30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • jnrgreene
    jnrgreene Posts: 11 Member
    Does anyone know if you should do the 30ds every day or every other? I feel like my legs need a day to recover since I did it at 5:30 this morning and they are still shakey! LOl I have always been told that you are suppose to work your muscles every other day! Help!
  • olpbabe
    olpbabe Posts: 89
    Does anyone know if you should do the 30ds every day or every other? I feel like my legs need a day to recover since I did it at 5:30 this morning and they are still shakey! LOl I have always been told that you are suppose to work your muscles every other day! Help!

    I take a rest day when needed. You're right, sometimes I feel like I'll perform much better if my muscles have a day to relax. So far, it's working out just fine!
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    Just finished Day 2 Level 1 and HRM said 198 calories burned in 28 minutes. Seemed to be a little easier today. ;-) I also did a 30 minute class at the gym today.
  • I started friday but got off track, going to start again in the morning! would love some support, feel free to add me!!
  • prila13
    prila13 Posts: 222 Member
    I also started back on my dvd today. I did D1 earlier. I'm going to try my best to keep this up again.. lol.
  • hedkell
    hedkell Posts: 121 Member
    Day 2 level 1 done. Can't do a push up properly though!!
  • Day 2 done! I wanted to stop in the first strength circuit, but once that was out of the way it went very quickly. I can't do the proper push ups either, I just do the best I can on that bit.
  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    I managed to complete L1D1 yesterday but did not get a chance to post. I also did not get a chance to take measurements but will try to do so today. I made it through circuit 1 no problem. Circuit 2 I had trouble completing all the jumping jacks and jump ropes because my calves were on fire. Circuit 3 I made it through but by the end I was really feeling it. My calves were cramping and my abs were sore. This morning my calves are not so bad but my quads are a little sore and my chest. Good luck to everyone on Day 2!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Goooooood morning! Well, I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be so that is good! I can tell I worked out, and my walking is a little stiff, BUT I have been way more sore before, so that is good! :)

    I am drinking my green smoothie and just wanted to say good morning!

    Hope you are all "not too sore" either! LOL I'll be back on later as my workout won't happen until about 6! :)
  • bambier
    bambier Posts: 32
    Interestingly enough, I survived day 1 fine - a little shaky after and it took a while to catch my breath right... and the only area that had any real 'pain' while working out was the arch of my foot... I'll try different shoes tonight to see if that helps.

    Seems like everyone is doing this in the morning -- is anyone else working out at night??

    I am doing this shred IN ADDITION to my already existing workout. Anyone supplementing too, if so are you concentrating more on Cardio?

    I'm doing my regular workouts, but I'm focusing a little less on the weights. I used to do 30 mins cardio, 30 mins weights, and I'm switching to 45/15.
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    Ok guys I'm hesitant to believe this since I'm only three days in and the scale actually showed increase today, but I caught a look at my torso in the mirror and I sort of think I see a difference already...
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    Ok guys I'm hesitant to believe this since I'm only three days in and the scale actually showed increase today, but I caught a look at my torso in the mirror and I sort of think I see a difference already...

    From what I understand about working out/strength training & adding new exercise your muscles will retain water in an effort to recover from what you've been doing so I wouldn't worry about the scale going up a bit, that's normal.

    Congrats on noticing the difference in your body, that's great!
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    Finished up Day 2 and even though my quads (as well as a few other muscles) were slightly sore, I found it easier to do and was able to push myself harder. I like how GOOD I feel once I've recovered... its a welcome energy boost.

    I don't know about anyone else but I'm taking care to do my own stretching for 5 mins or so before starting the dvd because I'm not totally comfortable with how little Jillian does and I'm concerned about unintentionally injuring myself in my efforts to put all I can into these work outs.

    Hope everyone is having a successful day 2 (or 1 or 3 or whichever day you are on)!
  • dusk1977
    dusk1977 Posts: 295
    Hi fellow shredders, great first 2 days :drinker:
    My Starting Weight 240lbs
    Waist 38.5" (98cm)
    Hips 46" (116cm)
    Left Thigh 25"
    Right Thigh 26"
    Left Arm 13.5"
    Right Arm 14"

    Day 1 Level 1 done (a day late :sad: ) but loved it once I got going, managed to do it at the advanced level (except the press ups) but feel great bring on the next 29 days :bigsmile:
  • Got it done today. :) Didn't want to, but I did !
  • I also started this 8-22-11! Be sure to take before and after pics!
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Day 2 completed. I'm not feeling half as bad as I was expecting - my abs are a little sore but I'm able to walk ok unlike last time! I find the first circuit the hardest but the time does go quickly from there.
    I'm going to supplement the workout with cycling with the family (nothing too strenuous) and I go to two workout classes a week. At the moment I'm doing the workouts last thing at night (when the kids are in bed) but I would prefer to get it out of the way in the morning (if I had a chance). Best of Luck with Day 2/3 everyone x
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I was going to do the Shred this morning, but I decided to go on a 1.5 hour hike with my friend instead. My legs are sore from yesterday and that, so I will do D2 tomorrow evening.

    Great work everyone!!
    Ok guys I'm hesitant to believe this since I'm only three days in and the scale actually showed increase today, but I caught a look at my torso in the mirror and I sort of think I see a difference already...
    From what I understand about working out/strength training & adding new exercise your muscles will retain water in an effort to recover from what you've been doing so I wouldn't worry about the scale going up a bit, that's normal.

    Congrats on noticing the difference in your body, that's great!
    Yeah, I gained before losing on my first round too, but the mirror will show you!! I love that experience! :drinker:
  • malvakai
    malvakai Posts: 32
    Day 1 completed, a day late and I didnt want to work out but I pushed myself through it with some modified movements. Yay me!
  • smbirth
    smbirth Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! Jumping in a day late! Finished L1D1 for the umpteenth time, the challenge will be to keep on going 30 days!! Never have gotten past day 2!!

    Had hubby take pics (very humbling) and getting ready to do measurements. Weighing in at 147 5 ft 5 in