Women lifters SURVEY



  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    Height: 5'7"
    Weight: 162

    How long youve been lifting: 2.5 years
    Times per week: at least one different lift a day 5 or 6 days a week
    Split routine or full body: Crossfit (skill lift before and after my workout)

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: 315lb
    Squat: Front - 185lb , Back - 225
    Bench: 135lb

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): Yes pull-ups

    Favorite arm move: jerks
    Favorite leg/butt move: deadlift

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? GHD's and back extensions once or twice a week if time permits

    really really wanting to work my 3x5s in again MWF but not finding the time to! more schedule shuffling is needed.
  • UrbanRunner81
    UrbanRunner81 Posts: 1,207 Member
    Height: 5'10"
    Weight: 138

    How long youve been lifting: a year or so but really trying to lift much heavier now
    Times per week: 4 times
    Split routine or full body: Split

    1 REP MAX (these are figured out by my app I have, not sure if it is accurate)
    Deadlift: 145
    Squat: 135
    Bench: 75 - i feel so weak here lol

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): not yet, but getting closer to it.

    Favorite arm move: hammer curls
    Favorite leg/butt move: squats

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? yes 3 times a week
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    172 lbs

    I have been lifting for about 10 weeks 'this time round'.
    3 - 5 x a week
    Split routine

    1 REP Max:
    I have never tried my max

    Deads: 165lbs, 3 sets of 6
    Squat: 100 lbs, 3 sets of 6 (sorting my form out at the moment)
    Bench: 80lbs, 3 sets of 6

    Pull ups: no idea as I have not tried recently.

    Favorite Arm: Bench Press
    Favorite Leg: Squats (when I can get my form sorted out)

    Isolated Abs: Yes - 1 - 2 x a week, depending on schedule
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Height: - 5'5"
    Weight: - A lot

    How long youve been lifting: - 6 years
    Times per week: - 3
    Split routine or full body: - Split (1. Arms&Chest, 2. Legs, 3. Back&Abs)

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: - 225
    Squat: - 400
    Bench: - 165

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): - No (tried, but not to that level yet)

    Favorite arm move: - Curls
    Favorite leg/butt move: - Squats

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? - Yes. 200 crunches a day then ab day at the gym one day a week.

    ... Cardio 6 days a week

    Damn! girl....no wonder squats are your favorite. :drinker:
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Height: 158cm
    Weight: 102kg

    How long youve been lifting: 4mths
    Times per week: 3
    Split routine or full body: full body

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: 40kg
    Squat: 30kg (I'm recovering from knee surgery)
    Bench: 40kg

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): not yet, but they are on my wish list.

    Favorite arm move: ??
    Favorite leg/butt move: ??

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often?

    Planks and leg raisers 2-3 x a week.

    I did 5 x 55kg deadlifts today, I so I'm sure my 1RM would be higher.
  • Awkward30
    Awkward30 Posts: 1,927 Member
    Height: 5'3.5"
    Weight: 142

    How long youve been lifting: on and off, a year, consistently about 3 months
    Times per week: 3-4 (every other day)
    Split routine or full body: full body compound movements

    1 REP MAX don't know, no spotter
    Deadlift: 145x6
    Squat: 175x6
    Bench: 75x6

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): I did my first unassisted pull up last weekend!

    Favorite arm move: push ups always make me feel powerful. Working on handstand pushups
    Favorite leg/butt move: I love squats! Partly why my squats outpace all other lifts.

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? No, I do some v-ups or situps sometimes when the mood strikes lol
  • kensky
    kensky Posts: 472 Member
    Height: 5'2.5''
    Weight: 129

    How long youve been lifting: I've been serious about lifting since Oct. 2011
    Times per week: 3
    Split routine or full body: Full

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: 165
    Squat: 120
    Bench: 85

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): no(t yet)

    Favorite arm move: Decline pushups (the kind with your feet on a bench...is that decline?)
    Favorite leg/butt move: Squats

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? No
  • aymetcalf
    aymetcalf Posts: 597 Member
    Height: 5'2
    Weight: 136lbs

    How long youve been lifting:
    Times per week: 3
    Split routine or full body: fullbody

    Squat: 135 (3x7)
    Bench: 105 (1 rep max)

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): working on it - can't do full unassisted pullups yet - maybe in another month or so.

    Favorite arm move: bicep curls, tricep pulldowns
    Favorite leg/butt move: squats!

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? Not really. abs are used in many other fullbody exercises (squats, bench, planks, etc) - and besides a 6-pack is made in the kitchen, not the weightroom :)
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    bump for later - motivation!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Height: 5'3
    Weight: 134

    How long youve been lifting: 2-3 months
    Times per week: Twice a week
    Split routine or full body: Full body each day but different work outs

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: 220lbs
    Squat: 185lbs
    Bench: 73lbs (using 1-rep max calculations as I never have a spotter to test it)

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): 4 of each

    Favorite arm move: No isolated arm moves.
    Favorite leg/butt move: Squats

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? Just planks and hanging leg raises.
  • mgaither
    mgaither Posts: 115
    BUMP! Just started weight lifting.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 198

    How long you've been lifting: 22 years
    Times per week: 3
    Split routine or full body: I've done both. Currently doing full body

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: 245
    Squat: 210
    Bench: 115

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): Not at this weight but I used to be able to do them

    Favorite arm move: Push ups
    Favorite leg/butt move: Deadlift

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? - Not really. If i do ab work then it's stuff like planks and side planks
  • agthorn
    agthorn Posts: 1,844 Member
    and besides a 6-pack is made in the kitchen, not the weightroom :)
    I need the extra core strength for my yoga classes, even if it never actually shows up on my midsection.
  • ishtar13
    ishtar13 Posts: 528 Member
    Height: 5'3"
    Weight: 186.5

    How long youve been lifting: a few weeks, this time
    Times per week: 3-4
    Split routine or full body: full body

    1 REP MAX - Haven't determined

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): working on it; unassisted pullup is a goal

    Favorite arm move: don't do isolation and don't really have a fave
    Favorite leg/butt move: squat!

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? No; sometimes I do planks or Turkish get ups or cable wood chops, but only if I still have energy after my other lifts.
  • twistedsister1982
    Height: 5'4"
    Weight: 135

    How long youve been lifting: 4 years
    Times per week: 4
    Split routine or full body: split.... bench, military press, squats, dead lifts

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: 300lbs
    Squat: 270lbs
    Bench: 70lbs :# (implants)

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): not so much since my surgery

    Favorite arm move: -
    Favorite leg/butt move: heavy below parallel squats

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? occasionally will do hanging leg raises.... pilates at home when i m feeling lazy
  • Jenlwb
    Jenlwb Posts: 682 Member
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: 55kg

    How long youve been lifting: Since Jan 2012, but Stronglifts since Sept.
    Times per week: 2-3
    Split routine or full body: Compound Stronglifts moves.

    1 REP MAX - never checked but here are my 5 sets of 5 reps weights:
    Deadlift: 60kg 1x5
    Squat: 53.5kg 5x5
    Bench: 24kg 5x5

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): I wish... one day!

    Favorite arm move: barbell row
    Favorite leg/butt move: heavy squats/lunges

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? Not really. The occasional plank? I should tho!

    Edit: Deadlifts is of course 1 set of 5, not 5!!
  • horseplaypen
    horseplaypen Posts: 442 Member
    You guys are so impressive!!! :love:

    Height: 5'6"
    Weight: 140 lbs

    How long youve been lifting: 2 months seriously, 8 months not seriously prior to that
    Times per week: 4-5
    Split routine or full body: ?? Cross-fit??

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: 150 lbs
    Squat: 125 lbs (front)
    Bench: 85 lbs

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): No (only with a band)

    Favorite arm move: ?
    Favorite leg/butt move: ?

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? No, not sure what you mean, but ab stuff is usually incorporated into a general workout for me...
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 135

    How long youve been lifting: Almost 1.5 years, only about 5 months with free weights
    Times per week: 3x
    Split routine or full body: Stronglifts... so I guess full body compound?

    1 REP MAX (Haven't done, but here's my current stronglifts weights)
    Deadlift: 140 1x5
    Squat: 135 5x5
    Bench: 87 5x5

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): Haven't tried since I quit the gym in May... then I was doing them with 10# of assistance, so I probably could now.

    Favorite arm move: Overhead press... shoulders are part of the arms, right?
    Favorite leg/butt move: Squats

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? Nope. Sometimes I might do a few crunches between sets, but... nope.
  • anemoneprose
    anemoneprose Posts: 1,805 Member
    Height: 5'7
    Weight: 125

    How long youve been lifting: Making an effort since July/August, but just got out of old-broken-lady prep ( highish reps & lowish load) ~ 1 month ago
    Times per week: 3
    Split routine or full body: Full, but with more accessory stuff for lower body

    1 REP MAX
    Deadlift: Never tried, don't know - right now, doing 5x10, #118. Maybe 150?
    Squat: 5x10, #78 (front squat). Prob 100. Ankle's a limiting factor for all lower body lifts.
    Bench: Prob a lot higher than what I'm doing (no rack or spotter). Max so far's been 40 with DBs; I could probably do 70.

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): No

    Favorite arm move: Bench press. Also, 'Waterbury' rows - from a squat, you stand up to tiptoe with a measure of explosive force, and bring up the elbow high as you ascend - from here:

    Favorite leg/butt move: 1 legged RDLs for fun, weighted bridge/hip thrust for what's it going to do.

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? No. But I start with ab exercises, right after glute stuff, so they're clicked in for the w/o. I rotate between plank, swiss jacknife, mountain climbers, & spiderman/reptile/pushup, leg raises from the ground, and scissor kicks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nWKTmFv76I8

    For glutes, I want to try slideboard leg curls:
  • LottieLou13
    LottieLou13 Posts: 574 Member
    Height: 5'5
    Weight: 170

    How long you've been lifting: 5 months
    Times per week: 3
    Split routine or full body: Just finished NROLW and I'm beginning 'Starting Strength' on Monday

    1 REP MAX - never done these - these are my max I've lifted so far...
    Deadlift: 128lbs
    Squat: 78lbs
    Bench: 45lbs

    Pull-ups/chin ups( yes or no): Nope - just got a door gym yesterday though so am hoping these aren't going to be far off

    Favorite arm move: Kettlebell clean and jerk...or OHP...
    Favorite leg/butt move: Conventional deadlifts

    Do you do isolated ab workouts? If so how often? Nope