kensky Member


  • I'm 5'3 (some say 5'2'' and a half) and I weighed in at 134 this morning. Some days I am 129 and others I am 137. I wear a roomy size 6 in most things. I'm 38 with 2 kids born via c-section.
  • I'm glad you get what you need out of your gym. I have heard stories that make me cringe from people seeking to do the Big Three lifts at a PF. The "Lunk Alarm" as a very concept turns me off to PF. I am lucky that my community rec. center offers bumper plates, assisted pullup machines, bodyfat analysis and a slew of old…
  • I'd do goblet squats forever before going the Smith machine route.
  • On the SMSG site they mention bike shorts being allowed. I may find a singlet just in case. I do know that the event is "unsanctioned" so I take that to mean they are not affiliated with any other group/fed besides themselves. That is a guess. Another thing I know (recently found out) is that these games are where this…
  • This is a raw meet. I know that lift suits/bench shirts are not allowed. Not sure about knee wraps but since I don't train with them (or a belt) then I'll keep them off for now. The plan, as of right now, is to lift in "bike" shorts and a teeshirt.
  • I'm training for a powerlifting event in mid-July.
  • I only just found out that my upcoming meet (6 weeks away) is a push-pull event. This kinda sucks as my squats are not that cruddy....not like my 80 lb. (at 132) bench. Keeping in mind that I've "just" been training since October, would there be any tweaks/tips you think I should use to really focus on my bench and deads?…
  • I like Krista Scott-Dixon's All dumbbells, All the Time! routine. There are also some bodyweight exercises in there too. I esp. love the links to instructions on how to do each one.
  • Oh, I know but the snazzy app of SL got to me.
  • Vailara, the whole reason I switched from Starting Strength to SL is that I couldn't hack power cleans. I'm sure I could if I had a coach, but I can't get a coach right now. Maybe someday because they look so fun and badazz.
  • I may get back to a 5x5 eventually but right now I'm doing this crazy powerlifting routine that starts with high (12) reps and, like, 50 percent of your 1RM and then goes down in reps up in weight until you are lifting your goal weight right before the competition. That's the IDEA anyway. I had a hard time with the last…
  • Yes. The fact that this act (losing weight, getting buff) has been so universally lauded above ALL ELSE is...well, it's something to chew on, that's for damn sure.
  • Doing wall pushups and working my way down was the only way I finally became pushup proficient. The knee pushups weren't helping.
  • If you are still losing up to 2 lbs a month, you are not experiencing a plateau.
  • No fabulous BBQ but lots of piddly house puttery things like bagging up kids' outgrown clothes for the VFW pickup tomorrow, building a compost bin, etc. So far we've built a Lego White House, gotten haircuts, painted toenails, drowned tomato plants, braved the rec. center pool, seen Macbeth at the local yoga studio, drank…
  • Plus, when I am benching or doing rows, etc. I *want* to be smushed down. When I am running, I don't care if I am lifted or separated. The more boyish, the better is my take for these times. On Date Night, I will bust out the hydraulic bra!
  • I am a 34A and I still wear a sportsbra.
  • I'd be wary of correcting anybody's form until you know their history/goals. Some dude interrupted me mid-squat to critique my technique which is effed up on it's own but I already knew about my tendency to GM on the last reps of the last sets. I did not need that pointed out, actually. I was working on it. I might judge…
  • We have one enormous docile housecat named Otto.
  • J. had to be shaved for one of his many vasectomies/reversals and I can't stand the prickly grow-back. Ick. Ouch!
  • I scramble it up with eggs, cheese and veggies on an embarrassingly regular basis.
  • This. Exactly this.
  • You are simply adorable.
  • You are beaming! Way to go!!
  • I don't do any isolation work (crunches). My abdominal muscles got noticeably stronger by focusing on compound weightlifting moves like squats and overhead press.
  • I do it because I know that if I don't get up at 5, then the workout won't happen. This doesn't make waking up less painful (winter sucks so hard) but it does help drive me slinking out of bed and heading out to the gym. I also really look forward to my Saturday workouts that I can go to any old time. I look forward to…
  • I dunno, guys. I'm feeling discouraged in my training efforts. I suspect I'd be able to do more if a few factors were different (spotter/partner/coach, afternoon w.o. rather than pre-dawn) but this is when I can do it and I do love doing it. It just seems like I am having more bad or meh workouts than amazing workouts and…
    in May Progress Comment by kensky May 2012
  • I wish I had some text to site but I swear I read that your weaker side will catch up with dumbbell training. Wish I could be smarter about my info. share! :/
  • I am excited to find this beginner powerlifting routine. The whole article was super helpful esp. in terms of stuff like "peaking". I am psyched that I have the time to make this happen before the meet.
  • Height: 5'2.5'' Weight: 129 How long youve been lifting: I've been serious about lifting since Oct. 2011 Times per week: 3 Split routine or full body: Full 1 REP MAX Deadlift: 165 Squat: 120 Bench: 85 Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): no(t yet) Favorite arm move: Decline pushups (the kind with your feet on a that…