30 Day Shred Starting 08/22/11 - Gearing up!



  • bambier
    bambier Posts: 32
    Most people do level 1 for 10, level 2 for 10 and then level 3 for 10, but it's at your own pace. When you get 'comfortable' enough doing level 1 that you want a challenge, that's when you should switch to level 2.
  • Hello All! I am new here but started the 30 day shred last week. I have missed a couple days but am planning on getting back on track today! I am on level 1 and today would be day 6. I'm bummed I missed a couple days...one was due to traveling and the other was last night...I wasn't feeling well but I did do a walk/jog in the morning.

    I have 9 week old baby and am looking to get back in shape! I am trying to do the 30 day shred and also walk or do a walk and slow jog as well....just 20 min. I am trying to diet as well but my husband likes to cook which does NOT help the situation....but I have decent willpower so I will just keep trying!

    I want to lose 25 pounds.

    Here are my stats:

    37 inch waist (well around the thickest part of my stomach and love handles)
    37 inch chest

    24 1/2 inch thigh

    12 1/2 inch arm

    41 1/2 inch hips/butt

    Weight: 141 lbs Goal weight: 115 (would be happy with 120)
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    I did live through Day 1, Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred yesterday. Matter of fact, today I did Day 2 of Level 1.
    I have a very hard time with all of the impact moves as my knees are not great and I'm in terrible shape! So I fudged some, but kept moving for the 20 minutes. I keep forgetting to take my measurements but will try to first thing in the morning. At the very least I need to lose 20 pounds.

    I'm not giving up and will continue doing this routine for the 30 days...I am determined!!
  • raeanneg
    raeanneg Posts: 14 Member
    Add me in if it's not too late... I am doing tae kwon do three days a week, just started c25k (tonight is w1d3) and will add l1d1 of 30ds tonight as well. I am not a morning person... :)
  • OMG - did level 1 yesterday....it was good...a little 2 easy.

    Did level 2 today....just to change it up...holy crap...it's hard.

    Back to level 1 tomorrow....I'm going to alternate this week.
  • :)
  • jingoace
    jingoace Posts: 219 Member
    I did live through Day 1, Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred yesterday. Matter of fact, today I did Day 2 of Level 1.
    I have a very hard time with all of the impact moves as my knees are not great and I'm in terrible shape! So I fudged some, but kept moving for the 20 minutes. I keep forgetting to take my measurements but will try to first thing in the morning. At the very least I need to lose 20 pounds.

    I'm not giving up and will continue doing this routine for the 30 days...I am determined!!

    Aim2lose - I too have serious knee issues...... I did side-to-side steps with arm movements for the jumping jacks, I leaned on a chair to do 1/4 butt kicks, I used toe up & down motions (no jumps) & arm motions for the jump-roping, and I used a massage table to lay on for anything that is supposed to be on the ground - much easier to get up onto a massage table to do the ab exercises than to get myself up & down off the floor..... all these alterations are because I have bone-on-bone left knee & arthritis everywhere else. If I can make small adjustments, and slowly keep going, SO CAN YOU! Just don't hurt yourself!!!!
  • statia152
    statia152 Posts: 558
    Hi everyone! I just want you to know that I'm peeking in on you guys. I'm at Level 2 Day 6 and I want you all to know that you have a wonderful support team going here. Keep up the positive feedback and the program and you will start to see big results in just two weeks. XOXO ~ Statia (sounds like Stay - sha)
  • BlondeViki
    BlondeViki Posts: 33 Member
    I've taken my starting measurements (well 5 days in but hey) and they are:

    Waist: 31.5
    Hips 40.5

    I was pleasantly surprised by this because I haven't taken them in a while and it seems the running has knocked about 1.5 inches off each - it would be nice if the 30DS could knock off another 1.5 inches :)

    Day 6 of Level 1 tonight for me. I'm not feeling it so much in my legs any more, they are keeping up nicely (except with the side lunges which make me feel like I've got short legs or something, what I do looks nothing like the ladies on the video!!) but I'm still having to persevere with my chest/arm muscles, I really struggle with the press ups even done the "easy" way.

    Not looking forward to Level 2 since I've heard it's quite a step up...

    Good luck everyone!
  • BlondeViki
    BlondeViki Posts: 33 Member
    I've taken my starting measurements (well 5 days in but hey) and they are:

    Waist: 31.5
    Hips 40.5

    I was pleasantly surprised by this because I haven't taken them in a while and it seems the running has knocked about 1.5 inches off each - it would be nice if the 30DS could knock off another 1.5 inches :)

    Day 6 of Level 1 tonight for me. I'm not feeling it so much in my legs any more, they are keeping up nicely (except with the side lunges which make me feel like I've got short legs or something, what I do looks nothing like the ladies on the video!!) but I'm still having to persevere with my chest/arm muscles, I really struggle with the press ups even done the "easy" way.

    Not looking forward to Level 2 since I've heard it's quite a step up...

    Good luck everyone!
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    I did live through Day 1, Level 1 of the 30 Day Shred yesterday. Matter of fact, today I did Day 2 of Level 1.
    I have a very hard time with all of the impact moves as my knees are not great and I'm in terrible shape! So I fudged some, but kept moving for the 20 minutes. I keep forgetting to take my measurements but will try to first thing in the morning. At the very least I need to lose 20 pounds.

    I'm not giving up and will continue doing this routine for the 30 days...I am determined!!

    Aim2lose - I too have serious knee issues...... I did side-to-side steps with arm movements for the jumping jacks, I leaned on a chair to do 1/4 butt kicks, I used toe up & down motions (no jumps) & arm motions for the jump-roping, and I used a massage table to lay on for anything that is supposed to be on the ground - much easier to get up onto a massage table to do the ab exercises than to get myself up & down off the floor..... all these alterations are because I have bone-on-bone left knee & arthritis everywhere else. If I can make small adjustments, and slowly keep going, SO CAN YOU! Just don't hurt yourself!!!!

    Thanks, jingoace!

    Today I completed Day 3 of Level 1 of the 30DS. I have to modify some of these moves and like your ideas. Tomorrow I'll try some of your moves along with mine and keep going! Thanks for the vote of confidence!
    Someday I'll have to have knee surgery...
  • vastra
    vastra Posts: 36
    Well, after putting it off all day I finally got off the sofa and did level 1, day 3. Wow, it was hard, I really didn't think I was going to make it through! But I did, and now I feel great! My arms are much more achey than they have been before though, I was hoping it was going to start getting easier now, oh well, maybe tomorrow.

    I'm really pleased I did it though, I have been making excuses all day and finally I remembered all of you guys on here, going through the same thing and pushing through it even when you don't want to and I realised that no excuse would be good enough! Here's hoping I can get through day 4, and that it will begin to get easier soon.

    Thanks guys, I couldn't have done it without ya! :)
  • renfrowife
    renfrowife Posts: 31 Member
    Bump! Is it too late to start... I will start it tomorrow either before or after work. :smile:
  • mamaDaisyJ
    mamaDaisyJ Posts: 395
    I'd like to join ya!~
    Day three was this morning, and I made it through without stopping on any of the weights or abs. Well, the bicycle crunches at the end, I got about 3/4 of the way and finished with standard crunches, but I kept it going! The cardio, well the jacks and rope, I had to stop twice to give my shins a quick rub, but not even 5 seconds. I am confident that sexy arms are coming my way too :tongue:

    I am shredding it up in the morning, right after my 7 year old leaves for school. My son doesn't wake up until 9ish, so I even have time for a shower before the day starts ~ love it!

    What time does everyone get their shred on? I think my favorite part on level one is the last cardio set: the jump rope. Even though it hurts my shins the first two times, that last bit of jumping I just feel like I'm floating with each jump. Is that weird? It just feels really good at that moment.

    Good night!~
  • BlondeViki
    BlondeViki Posts: 33 Member
    What time does everyone get their shred on? I think my favorite part on level one is the last cardio set: the jump rope. Even though it hurts my shins the first two times, that last bit of jumping I just feel like I'm floating with each jump. Is that weird? It just feels really good at that moment.

    I do mine in the evening when I get in from work and I'm waiting for OH to come home - it's my half hour of peace usually, but I've replaced it with shredding!

    I find the last cardio set easier than the first two as well, I thought I was odd because I should be more tired by then! Good to know I'm not the only one :)

    I'm running instead of shredding tonight, unless it rains then it'll be Day 7 of Level 1 for me.
  • aim2lose
    aim2lose Posts: 101 Member
    Sorry, I finally had to give up the 30 Day Shred.......my knees were killing me. Going to give the knees a rest and then continue on a much lower impact level.

    Any suggestions on a workout video with no impact moves?
  • I started my 2nd round of the 30 DS on 8/24 so I'm game! My first round results are on my blog if you'd like to see the change in my measurements and pictures. It's amazing. and let me tell you, I've been through all 3 levels and I'm starting back at level one, and I'm still having to stop a few times and not do things on the advanced level. Lunges are my enemy first of all, and push ups are the devil. Maybe I'm a pansy...Idk. But I had great results the first time and hope for nothing less the 2nd go 'round!
  • AIM2LOSE: Are you doing the beginner modifications? I find that sometimes those are even a little difficult so just do what you can do, and not as many or as fast as they do it. A few rest days are okay, although she doesn't recommend it.
  • Whutto1
    Whutto1 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone, I just joined this site and completed L1D1 today. Had to take a break a couple times but I pushed through it. I know I am going to be really sore tomorrow, I can already feel it. I really dislike the jumping rope and the push ups, hopefully they will get easier as I continue.
  • Whutto1
    Whutto1 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi everyone, I just joined this site and completed L1D1 today. Had to take a break a couple times but I pushed through it. I know I am going to be really sore tomorrow, I can already feel it. I really dislike the jumping rope and the push ups, hopefully they will get easier as I continue.