

  • I can't do the big one-a-days... but I can do the adult gummy ones... I almost think of them as a treat. They do have 15 cals in the ones I take, but they're the womens' vitafusion.
  • I say this as well! Reality is even if your mom and dad can't keep quiet in the end, make sure they don't take any photos of you with them. Then save the actual visuals for in person rather than sending her photos -- it'll be worth it to see her reaction!
  • Name/ real name: bambier/Amber Goal weight on December 31st: 180 12/01: 12/05: 12/12: 12/19: 12/26: 12/31:
  • We both know each others -- there are pretty frequent instances where he has to call me and ask me to get something out of his email or vice versa. Other accounts I set up for him. We have shared accounts for netflix etc... so we both know the passwords for those and they also happen to be the same passwords we use for…
  • Hello! I'm Amber, I'm 30 and have a 2 year old daughter (Averie). I work full time outside of the home too. We have about a 40 minute commute each way, plus the other half and I ride together which tacks on another hour or so to my work day. Most days we leave home at 7:15 AM and don't get home until 6:30-7PM. Hard to…
  • I'm definitely a night exerciser too -- no way in heck I'm getting up before my kid gets up unless I absolutely have to! We're starting to take her to the kids club at the gym more -- it'll be easier once we add the other half onto my gym membership too I think! She loves the kids club, so that's a bonus!
  • My cabinets and fridge are cleaned out with the exception of my daughter's halloween candy. She worked so hard to earn that and I felt bad tossing it! The other half tried to hide it, but I found it in it's hiding space too (the bathroom cabinet, right where i get my towels from every night). Hpoefully he'll find a new…
  • Good lord -- I had to put in 3 hrs of exercise to hit 1k calories burned. I don't remember this being so hard before! Weekly Goal: 3500 Mon: 1076 (Walking, Body Pump, Super Step, Yoga, Dance) Tues: Wed: Thur: Fri: Sat: Sun: Total: 1076 Left to go: 2424
  • Oops - wrong topic! I should really check my dates!
  • yay for crockpot season!!! I'm adding these to my arsenal of things to do this fall! thanks!
  • I thought about doing this last night, I think I'm convinced now to do it today!
  • I missed this thread... i have a hard time keeping up with all the different topics since I don't frequent the forums! ) Weight and measurements - *Weight - 200.8 *Waist - 36 inches *Chest - 42.75 Inches *HIps - 46 2) Comments (The good, the bad, the ugly!) Try to keep any moans and groans light hearted. I've survived so…
  • I wrapped up day 3 last night. I was sore all day yesterday, but once I got moving I felt better. Definitely wasn't able to do the strength moves as deeply as I could have before due to my muscles being tender, but the cardio is getting easier! So far today my only point of suffering is in my inner thighs. Everything else…
  • Day 2 complete. yesterday it was my arch that suffered, today I got a cramp in my ring finger on one hand that's still there. I suppose maybe it's to distract me from the rest of the pain??
  • This. Though I don't make my own stuff... I'm too lazy for that! I switched to the curly girl method a couple years ago and I'll never go back. My hair is so much less frizzy and more defined, and I spend a TON less on product. I use: 1. Suave coconut conditioner as cowash (instead of shampoo). You do use more of it than…
  • Interestingly enough, I survived day 1 fine - a little shaky after and it took a while to catch my breath right... and the only area that had any real 'pain' while working out was the arch of my foot... I'll try different shoes tonight to see if that helps. Seems like everyone is doing this in the morning -- is anyone else…
  • Most people do level 1 for 10, level 2 for 10 and then level 3 for 10, but it's at your own pace. When you get 'comfortable' enough doing level 1 that you want a challenge, that's when you should switch to level 2.
  • I'm in! But hoping we can either stay in this one topic thread or someone can keep me linked up to the most recent one since I'm rarely on the forums...
  • I'm in!!! I was planning on starting tomorrow anyway and just stumbled across the group. I don't keep up on the forums every day though, so we either need to have one thread that I can go back to, or someone is going to have to let me know where to find it or I'll never be able to keep up!
  • Had a total fail moment last night.... HE decided that he should make homemade potato chips last night so he could take them into work this morning. And then he decided he should use bacon salt on them. I thought I was going to make it until I could smell them. I had a few... oops.... So... Currently: Me: 15.5 - LNS: 2.5.
  • Okay, I'm a little bit of a slacker, I haven't been on the computer much lately.... ...which is good, 'cause most of my mindless snacking happens when I'm on the laptop, but it means I haven't checked in.... last check in was Me 4.5 - LNS 0.5 (diet soda fail!) Currently: Me: 14.5 - LNS: 1.5. I've not done terrible! Been…
  • I would say start with just 20-30 minutes a day. Once you done that for a couple of weeks you'll have kicked those endorphins in and you'll be "used" to the idea of doing exercise. Then you can start trying to extend your time if you want -- and maybe eventually do 3 of the days as an hour workout. I've always been told an…
  • Amazing transformation!! :-D
  • This is a great challenge for me, dinner is late for us - so I'm going with 7:30 as a cut off time. So far for the month of january I'm up 5-0!! I knew this was going to be one my biggest hurdles that i needed to overcome from the get-go. Unless a sip of diet soda counts against me... I was thirsty, it was handy... I…
  • I breastfed my daughter -- but I actually gained weight while doing it because I wasn't eating enough...
  • Welcome! :) Hopefully you have better luck with this site, I've only been here a couple days and found so many people to help keep me on track already!! And then you followed me here, that always helps too!
  • It's definitely doable!! For recipes - try getting some of the ziploc zip and steam bags. If you're anything like me and hate slaving over a stove to get homemade food and prefer convenience foods - these are totally worth it - I can throw a FROZEN chicken breast into a bag with some seasoning and microwave it for about 10…
  • Whew! I think I got everyone added so far -- this site is fantastic so far, thank you all for the support!!! :-D
  • I don't think a cheat day a week is too bad. One thing I'd suggest is looking into calorie cycling where you just try to average at your goal per week -- so if your goal is 1600 you could do something like Mon 1700 Tue 1300 Wed 1600 Thur 1300 Fri 1600 Sat 2100 Sun 1550 That way over the course of a week you do better with…