30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • malvakai
    malvakai Posts: 32
    I'm in too. I just started at a gym but I have the dvd and I'll try to keep up too.
  • Jen2882
    Jen2882 Posts: 1 Member
    Count me in too! If you have Charter or Comcast level one is on demand under sports and exercise tv! I'll most likely buy the dvd for level 2 and 3. So far of all the workouts on demand this is my fav!
  • broken_star1134
    broken_star1134 Posts: 65 Member
    Sounds great! I actually started last week but only did two days. Maybe this will make me more accountable to do it every day!
  • ljbhill
    ljbhill Posts: 276 Member
    Does anyone know how many cals it burns?
  • BunnyEyes
    Hello Everybody!

    I've been lurking around these boards for a few weeks, but this is my first post. I am starting the 30DS today and would love to join your gang.

  • tjcook1030
    I started this morning too! Yay, so happy others are doing it.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Also, I think that I could put on music and mute Jillian after I get the pattern of the exercises down. BF did the workout with me, and said that she was a crazy B***H about halfway through. ;-)

    Bahahaha - my husband said the same!!! I also felt wierd not balancing sides - like rotating the hips one way and not the other... No doubt I shall compensate this evening (Day 2).

    I slept through lastnight for the first time in months... She is an Evil woman, but if the end result is a good night's sleep, I shall shred till I'm dead!
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Does anyone know how many cals it burns?

    It varies depending on your weight (my husband and I were about 100 calories apart0 but most people add it as Circuit training (general).
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Can I join in with you on this official start date? I woke up committed to doing this again (I did D1 about 2 weeks ago, but then took too many days off). I've completed the Shred before, in Feb/March, and loved the results!! After I completed it the first time, I almost finished it a second time, but didn't get through all of L3. I've taken some time off from exercising now, and want to get back what I've lost (and some of what I've gained). :wink:

    I want to get through the 30 days by the end of September.

    GOOD LUCK!! :drinker:
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Does everyone go 30 days STRAIGHT through, doing it every day? Or do you take rest days, and if so, how often? I don't think I can handle this 30 days straight...being a novice strength exerciser and all.
    The program is designed to be done 30 days in a row. If you are going from no exercise to this, do the modified until the first couple of days. But keep going!! The soreness does ease up. Drinking a protein shake after helps with energy levels and muscle recovery, so does chocolate milk. Its the mix of protein and carbs that helps. In the end, the results are sooo worth it.
    jade999a + myslma01... In some of JM's other DVDs she recommends working out with her 5-6 days/week. I will be attempting to do 5 days of 30DS in a row, one day of Ripped in 30, and one day off/week. During my first round I aimed for 4-5 days in a row, and ended up taking one off, but there are TONS of people that have done 30 in a row, so it is 100% possible if you are committed to achieving that! :bigsmile: I agree that the soreness will get significantly less after the first 5 or so days. And modifying is always an option when your muscles are really sore. I did that on a fair number of the moves because of injuries that I'm working around. Typically, I think we'd all agree to do 10 days at each level, though some people go to L2 quicker if they are not feeling challenged. (I finished the 30DS in 38? days the first time).

    Time for measurements and photos! I'll be starting L1 within an hour!!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    LOL Just saw this in another post and had to share:

    Just found out!!!! With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information & wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy , we are enormously cultured, educated & happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, Good Grief look how smart I am, I must be a genius !!
  • Rachel1913
    Rachel1913 Posts: 39 Member
    Please count me in! I'm going to start this evening, after I take measurements and a picture.
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    LOL Just saw this in another post and had to share:

    Just found out!!!! With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information & wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy , we are enormously cultured, educated & happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, Good Grief look how smart I am, I must be a genius !!

    LOL- :) That's great! I am SO smart now! :)

    Well good morning everyone and super excited!

    I am up and drinking my green smoothie, going to do some major house cleaning (vacuuming and steaming the floors- I will even wear my heart rate monitor), then will get my workout under way! :) I'm totally excited and look forward to this little 23 minutes. 23 minutes. WE CAN DO IT! :)
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I did my D1L1 (1/30) here we go!! My ankle is sore from when I tried to do the C25K in March... STILL!!! But since I can't afford to go anywhere to have it check out, whatever. I'm just careful how I land on it. Enjoy your workouts today!
    Just found out!!!! With time, women gain weight because we accumulate so much information & wisdom in our heads that when there is no more room, it distributes out to the rest of our bodies. So we aren't heavy , we are enormously cultured, educated & happy. Beginning today, when I look at my butt in the mirror I will think, Good Grief look how smart I am, I must be a genius !!
    That's really cute! I like that.
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    Day 1 of level 1 complete! :)

    Steph, I love that quote! When I was in university, I'd always come home at Christmas with a few pounds on and even more by April. I'd always complain to my dad that I was gaining weight and he'd just smile and say, "Education is fattening, Sara. Just means you're really smart!"
  • Keisha604
    Keisha604 Posts: 126
    It's finally Monday! I'm so excited to start the Shred again. =)
    Did we ever decide if/when we're weighing in?...I think I saw something about Monday weigh in and giving an NSV. Love that idea!

    Anyway, happy Shredding everyone!!

    SW: 147.6
    Day 10:
    Day 20:
    Day 30:
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    Day 1
    Weight: 143.8 lbs
    Waist: 31"
    Hips: 39"

    I took pics but won't post them until I've got something better to show :)
  • hedkell
    hedkell Posts: 121 Member
    Finished day 1!!
  • BunnyEyes
    Day 1 - done! Does anybody else get really annoyed during the 'static lunges with a bicep curl' bit when the advanced instructor cheats and stops doing the lunges for a bit? I wanted to shout at the screen but I was a tad out of breath!

    I'd like to say I'm looking forward to day 2 tomorrow, but it is such hard work - great smug feeling afterwards though! Good luck for tomorrow everyone.
  • netuk38
    netuk38 Posts: 16
    me too id love to join in will be doing it a bit later on!