jtfish112 Member


  • I'm with you chicka! I just turned 40 a few weeks ago. My weight has been yo-yoing for about 18 years now and I'm just sick of it!!! I got on the scale this morning and, dammit, I'm back up to my heaviest ever! I am 5'3" and 184 lbs. I'd love to lose 50 lbs and maintain at around 135 lbs. I need some serious motivation and…
  • Almost 39 and a working mom of 3 girls (1, 7 and 11). I just recently took a break from a full-time college education as well because I thought I had a little too much on my plate (well... okay... a lot too much on my plate!!!). I was on my way to getting back in good shape after joining WW earlier this year but I've let…
  • Well said! It's the choices that one makes that determine the outcome. McDonald's will only make you fat if you choose to eat there.
  • Hi All! I'm a 3 x Mommy of a precious baby girl born Jan 4th. I lost about 40 lbs before I found out about this little "surprise" and would like to tackle the 25 lbs left to get back to pre-pregnancy weight. I'm looking for some friends that are sharing the same goals to build my support team. Please add me if you want :)
  • Congrats to all of you mommies and soon-to-be mommies! I too just found out I'm pregnant, due in early January 2013. This will be my 3rd (and last...since #3 wasn't planned, lol). I lost 35 lbs with MFP and was pretty close to my goal. My OB says to shoot for a max of 28 lbs gained during this pregnancy. Less would be good…
  • Lots of good advice here! We all know how frustrating it can be when embarking on a weight loss journey. Learning how to eat and exercise right can take time. It sounds to me like you are definitely on the right track. Keep doing what you're doing and don't let this frustration cause you to fall off track. The results will…
  • Thanks all! You've had some great things to say and I appreciate it all! I've got to comb through the budget and see if I can find room for the Y. In the meantime, I think I'm just going to have to settle for running on the weekends (when it's not snowing) and sticking to the exercise DVD's during the week. Between Leslie…
  • Ater the kids go to school, it's a 9-5 job for me. And the budget is tight so equipment, gyms and gear isn't really an option (the local YMCA is $50 a month and I'm seriously thinking about it...at least to get me through the winter). You guys have some great ideas so far...thanks! Keep 'em coming :)
  • Excellent! I also completed my first 5k this morning! 37:15 was my time. I've never been a runner...thought I never would be. It feels amazing to have finished and I hope to finish more in my future. Great job!
  • Finished the week at 12.3! My first 5k went great...complete in 37:15! My goal was to run a 12 minute mile so I'm thrilled with the results. A bit intimidated by some of the other runners today (1st place finished in 20:55!). But all things considered (a year ago I weighed 185 and had a broken leg...and I've never been a…
  • Training for my very 1st 5k this Saturday!!!!!!!!! I did 2.3 miles everyday this week so far: 4 x 2.3 = 9.2. The rain has spoiled my run today, and most likely will again tomorrow, which is okay because I think I need to rest up before the big day. With any luck I'll end the week at 12.3! It may not be 15...but it's more…
  • You'll do great, I'm sure. The first day might be tough since you're recovering from sickness...but it will feel great and you'll be back in the groove before you know it! Your body is in great shape...it can handle a lot!
  • I'd really like to join you on this challenge since I know that alcohol is holding me back from losing the weight. It's just so hard this time of year when the weather is so warm and sunny, I live in wine country and there's always parties everywhere during this season! But I will make an effort... promise :smile:
  • Yep... not a thing wrong with real bacon! As long as you can work it into your diet reasonably. Turkey bacon is Crap! Although it may cause a problem if you're watching your sodium.
  • Thanks for sharing! I've had a lot of success with Leslie too, although 3 months into exercising now I try to mix in her walks with some different workouts. But I'll never give up Leslie!
  • Yikes! Sounds like I've been logging it too low. I did a search and many people said a 30-day Shred session burned approx 150 calories. I've always logged it as 10 min high impact and 10 min low impact aerobics. If you want accuracy, get an HRM. Good luck!
  • Wow! They look super cool! Thank you so much for sharing. This is my first year raising chickens and I'm always looking for new egg recipes!
  • Good job staying strong :drinker:
  • Wow, thanks for posting. Good to know I'm not alone!
  • I started doing Level 1 which was offered on Exercise TV for free. I completed 9 days straight and the first 5 were pretty much hell! Now, I'm not an extreme exerciser by any means. I just started working out at the first of the year and have about 40 lbs to lose. But I wouldn't say I'm in terrible shape either. Jillian…
  • LOL! I just finished 7 days straight of 30-Day Shred level 1, and trust me, I was cursing that woman 1 week ago too! I was hobbling everywhere I went and needed something to hold onto while sitting down / standing up. It was rough! But it was a challenge so I pushed through it all. Right around day 5 the pain started to…
  • I started my diet and exercise program about 3 weeks ago and have been doing a Leslie Sansone workout everyday. I've lost 5 lbs and have been feeling FABULOUS! I love her DVD's because you can do as many miles as you feel like (or have time for). I hope to have a SUPER success story in a few months!
  • Glad to see you're so motivated! MFP is a great tool for weight loss success. Your friends can be an amazingly helpful source of encouragement and accountability. Feel free to friend me and we can do this together!!!
    in YES! Comment by jtfish112 January 2011
  • I can relate to your dilemma. I too was once 125, and here I am, 5 years & 2 kids later, trying to get there again. My husband is extremely supportive of my goals, but always reminds me that he loves me no matter what. It sounds like you have reasonable expectations and are off to a good start. Send me a friend request if…
  • I'm in the same boat, but am just getting over "female issues" which might be part of the problem :P. You will continue to see progress if you practice a little patience and keep sticking to your goals. If you're exercising more and gaining muscle, that could be why you're not seeing a drop on the scales (but muscle burns…
  • Hi! I just signed up a couple weeks ago and just LOVE this website. I've found some great friends to help support me and tracking my goals has never been easier. I wish you lots of luck!!!
    in Hello Comment by jtfish112 January 2011
  • That sounds great! I LOVE garlic :). Thanks for posting!
  • Great plan. Thanks so much for posting!
  • Good for you for taking the initial step! My goal is to lose about 50 lbs, and after 2 weeks I'm already down 5 lbs! I'd love to be your buddy and part of your support system. Feel free to friend me! :flowerforyou:
  • I agree with the rest of the replies. A majority of my diets failed miserably because I slipped up once and couldn't just forgive myelf and move on. Giving in and giving up is the LAST thing you want to do. You will experience many challenges during your lifestyle change, and the key is to not lose sight of your goal.…