PDXContessa Member


  • I'm guessing that you may have a little bit of a distorted view of what a woman's body is supposed to look like? Having strong thighs sounds super sexy. Super skinny "model" legs are not sexy. They are just skinny. Maybe just try a different brand of jeans? Really. I'll bet you look great. Most guys don't want "skinny"…
  • I'd get white, but that's just me. Will you be bothered by it when you laugh? That's when people are likely to see it.
  • If you care about someone, then having a sincere conversation about their weight is fine. It's similar to a conversation that you would have with a friend who was smoking cigarettes or drinking too much alcohol. Saying that you are concerned that their weight is going to have a detrimental effect on their long-term health…
  • Total cholesterol = 304
  • I squeezed lemon in my tea today - didn't count that. I also squeezed some lime on my avocado - didn't count that.
  • Catholics are followers of Christ, therefore Christian.
  • High cholesterol is either caused by poor diet or genetic predisposition. When you say your cholesterol is high, what does that mean exactly? What are the numbers - your HDL, LDL, triglycerides? What's your ratio? The whole idea of a detox is just an unhealthy fad. Your body works to continuously rid itself of toxins. You…
  • Oh...here we go...on the way to deletion. What make you think this? I'm an atheist. I went from Catholic, to nondenominational, to Methodist over a period of many years. I did a great deal of reading, soul-searching, and self-examination before I accepted that I didn't really believe there was a supernatural being watching…
  • 1200 calories is correct. I am also 5'4" and I started out at 151 pounds (currently at 139). Even at 1200 calories, I don't lose a pound a week - probably more like 1 pound every other week. If you don't eat back the calories, of course you will lose faster, but if you're in no rush, then feel free to eat back what you…
  • High Protein: Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, canned tuna, hard boiled eggs High Fat: 1/2 avocado, nut butters, 1 oz of almonds, These work for me.
  • If you have no injuries and decent shoes, you cannot walk too much. Listen to your body. If you develop pain, then it's time to back off a bit, otherwise you should be fine.
  • People like you are the reason I avoid these message boards. I should have known to stay away, but I decided to pop in just one more time. My mistake.
  • My cholesterol is 304. It's partly a genetic issue with me, so I need to do all I can to get/keep it under control. Heart disease runs in my family, so it seems sensible to do what I can to lower my risk. (And...it's not that my family is "just overweight" my mother started high blood pressure medication when she was 24…
  • Eat unsalted nuts.
  • Make a pitcher of iced tea. Here's the caveat: make it a GOOD pitcher of tea. Most people make crappy tasting (bitter) tea. In my opinion, Luzianne makes the best tea for iced tea http://www.luzianne.com/site305.php I can't get it in Oregon, so I order it and have it shipped to me. When you make the tea do not leave the…
  • I've started using non-fat dry milk. It contains zero artificial ingredients (I'm trying to avoid artificial ingredients as much as possible) and it doesn't dilute your coffee the way skim milk does. Two tablespoons seems to be the right amount for a cup of coffee (or tea). 2 TB non-fat dry milk 60 calories 6 grams of…
  • I have high cholesterol, too. My recent test came back at 304. For me, there is a genetic component. My doctor said that my diet is probably good because my triglycerides and HDL are "excellent" and it's only my LDL that is bad. High triglycerides are usually a sign that you are eating unhealthy in some way. My doctor…
  • I remember the moon landing and my son is 22. Sigh.
  • First off - congratulations on your weight loss. Well done. Next - I would agree with the other person who mentioned that you look slightly underweight. Definitely do not lose any more weight. As far as your waist to hip ratio, where are you getting the idea that a 28.5 inch waist is too big? If your measurements are 34 -…
  • And...even if you're holding the handrails, it's really more important to monitor your effort. If your heart-rate if up to a sufficient level, that's what counts. If you have a heart rate monitor, you can calculate your calories burned based on your heart rate - it's more accurate than the calculation on the treadmill…
  • I like walking at a slightly slower pace and walking on a high incline. It seems to work my glutes a bit more that walking level.
  • Correlation does not imply causation. Some people in India wear turbans and as a result, they are reported have a lower incidence of brain cancer, but I don't think this is a clear indicator that we should all wear turbans. There are so many other contributing factors...Do you or don't you wear a belt? Can you wear white…
  • When I want to get rid of temptations, I send it to work with my husband so he can leave it in the break room. His employees are the sacrificial lambs of my diet.
  • Nevermind - How do I embed an image to appear here?
  • I remember when these things were popular. My mom joined a "fitness center" when I was little (like 1968). This contraption and the "roller thing" were extremely popular. (I'll see if I can find a photo of the roller machine.
  • I'm eating low carb and I'm doing really well. If you're interested, do a little reading about a diet called "Paleo". I've completely eliminated bread, rice, cereal, and all grains. I get carbs from fruit and vegetables. I've noticed that I'm less hungry when I eat fewer carbs.
  • I agree with this. I was about to take exception with the part about fats. I love avocados, but since they are high in nutritional value, they are not a problem.
  • Are you counting the calories in the juice?. Are you saying that your total calorie consumption for the entire day is between 1200 and 1300 calories and with that routine, you have gained 15 pounds? If this is 100% accurate, you should see a doctor. If you really want advice, then you should open your food diary