30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    Just finished day 2. It was harder than yesterday because my muscles are still sore from yesterday. I had to drop the weights a couple of times and just use my arms without them while doing the side lunges lol I also had a hard time with the pushups. The cardio and abs were fine :)
    Not sure if I can do it tomorrow because I have a dentist appt after work and then DH will be home with me.. we live in an apt so I can't really do it when he's here unless he's showering or sleeping.
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Day 2 is complete!

    Well my hrm worked during todays workout and I burned 192 calories.

    I think circuit 2 is my fav. What is your fav circuit?
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    I (technically) started the Shred last Wednesday. I did it on Thursday and then took Friday and Saturday off. So when I saw this thread, I decided I'd just restart with my first day on Sunday. Today I did day 3. The soreness is easing up a bit although I'm still very aware of my muscles. :) I have found that the cardio segments are challenging during the intervals but by the last segment, I'm pumping through it with little problem (maybe it's because each move only takes 30 secs and we do all four moves).

    When I started I weighed 181.8. Already saw a loss as today I came in at 180.2. I have one of those nifty scales that measures body fat, water retention, muscle mass, etc and I noticed that my muscle mass has increased a small bit and so has my water retention (by 2%). Good to know my body is responding the way it should!

    I did take before pics...and they are definitely depressing. Perhaps I'll share once we get through this. ;) I also did measurements but did them in centimeters since it's a touch more accurate for me.

    Oh, today I upped my weights from 5 lbs to 10 lbs on the chest fly segment. Five pound weights weren't doing anything for me and it felt really easy and I haven't had any soreness in my chest or pecs since starting so figured I needed to up that a bit to get a better burn. The 5 lbs KILL me on the shoulder raises when doing the side lunge. So I will sometimes grab my 2 lbs to get through that move.

    As far as calories burned...I wear a heart rate monitor and it shows my heart rate sitting in 160s to low 180s almost the whole workout (with exception of abs when it comes down to 138-145). Therefore, after a 25 min workout it shows I've burned between 325-350 calories!! I'm 31 yo, 5'4.5" and 180.2 lbs (and my HRM is all set up according to my age, resting heart rate, weight,). I've often wondered why others report burning much less calories...and I wonder if it's because they are much smaller to begin with or if my heart is just so flat out of shape. :o/ I started C25K on July 1st and was in the 7th week last week when I had to give it a rest when I started the Shred. So I've been working on conditioning my heart for those seven weeks and noticed my resting heart rate lowered after all the training. This is a good thing!!

    Lastly (sorry this is so long-winded), I'm doing an additional 30 mins of cardio (brisk walking) after the Shred each day. I'm planning to take one day off a week (Saturdays) but once I get to level 2, I may need to reevaluate. hah!
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    bambier, I do mine in the evenings. Did Zumba at the gym early this morning.

    jade999a, I am not burning as many calories as you are, but I am 57. I only burn that amount of calories while doing Zumba and Step classes. ;-)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    OMG I did it today despite being sore! Push-ups are so hard for me and always have been! LOL I remember I used to do them every nght before bed (just 10) and by day 6 could do 15.... Soooo, just gotta push through the soreness! :)

    After dinner had a great meal of spaghetti squash, marinara, brocc, onions, kidney beans, mushrooms and a HUGE salad filled with veggies! :)

    Here's to day 3! :)
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Day 2 completed. I'm not feeling half as bad as I was expecting - my abs are a little sore but I'm able to walk ok unlike last time! I find the first circuit the hardest but the time does go quickly from there.
    I'm going to supplement the workout with cycling with the family (nothing too strenuous) and I go to two workout classes a week. At the moment I'm doing the workouts last thing at night (when the kids are in bed) but I would prefer to get it out of the way in the morning (if I had a chance). Best of Luck with Day 2/3 everyone x

    LOL If i can get through the second circuit during the lunges part (I have a bad knee so split lunges take me awhile to build up to) I find I am like "easy breezy" Well not easy, but not DREADING it! LOL
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    Completed Day 3 Level 1 and HRM said 196 calories burned in 29 minutes.
  • bambier
    bambier Posts: 32
    Day 2 complete. yesterday it was my arch that suffered, today I got a cramp in my ring finger on one hand that's still there. I suppose maybe it's to distract me from the rest of the pain??
  • andison
    andison Posts: 22 Member
    Will pick up day 3 tomorrow. Need motivation to keep on with this one, can't seem to make it past a few days :(
  • tn92
    tn92 Posts: 12
    Im loving it so far. It is definitely a work out. how long are you going to stay on level 1? and i told myself i wasn't gonna weigh myself for a week but i couldn't help it today and i stepped on the scale and i gained 3lbs. I know that gaining weight when starting a new workout is normal but 3lbs in 2 days?!
  • I've been more off track then on, so the serious start of day one for me starts tomorrow, i can't see why i complain if i'm not doing anything about it right? lol

    Starting weight : 240 lbs
    ( i use the measurements of the parts of the body that my personal trainer used when i was a teen , i've recently had a baby by csection 3 months ago so im a little wobbly )

    Bust : 45 in
    bra band : 40 1/2 in
    Waist above belly button : 44 in
    Hips : 48 in
    Upper Thigh : 32 in
    Lower thigh : 24 in
    Calf : 18 1/2 in
    Upper Arm : 16
    Biceps Curled : 15 1/2

    NOW, let's see if i can actually do this, i feel GREAT affter each workout ( even when i spend minutes of it tending to my daughter ) Jillian gets me through the hard days, i feel just great about myself at the end of the day !!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I just finished D2 for me. I will weigh and measure myself at the end of the 10 days. I don't want to get discouraged by the scale not moving or inches not coming off. We'll see what happens after the 10 days of L1. I'm going to finish the 30 days with my weakling 1 lb. weights then buy 3 lbs weights and start all over. I can't wait to see/hear everyone else's progress.

    Happy shredding!

    - PRiLA
  • hedkell
    hedkell Posts: 121 Member
    Day three finished, sore calves!!
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Day 3 completed. I managed to get it out of the way in the morning today so I'm chuffed! My favourite circuit is definitely the last one, I seem to have more energy towards the end somehow. I'm going to try to do each level for 10 days, although we've booked a short break away for next week so I may take the laptop with me to keep up.

    Hope you are all well and not too sore :flowerforyou:

    Starting stats are (in inches):
    Bicep: 13
    Chest (over bust): 40
    Waist: 32
    Hips: 41
    Thigh: 24
  • Day 3 - done! I also find the last circuit the best one - I think it may be the thought of nearly being finished.
  • Im loving it so far. It is definitely a work out. how long are you going to stay on level 1? and i told myself i wasn't gonna weigh myself for a week but i couldn't help it today and i stepped on the scale and i gained 3lbs. I know that gaining weight when starting a new workout is normal but 3lbs in 2 days?!

    I've been doing the shred for 20 days now and there's a lot of times I find myself fluctuating 3-5 pounds on the scale. The workout also creates muscle and sometimes I'll feel heavy (not fat) and sore when I step on the scale. Sure enough I've gone up a couple pounds. Anyways, it's a great workout and I've started to notice some abs and a lot of defininition in my shoulders and legs. Keep it up! :smile:
  • I use 3lb weights and it kills me..lol talk about weakling
  • I have been doing 30 Day Shred and Ripped In 30. Yes, I'm doing them at the same time. I wasn't feeling challenged enough by doing just one 25 minute workout a day. Some days I do doubles and others I just workout once. I rotate back and forth between the two workouts and their different levels so that my body is getting a different workout everyday. I have noticed some serious definition in my legs as well as my arms. My tummy (after two pregnancies) is finally getting smaller! I am excited about the results I have achieved thus far.

    Good luck everyone with your workouts and with everything!!
  • I use 3lb weights and it kills me..lol talk about weakling

    LOL! I use 3 lb weights and it is all I can do to use those! But hey, those little 3 lb weights are still giving me results! When I flex my arms, YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE MY MUSCLE!! :)
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Just finished day 4...(level 1). I'm doing more pushups now than day 1...I can squeeze out about 18-20 in the first round and then about 11 in the second round. Of course I should add these are modified (on my knees). ;o) Pushups are HARD!!
    And I'm getting better about getting my feet to kick my *kitten*. I'm usually so worn out by that point but I'm pushing it. I think it doesn't help me much that I'm wearing tennis shoes on carpet so the extra friction kinda stinks. I noticed some slimming/toning in my back. Hubby noticed it too today!! YAY! And I'm down to 179.6 lbs (started at 181.8). Feels amazing to *finally* be out of the 180s (now let's stay out of 'em!!).
    Have a good shred today guys!!