Does your spouse know your passwords?



  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    If you've got nothing to hide, why hide it?

    Mine has all my passwords, all my bank account numbers, atm numbers and everything, as I do with his. Do I ever check his emails, accounts ? nope, don't feel that I need to do this, does he ever check mine? Nope, he has no reason too.
  • Wife has the passwords to my financial accounts but none of my social networks. she could have them if she asked but she doesn't. Trust...what a concept!! I feel it makes for unhealthy relationships if one spouse feels they must have their spouses passwords.
  • We both know each others -- there are pretty frequent instances where he has to call me and ask me to get something out of his email or vice versa. Other accounts I set up for him. We have shared accounts for netflix etc... so we both know the passwords for those and they also happen to be the same passwords we use for everything else. Definitely not a bad trust thing - in fact, i saw it as the opposite. He trusted me not to go in and start sending out random emails to people from his account haha... It's definitely not that I didn't trust him and needed in to see what he was doing... I trust him just fine. I've never once logged in there without him asking me to except to check over lunch to see if he had read my email asking if he could pick me up early as I was feeling unwell since he had forgotten his phone at home :)
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My husband doesn't know all my passwords but all he would have to do is ask and I would give them to him. He doesn't ask because he trusts me. And I wouldn't care if he asked either... because I have nothing to hide.

    Yep. What she said.

  • My husband doesn't know all my passwords but all he would have to do is ask and I would give them to him. He doesn't ask because he trusts me. And I wouldn't care if he asked either... because I have nothing to hide.

    Yep. What she said.


    This is well
  • My OH uses the same password for pretty much everything, though I forget it every other time I'd need it. He knows mine, mostly because I've had him check things for me. I don't really worry about it one way or the other because we trust each other pretty thoroughly (dating long distance tends to help with that)
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    My husband doesn't know all my passwords but all he would have to do is ask and I would give them to him. He doesn't ask because he trusts me. And I wouldn't care if he asked either... because I have nothing to hide.

    What she said if I was married. I'm not married though but my son lives with me and he knows some of my passwords and my bank card PINs. The only reason he doesn't know all of my passwords is because there's never been an occasion for him to need to know. I wouldn't have an issue with him knowing though.
  • outtanms
    outtanms Posts: 237 Member
    My husband doesn't know all my passwords but all he would have to do is ask and I would give them to him. He doesn't ask because he trusts me. And I wouldn't care if he asked either... because I have nothing to hide.

    Yep. What she said.


    +1 more
  • jecka31
    jecka31 Posts: 284
    I know my husband's and he knows mine because we use the same set so we can remember them!! I never asked for them, he told them to me and same with me. I've never checked his email, only log on to his bank account on payday to pay bills and never check his credit card statements unless he asks me too. I consider it an invasion of his privacy. And he does the same for me. IMO, if you demand them, you have trust issues.
  • owengem
    owengem Posts: 131 Member
    We know all of each others, mainly cos they are the same for everything. Also know all banking details for our seperate accounts.
    The only time we have rules about not looking is around birthdays and christmas. But neither of us look from one month to another. No trust issues at all x
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    I think it's weird... I don't see why other half should know.

    Occasionally have given one to him to check things for me like banking (entirely trust him) but have changed them too after to be extra secure.

    I don't have anything to hide, nor should he but sometimes you have to have your personal space-it's the same with mail. I wouldn't want anybody else opening it. It's addressed to me, and e-mail etc is just like a phonecall and sometimes you need to just moan about the other half in private... unfortunately with e-mail I guess its there written down... and never goes away really even if you delete it!

    My philosophy is to NEVER put anything into writing that I don't want someone else to see - work, personal, whatever. If I need to vent, I *talk* to my girlfriends.

    My husband and I know each others passwords, not that either of us demands to know. I thought it completely strange when I first heard that someone's wife didn't know their passwords. Whatever reason/excuse you want to give, it comes down to a trust issue in my opinion. You ask, why should I? I ask, why not??
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    My husband misspelled a password once and I had to help him figure out HOW he misspelled it. We tried every misspelling we could think of, never did figure it out.

    Yes, I know most of his, he knows none of mine - I don't think he cares to know them. I'd tell them if he wanted to know.
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    After reading more of the posts, I find it very interesting that both sides of the discussion use trust as a reason as to why/why not . . . as one post said, if you have nothing to hide, why hide it?
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    LOL! I hope I'm not in a unhealthy relationship as we are to the point where my husband ASKS me what the password is to all his junk. He even makes me sign up for things for him or change stuff on his accounts that I don't want to be on like our Best Buy card. The check goes into direct deposit into my bank account that has his name on it and he's pretty much clueless as to what is in there. He's rather me manage the finances as I have more time to do it and actually enjoy it. The only passwords I don't know are the ones for his work as they are classified by the government. TRUST ME! I'm OK with that. More crap for me to worry about otherwise. We aren't like this because of trust issues but because he's lazy and it's easier to have everything the same. We don't even use Facebook because it's too complicated. I had to set up one for him and he never used it so we deleted them. =P

    I guess you can have all sorts of extremes.
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I know his and have given him mine on occasion for whatever reason, however, I doubt he ever uses them or even remembers them. I don't ever use his either. I don't feel a need to look at what he does.
  • KatFierce
    KatFierce Posts: 252 Member
    I know all my husband's passwords, as he uses the same two for everything and I set up alot of his accounts for him. My husband also knows mine, but he probably has no clue what site I go on, other than here and facebook ( he says I am addicted lol). It's not a big deal in our house.
  • jwhit31
    jwhit31 Posts: 450 Member
    I think its a trust issue !!! My fellings are if I can not trust you you are worthless . Trust is the base of any relationship . Bet this pisses some people off.


    Also have nothing to hide, my FB is always logged on and there have been times I've asked DH to check something and has given him my PW and vice versa. aDo I ever remember PWs he's given me......naw! Don't care!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    My wife and I have a lot of shared accounts,but personal accounts no.

    Certainly not banking or credit related. If there was ever fraud on your account and it was discovered that you had told someone else your credentials/passwords/PINs, you'd be liable.
  • My SO knows all my passwords, including email and I'm fine with that. Our relationship is based on trust, mutual respect, love and enjoyment of each others' company. No secrets required.
  • JulieSD
    JulieSD Posts: 567
    I should clarify what I originally meant :)

    I always leave my accounts open (mfp, hotmail, gmail) so that anyone at anytime could scroll though what I have been up to. With my ex it was never a matter of trust (we are no longer together because we are just very different people on very different paths). But the trust was always there.

    Even now If I really wanted, I could still use my debit card for his account (it was a shared account, I opened a new one with a new bank), but he knows that I would never do anything shady. Occasionally he asked me to transfer money from his account to my new one for child support with online banking.

    I only wanted to know if you've had or known someone who has had a spouse demand passwords. To me that is not normal. I've seen people I know freak out over not knowing this information. This is bizarre to me. You're in a relationship, shouldn't you trust that the person your with is on the up and up and if you can't then you shouldn't be with them.

    They could obviously have accounts that you dont know about and be living a secret