30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    wow cowboydan- that was brave advancing to level 2 already! I myself am scared to death of it!!!! haha- keep up the great work. I got out of the 200's earlier this year and then kinda lingered right below before I started mfp- it is such a great feeling!
  • jnrgreene
    jnrgreene Posts: 11 Member
    I did my second day today. I could hardly walk after Monday so I just walked on my treadmill on Tuesday. I did it today and although I am still really sore I was able to make it through just fine! I ate really horrible today though so I am sure I undid my progress!
  • I'm feeling it tonight, unsure I want to know what tomorrow morning will feel tomorrow aha, i did my D1L1 today, 15 minutes of dancing, and 30 minutes of treadmill! Oww
  • felicityksr
    felicityksr Posts: 208 Member
    Level 1 - Day 4 completed. It was tough tonight, but I burned a few more calores than I did the last two nights. I struggled tonight because I did a 30 minute fitness class at the gym this morning and did a 50 minute Zumba class this evening. I will push through like Jillian says. ;-) Note to self: Ibuprofen before bed!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Day 3 down and I gotta say that I feel pretty good! I am sore and my body is "tight" feeling but it's not like it was the first two days.

    I really feel like I'm making progress and that is good, but dang, day 3? LOL 27 more to go! We can do it! :)
  • hedkell
    hedkell Posts: 121 Member
    Day 4 done!:happy:
  • jadam6
    jadam6 Posts: 121 Member
    Day 4 completed. For those that have gained weight, don't worry. The first time I did 30ds, I found the same but once my body had a break from it (family had stomach bug) I lost 3lbs in one go (regained now though :grumble: ). I weigh myself everyday out of habit, but my official weigh in day is on Friday as I'm taking part in a weight loss challenge on here - I'm failing miserably!

    Hope you all have a good day x
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    So, technically today would be my day 7, but since I "restarted" on Sunday (after a two day break, LOL), it is day 4. I feel GREAT! I'm not really sore or tight. I am toying with the idea of trying level 2 today for my workout. Not sure if that would kill all ambition for the rest of the week though...hahah. ;o) I haven't peeked at level 2 yet to see what all is involved but I've read enough that people hate this segment the most. :o/ Sooo....what to do, what to do?!?!
  • Day 4 completed, but the first circuit was really tough for me today, I felt great afterwards though. On the plus side, my new sports bra did me proud - it's always a worry when you spend so much on an (ugly) article of clothing that it won't do its job properly, but this one coped with the jumping jacks and everything! Good luck fellow shredders!
  • Sweettart
    Sweettart Posts: 1,331 Member
    Sorry I didn't have time to post last night.

    I did complete day 3 last night. For some reason last night seemed to be the hardest workout so far. I burned 172 calories. I'm feeling good, more energy and a bit slimmer!
  • MrsRipdizzle
    MrsRipdizzle Posts: 490 Member
    Oh my crap!!! I tried level 2 today. Uhm yeah. I think I might go back to level 1 tomorrow. And do level 2 every other day or something. I never had to take a break during level 1, but level 2 caused me to pause a few times. My shoulders burn...and the pendulum lunges...oh my gosh...and the plank moves for all strength, cardio, AND abs...uhm...ouch.
  • Going to pull through with D2L1 even tho i can barely feel my upper thighs, i could bare with it if my calves hurt.. but ow
    EPICSRT Posts: 222 Member
    Tried to post last night, but was having trouble with this site. Think it was down.

    Day 3 was great! Think I'm finally getting the exercises where you stick your butt out correct (side lunge).

    Muscles were definitely tight today, all day! Especially the biceps and hamstrings. Not really super soar, just need to stretch it out a bit.

    Looking forward to what the results will be 27 days from now!!
  • I can't do the side lunges i start off doing them right until she says how not to do them then i try to change and totally screw them up lol
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    Morning/Afternoon all :)

    I had to take the day off from the Shred yesterday due to the extreme fatigue/soreness in my thighs and my wariness about causing a knee injury (luckily no sign of knee pain yet, so happy!). Probably didn't help that after I did day2 I unexpectedly had to help a friend move a bunch of a stuff which meant a TON of squatting and lifting and my legs were like "screw you, we need a break!" lol. I managed to get in 30 mins of low impact on an elliptical and am back to the grind today with D3L1.

    Y'all moving up to L2 already are brave! I think I'm going to try and do the level change every 10 days *fingers crossed*

    Cheers! :flowerforyou:
  • emanismom
    emanismom Posts: 27 Member
    For all my 30ds warriors...what do u use when posting ur exercises? I've been using circuit training for 20 mins=293 and that seems low. Help! Also, I wanted to say that I started without using any weights at all. If I used anything, it was 2 regular sized water bottles. Just saying!
  • bambier
    bambier Posts: 32
    I wrapped up day 3 last night. I was sore all day yesterday, but once I got moving I felt better. Definitely wasn't able to do the strength moves as deeply as I could have before due to my muscles being tender, but the cardio is getting easier! So far today my only point of suffering is in my inner thighs. Everything else seems to feel pretty "ok"!
  • i agree i have no idea how to log it, i could be way to high or way too low.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    I'm thinking I need to do the other levels. All I've ever done was level one and I didn't find it challenging. Plus I'd only burn like 120 calories for the whole workout. :-/
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    L1D5 for me today. I gotta say that I HATE HATE HATE both types of lunges. If not for the weights involved in the side lunges, I'd be fine I think, but even using 3lb weights, my arms are just DEAD by the end. And the front lunges kill, too. But that's the point. The past few days have been a little rough just because I've been dealing with shin splints from running, but even five days in, I am still sweating through this workout. Oh, and I HATE pushups. Okay, I'm done complaining now!

    On a positive note, I am seeing a difference. I feel crazy for saying that since it's only been five days, but I honestly think my stomach looks different. AND I broke down and weighed myself today (mostly because I felt crazy for looking in the mirror and thinking I'm seeing changes). In five days I've dropped almost 1.5 lbs! From now on I think I'm just going to weigh myself at the start of level 2 and level 3, but knowing that I am indeed going down makes me hate Jillian a little less.

    Oh, am I the only one who sort of hates her motivational voice? She gets much breathier when she gives her little speech about working through the pain and it makes me want to hurt her. Hahaha. Also, I get mad when she says she wants Anita's abs, because GIRL YOU HAVE THEM.

    I will say this. The abs routine for level 1 is a little... meh. I don't really feel all that much of a burn or anything when I'm doing it. I think it's because my own routine beforehand was much more intense (regular crunches, obliques, reverse crunches, leg lifts, 3 sets of 12 each). I mean, like I said I'm seeing results, so I can't complain, I just was really surprised by how low level it is compared to the rest of the routine.

    Okay now I am really done complaining! Keep pushing, guys, this is such a great workout!