promoter. Just started my 2nd 90 Day Challenge. They are a amazing company and you can earn your shake mix for FREE even as a customer! Feel free…
  • Congrats on the weight loss!! I agree you are not eating enough calories. I was told the same thing and when I increased, I started to lose again. I did the BMR calculator on MFP and actually it says I should eat more than a different calculator I used. I split the difference but if I hit another plateau, I will increase.…
  • I have tried every diet under the sun!!! What I found is a lifestyle change!!! I drink the best tasting protein shake around!!! This is the first time I have been able to stick with it and it is because of the many different recipes. Can even use the shake mix in making snacks like brownies. I also believe in MFP because…
  • If you want you can friend me, I stay low on carbs and high on protein. Its really not that hard to stay low on carbs. I have cheese, yougurt, lunch meat, jerky, eggs, protein shakes. Peanut butter and celery is my favoritie and is one way I use some of my carbs. I also have a cookbook for low carb high protein meals.…
  • Yes, I do eat my calories for working out...when I work out...need to get back into my routine. Shakes are not a necessity, it's just an added way for me to get in more protein. Protein helps rebuild muscle. I also try to eat protein right before bed, helps repair muscle.
  • Hi I'm Jackie, I've lost 20 pounds so far and have 50+ more to lose. Looking to add friends for support, ideas and most importantly encouragement if I'm having one of "those" kinda days. Feel free to friend me if you are interested.
  • I do something very similar to Atkins. I found eating more healthy protein and reducing carbs has greatly assisted me in my weight loss. I also find on the days I stick to higher protein and low carbs, I am fuller!!! My mom is doing my program with me, she is type 2 diabetic, along with mutiple other health issues and her…
  • It sounds like you are really active. You may not be getting enough calories. Also it may be the foods you are consuming. I try to drink at least half of my body weight in ounces of water, also I drink shakes as a meal replacement. This with journaling what I eat and the water has helped me. I was not losing weight…
  • Hi I am Jackie and I have already lost 22 pounds but need to lose at least 50 more. I'm always looking for friends to help encourage. What type of program are you using to lose weight? I believe there is a program out there for everyone, we just need to find what works best for yourself. Do you exercise? I used to workout…
  • Don't give up. You need to find a plan that works for you. I've done all "diet" and struggled my whole life. I can't remember the last time I was under 200 pounds. I feel great and am on my 2nd 90 Day Challenge and I no longer diet, I've made a lifestyle change. My mom is also on her 2nd 90 Day Challenge and is eliminating…