30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    OK So I had never heard of the 30DS until reading this and some similar posts. I got the DVD this afternoon, and am about to embark of the 30DS in moments!!! At least I should sleep tonight, I think I'll be knackered before the evening finishes :laugh:
  • aliciarenee79
    aliciarenee79 Posts: 35 Member
    I would like to do this with you all! I've had the dvd for a while, and have done level 1 a few times. I know my knees will not allow me to go 30 days strait through though.
  • netchik
    netchik Posts: 587 Member
    Just finished my first session and am exhausted. Husband did it with me which was hilarious. He has a few colourful adjectives for 30 day shred :blushing:

    I am also unsure what to list it under. Aerobic exerise? Circuit training?
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    This is perfect!! I was planning on starting tomorrow as it is - but now that I'm joining a group of people committed to the same thing, it'll just be that much better.

    Yay! :)
  • sara709
    sara709 Posts: 170 Member
    Looks like we've got a pretty good group started.

    How about we weigh/measure every monday and post the results as well as any comments about the week and any NSV (non scale victories) such as clothes fitting better, not wanting that second piece of (insert tempting food here), or your significant other noticed your *kitten* being tighter or lifted or whatever (LOL).

    I LOVE this idea! Will we just keep posting in this thread?
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    I have no patience and just jumped right in and did it today (though I will probably still do it for 30 days starting tomorrow). It is tough. On their own, each movement is easy enough, but you do not stop the entire time. I was huffing and puffing within minutes, and man are my arms tired. On that note, I started off on 5 lb weights because I didn't want to buy both 3 and 5 lbs, but I am going right out again and buying 3 lb weights, because WOW. She combines every strength exercise with some sort of arm weight movement, so your arms are going to be tired.

    Oh, and don't be dumb like me and not wear shoes. I apparently didn't clean up so well a week ago when I broke a glass, because within two minutes I had a small shard of glass in my foot. :'(

    But yeah guys, if you do this every day, I can't imagine that you won't see a difference!
  • I'm starting the 30 day shred today too! i reallyy hope i shed a tremendous amount of weight this time!!!!! i'm realllyyy sick of failing i am dying to lose my first 10 pounds and i hope this program works out great for me.
    I really want to wear clothes comfortablyyyyyyy and have a confidence boost, and i'm sure what's in my way is my weight.
    I'm glad you're starting it too and hey on the same day :) Goodluck!! i hope my sweet tooth wont get in my wayyyy
  • stephlake
    stephlake Posts: 105 Member
    OHhhh YEAH!!! This is me doing a happy dance.. I got the DVD this weekend and was hoping to find some peeps to start this with. I am soo completely totally in...

    GO US!!
  • I started this today, watched it on the weekend and thought oh yip this doenst look to bad..My goodness how wrong was i lol...I was huffing and puffing and must of looked pathetic, my daughter did with me and shes quite fit and she was puffing too, so it must really work..For those that have asked about logging the exercise i have done a bit ofreading on here and it is suggested to track it as circuit training...Go us come on we can do this!! :-)
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Shoot I don't have hand weights! My boyfriend suggested I borrow some from the apartment gym....buuut they have a security camera&it would be awkward carrying them back to my place (I'd bring them back though)....hahaha..No I think I will just buy some& not be sketchy. Can't wait to get started!
  • ipanda80
    ipanda80 Posts: 4 Member
    i'm in!!!!
  • ipanda80
    ipanda80 Posts: 4 Member
    I'm brand new here btw. =p
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    im in... if its not to late to join. I was ment to start at the begining of the month but i got really sick.
    I am just giving the kids some lunch & then I ws gonna give it a go :)
  • myslma01
    myslma01 Posts: 13 Member
    what measurements are we posting? thanks!
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    Okay, ladies, I have read the entire thread and you can count me in too! I have had the DVD for quite awhile and don't think I really did anything with it. So I am excited to say I will be starting with all of you. I may even start it in just a few minutes to get a jumpstart. Looking forward to this journey with everyone. Good luck - I know I will need it. LOL
  • shannon877
    shannon877 Posts: 55 Member
    I started today... While Jillian means well, some times during the warm-up she didn't stretch both sides. Not that it really mattered, because after we got going there was no turning back! It actually raised my heart rate in the same way that a CrossFit AMRAP workout would. I couldn't make it all the way through a couple of the exercises: side lunges, push ups, and shoulder raises. But I'm determined to continue on Level One each day except Tuesday & Thursday.

    I like that she said, "400 lb people can jump rope, so don't stop and say that you can't." That's big time motivation to not slack off.

    Also, I think that I could put on music and mute Jillian after I get the pattern of the exercises down. BF did the workout with me, and said that she was a crazy B***H about halfway through. ;-) I reminded him that she was a RICH B****H. LOL

    Cooked big batches of ground turkey/beef meatballs to freeze for the week, and made some chocolate coconut ice cream to get me through TOM. I need to be prepared for this week, if Jillian's going to be kicking my *kitten*.
  • Hollie55
    Hollie55 Posts: 65 Member
    phew just did day 1 level 1. Wow what a work out. Even with miss 7 months laughing at me I did it :) All going to plan I should finish 2 days after I finish my cake decorating course :)
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    Just finished Day 1 Level 1 and HRM said 208 calories burned in 26 minutes. I did cheat on the 2nd and 3rd set of jumping jacks and modified them. Hope to do better on future workouts. ;-)
  • shannon877
    shannon877 Posts: 55 Member
    Trying to post my "BEFORE" photos... Let's see if this works!
  • bambier
    bambier Posts: 32
    I'm in! But hoping we can either stay in this one topic thread or someone can keep me linked up to the most recent one since I'm rarely on the forums...