TNFirefly Member


  • Thanks so much for listing your data. My fitbit will arrive today so I am looking forward to hitting the gym with it. Sounds like I'll go with the sock since about half of my gym time is bike.
  • exercise can actually help you work out the lactic acid (the stuff in the muscles causing the soreness). Drink lots of water, also. It can help you flush all that out of your system. You don't need fancy after workout drinks, especially at first, so just keep chugging water. Don't push so hard you will be so sore that you…
  • What I don't get is why parents don't control their kids in public. It is bad enough when people stare, or turn to look at my butt as I pass to see how big it is and giggle. But kids who come and poke my butt and run and laugh? And the mom just laughs and looks away? Seriously? It doesn't matter that I am losing, or that I…
  • Had a chat with my brother about how mom is doing. It is so hard to see what she was disappear. Also mixed feelings. She has Narcissistic personality disorder. So many years of hurt and brokenness are tied up in the relationship I have had with her. Now as caregiver I am learning how to let it go and be a real person. It…
  • Monday 0 Tuesday 1 Wednesday 7 Thursday 2 total 9
  • if you are a sams club member, go online and search emergency. It brings up stuff from a company called augason farms. Once you get past the food for a year or the other large pallets, there are single 5 gallon buckets of various things. beans, whole wheat, oatmeal. I am sure there are better options for retaining…
  • Monday 0 Tuesday 1 Wednesday 7 total 7
  • 39 year old mother of 4. I gotcha. I didn't wake up fat, though. I spent too many years focusing on everyone else and didn't give myself the time of day. Now, with 3 teens in the house and a 4 year old, and caring for my demented mother in house, I am DOING this. No more junk food coming in my house. No sodas. Nothing…
  • I always turn one hip behind the person next to me in pics. Stand rather than attempt to sit in an armed chair so if people don't see me trying to squeeze sideways into it, they won't know I won't fit. The worst trap ever is ....never, never, never leave the house. I fall into that one every so often.
  • My Weigh XL-550 Talking Bathroom Scale from for $39.99 goes to 550 pounds, you can turn off the voice, and in my range of 420s, it gives within a pound when I step off and on.
  • It's been a while since you posted this, and you have already lost 100 pounds. AWESOME! If you are still having mobility issues, or someone else has this issue, I started with seated chair aerobics with Paul Eugene. Google his name. He has a few different options you can download or have a dvd shipped. Wishing you well.…
  • Glad to know you Terryanne and m23. My name is Marie, and I am 39, caregiver to my mom who has Parkinsons with dementia. I am married with 4 kids and various pets. I don't have a lot to say right now, but will post a lot later. We are headed to bed now.
    in Welcome Comment by TNFirefly August 2012
  • I get those a lot when my calcium levels are low. I would suggest a multi mineral supplement like Calcium with Magnesium and Zinc. You want to catch it because if it decides to go full body spasm it is excruciating. I ended up leaving work in an ambulance once. It had to do with taking hydrochlorothiazide (diuretic for…
  • sewing mahine embroidery machine nail polish assortment lamp roll of white duct tape
  • Well, at TOPS, the scale goes lower if I lean to the right.....oopsie! At home, it's digital and talks, so no matter how many times I get on, it doesn't change more than a few ounces. DANG it
  • I am always up late and up during the night several times as primary caregiver for my mother with dementia. I typically sleep until 11 or noon. I count my food on my awake period. So if I am up till 2am tonight, I still count food as today even though I am 2 hours into tomorrow. That way when I wake up, it is a new day.
  • Glad to have you. There will be ups and downs, so don't let the 'downs' get to you. Progress not perfection!
  • Monday 20 minutes, The Firm Tuesday rest Wednesday 20 minutes stationary bike, so 40 minutes total Thursday 7 minutes stationary bike and 60 minutes Zumba class. 107 minutes total
  • ezekial low sodium sprouted grain bread baked potato apples
  • Monday 20 minutes, The Firm Tuesday rest Wednesday 20 minutes stationary bike, so 40 minutes total
  • That's a big one! Good luck to you!!!!! I am adding a bead to my charm bracelet for every 30 pounds I lose. I am about to have my first bead, and hopefully can add a second on my birthday. I am rejoining the zumba class at the gym tomorrow night.
  • November 6, 2010 While Warning About Fat, U.S. Pushes Cheese Sales By MICHAEL MOSS ... Dairy Management, whose annual budget approaches $140 million, is largely financed by a government-mandated fee on the dairy industry. But it also receives several million…
  • besides the alcohol (beer belly effect) and sodium, what about your fiber intake? Are you getting in 20 or so grams of fiber a day? The alcohol can stop things moving for a while and you could be retaining food too long in your gut.
  • I regularly gain 10-15 pounds during the week prior to my period. I have included sodium as a category on my food log so I can see how much I am taking in. I try to shoot for around 1200-1500mg a day, although it is extremely tough. I have eliminated soda and artificial sweeteners as of August 1 and notice a massive…
  • You look great in the pics. I know you can't just turn off the critic in your head though. Whatever you do, don't lose hope and go back. Loose skin you can boost up and hide in clothes beats fat filled skin that spills out everywhere and takes up your space and your life. I have a great deal to lose and am just starting…
  • I sent a request to you, and anyone after me, please add me. I really need friends who understand life in big numbers.
  • I would like to be able to buy clothes at a store instead of a specialty catalog or making them. I want to run a marathon. I want to be able to buy a plane ticket and go somewhere, not be limited to driving if my family wants to travel. I want to be able to go to my kids' schools and not have my kids made fun of for having…
  • Wednesday walking 45 minutes Thursday The Firm 18 minutes plus 20 minutes walking Friday - 20 minutes Definetely not the group winner, but more than I have done in years! Also did all 30 minutes of The Firm today for the first time. Had to take some breaks, but kept going back in until it was done.