30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11



  • kristen_sample
    I am joining this thread a couple days late, but I started 30 day shred this week!! I saw some gained weight the first couple days. I did too.... I really dont like that lol. Hopefully seeing I am not the only one out there doing it will keep me motivated :)
  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    Hi guys, well I got a little bit of a slow start because I was sick on Monday so I actually did my first work-out yesterday and man it kicked my booty big time!!! I could hardly walk down the stairs afterwards! I did like it though, it some weird perverse way it made me feel good to literally push myself till I felt well quite truthfully kinda sick. I also liked that it felt like it kept my heart rate up a bit for quite awhile after I was done- like I still felt like I was getting a workout even after I was done...does that make sense?
    Okay so today I meant to wake up early and do it before work but I stayed up to late last night reading (Just started "The Help" and it's hard to put down) so I plan on doing my work-out this evening again, wish me luck and I will re-post tonight after i'm done!
  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    BTW- I am also using 3 lb weights...they felt a lot lighter at the store! haha, I think they are a good weight for me though. I too find the last circuit the best, I feel more energized well accept for the bicycles, I am just terrible at those! Also I have never thought a jumping jack was hard until I got to like maybe it was in the 2nd circuit and my legs felt like lead, I could hardly kick them out!!
  • enigma2546
    Just finished workout for today ( my daughter did mommy a favour and slept for a half hour haha ) I fell off the band wagon a few times last week so today i pretty much started over, this was the first time i actually pulled through with every single work out, even the butt kicks & jump rope, i spent most the time cursing at jillian but god love her, i'm so motivated after todays workout, i can't wait for the next 29 days!
  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    I completed Day2 last night and was hardly able to walk when I was finished. I did not burn as many calories as I did the first night but I think that was because I was already sore. Still have cramping in my calves and quads. Shoulds and chest are a little sore. I planned to post last night but had no energy but at least I finished the entire workout:) I am not a morning person so I will be doing my workouts at night and I am not doing any other workouts besides the shred at this time. I use 3 lb weights for everything except the chest flies (I use 5 lb here). I have to drop one of the 3 lb weights for the 2nd set of lunges because my shoulders are too weak. I also do push-ups on my knees as I have never been able to do a real push-up. Can't wait for day 5 or 6 when Jillian says it will start to get easier and my endurance will start to increase. Good luck to all on day 3!
  • mjh5141
    mjh5141 Posts: 47
    Hey guys, I was wondering how often you all are going to weigh/measure yourselves? I definitely have scale-obsession and for a while was weighing myself every other day. I don't want to keep doing that because 1) your body fluctuates a few pounds day to day, and 2) I think even if I dropped a fraction of a pound every other day, it'd be more fun to see longer term results.

    So I'm sort of torn between weighing myself every 10 days at the start of each new level or just holding out and waiting until I'm done with the entire program. My concern with the latter is that my goal is to be in the 130s by the start of school, which is the day after I'd finish the 30DS, and I don't want to assume I'm eating well enough and doing things right and get there and realize I haven't lost anything. Opinions?
  • enigma2546
    I'm gonna weigh / measure every wednesday!!
    I'm far too obsessed with my scale , and get highly discourage to the point of tears if i so much as go up a pound, my boyfriend wants to throw it out lol!
  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Hey guys, I was wondering how often you all are going to weigh/measure yourselves? I definitely have scale-obsession and for a while was weighing myself every other day. I don't want to keep doing that because 1) your body fluctuates a few pounds day to day, and 2) I think even if I dropped a fraction of a pound every other day, it'd be more fun to see longer term results.

    So I'm sort of torn between weighing myself every 10 days at the start of each new level or just holding out and waiting until I'm done with the entire program. My concern with the latter is that my goal is to be in the 130s by the start of school, which is the day after I'd finish the 30DS, and I don't want to assume I'm eating well enough and doing things right and get there and realize I haven't lost anything. Opinions?

    I totally have or HAD a scale obsession before, maybe last year or more ago? I dunno it was bad, a few times a day.... It does nothing but give you false hopes I think. Water weight, salt intake, what you ate, bowel movements, etc all contribute to it...

    Measurements for me are once a month on the first of the month and same with weigh ins. However, when doing a program like this or working out at all and eating right, it's good to weigh yourself at the same time every week. So, I have picked Fridays and I record here on MFP and on my own calendar at home. Since we are doing check ins on Monday though, I suppose I will do it then to! :)
  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    I weigh myself twice a day haha!! Crazy I know but I have my reasons :)

    I don't know if I can do the shred today :( I have a dentist appt and by the time I get home my husband will be the tv won't be free :( Is it ok if I make it up with a double workout on Saturday?
  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    Goooooood morning! Well, I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be so that is good! I can tell I worked out, and my walking is a little stiff, BUT I have been way more sore before, so that is good! :)

    I am drinking my green smoothie and just wanted to say good morning!

    Hope you are all "not too sore" either! LOL I'll be back on later as my workout won't happen until about 6! :)

    What do you put in your green smoothie? There is a green smoothie I used to get at the gym I went to and it was so good but I don't know what they put in theirs...
    I would love to join the group. I purchased the 30 DS in January and it is still in the package :( (I know that is terrible.) Anyway, after reading everyone's posts, I am motivated. I will start level 1 day 1 tonight and see how I do. Good luck to everyone!
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    I also feel the need to stretch out before the workout starts. After Oprah I'm doing day 2 :) whoo hooo bring it on Jillian!
  • thistleandfi
    thistleandfi Posts: 102 Member
    Goooooood morning! Well, I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be so that is good! I can tell I worked out, and my walking is a little stiff, BUT I have been way more sore before, so that is good! :)

    I am drinking my green smoothie and just wanted to say good morning!

    Hope you are all "not too sore" either! LOL I'll be back on later as my workout won't happen until about 6! :)

    What do you put in your green smoothie? There is a green smoothie I used to get at the gym I went to and it was so good but I don't know what they put in theirs...

    Ditto, I'd love to know what's in your green smoothie?
  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
    I'M IN
  • afitchpatrick
    afitchpatrick Posts: 54 Member
  • abouck
    abouck Posts: 71 Member
    Finished day 3 and I lived to tell about it woohoo! Today was much better but my calves are still very sore and cramping.
  • myslma01
    myslma01 Posts: 13 Member
    just finished another day..I am going to level 2 on Friday...this way if I am sore I have the weekend to get through the rough days, then do level two for sure all next week. I am loving it!
  • MommyToFour
    MommyToFour Posts: 3 Member
    Too late to join in? I am new to the message boards, but have been using the MFP app on my phone for the last couple months. Today I did the first day of the 30 days shred (gotta love OnDemand), then came across this thread.....seems like perfect timing! :0) I haven't set tangeble weigh loss goals yet....but have lost 13 lbs in the last couple months and and am ready to roll with it!

    BTW- After my first 30DS today- my butt is already kicked! I am loving it- but HURTING!
  • cowboydan43
    cowboydan43 Posts: 306 Member
    Okay so I wanted to get more of a workout in today so I decided to try level 2. OH my word. Mistake. I did my best to follow the actual work out but jeez louise! I think I'm happy with sticking at level 1 for a few more days. Level 2 is scary..... My muscles are yelling at me. Keep shredding ladies/gents! My legs are getting some insane definition& I like it lots
  • caitlindrew422
    caitlindrew422 Posts: 109 Member
    All right, finished day 2 and it went good, it was surprisingly I little easier today so I am glad- and I could walk down our stairs when I was done! haha.
    I still need to take my measuremets but am doing weigh ins
    What do I like about it so far- that it makes me push, and mentally I can really keep telling myself it's only 20 min. you can push yourself to the limits! I also love the "afterburn" of the video too!
    Still hate the jump ropes and the bicycles! haha- I suppose I will get more used to them soon:wink: