Jbonar Member


  • Thanks! I need remind myself daily of this as I'm fighting scale obcession. I have done things I never imagined I'd do over last few years (a full marathon and several half's) and I see a certain # on the scale and suddenly I'm a failure. It's craziness!!! :huh:
  • Good job! It's hard, I know.
  • I added you! :flowerforyou: I'm new to this way of thinking/eating. I've been eating below 1500 for many years even through training for half-marathons. I want to be healthier, look better and MOST of all get over my obcession with the scale. I've let it rule my moods for too long (today is one of those days! :sad: ) Good…
  • A friend is loaning me a foam roller to try tonight. Thanks everyone! (Oh and the TDEE of 1995 is what I would be at without all my exercise). So I'm going to eat at that - or try to - during this rest period. Does that sound right? I admit I've been lurking awhile but am still new at this method of actually feeding my…
  • Thanks guys! I'm only about 5-7lbs from where I am comfortable. I do lift weights 2-3x a week. I really struggle with the carbs/protein thing while trying to serve meals that my 7 and 10 year olds and "meat and potatoes" husband will eat.
  • I would at least try to estimate some calories for those. I call them BLT's (bites, licks, and tastes). Over the course of a day, they can add up.
  • You can lose weight without exercising but there are so many other benefits to it. Improves your heart and lung function Improves your quality of sleep Relieves stress I'm others will add more. Even if you can work at squeezing in a 10 minute walk, it's better than nothing. Once you make exercise part of your daily…
  • 1 option is to change your loss rate goal. If you are at or near a healthy weight, try changing to a loss of 1/2lb per week. This will give you a few more calories to eat. Secondly, when you workout, eat those calories that you earn. Sounds counterproductive, but it works. You have to treat your body like a car. If you…
  • I have a Timex with the chest strap. Annoying at first, but easy to get used to. The straps are much more accurate because it takes a continuous reading. If you usually workout in a gym or class setting, you might look in to ones that will not pickup readings from nearby machines/HRMs.
  • Strength training, while very important, doesn't burn a lot of calories. I enter mine just to keep track of my schedule, but let the calories be "bonus" burn! lol
  • I only record my weight (loss or gain) once a week (try for same day/time of day). That way I can see the overall trend without all the fluctuations. I do hop on the scale most every morning, but really more out of habit and to keep myself focused. For some people weighing everyday becomes an unhealthy habit, but if you…
  • Is there a mall nearby? You could walk laps there. Also many community centers have indoor tracks that you can walk on for free. Do 30 sec of jumping jacks alternated with jump roping or if you have a step/stairs go up and down for so-many minutes. I'm curious to see what others suggest.... One more thing...You can check…
  • Also from looking at your food diary, you need to eat more. I know it sounds backwards, but most days your are barely netting 1000 calories (food eaten less exercise). That's not enough fuel for your body to operate it's normal activities. AND, two weeks may not be enough time to evaluate. Patience! :)
  • Here are a few: Tricep dips off a kitchen chair, overhead press and/or lateral raises for the shoulders, lay on the floor or an aerobic step and do chest flys. This link shows those and a few others. http://exercise.about.com/cs/exerciseworkouts/l/bltotalworkout.htm
  • TOM of the month and possibly muscles retaining water from your workout. Don't be discouraged and don't expect a workout one day to result in a loss immediately the next day.
  • I second the above. If you aren't losing now, what's the harm in upping your intake? Give any change you make a couple of weeks before you decide whether it's working.
  • If you are truly hungry - EAT! Not all calories are created equal. Make sure you are getting a balance of protein and carbs. Higher fiber foods will also make you feel fuller as well. Remember MFP calculates your deficit so the you should be eating all the calories it suggests. Exercise for extra calories and try eating…
  • You can't spot tone or pick where the fat comes off first, but P90X is good. Also I have found that running gives me the most bang for my buck.
  • What's wrong with that is that over time you will destroy your metabolism. Your body needs at a minimum 1200 calories just to exist. As has been said, going below that gives your body no choice but to burn lean muscle for energy. The more lean muscle you have, the more calories you burn doing anything. It IS about more…
  • No one day matters. Just do it at the same time, on the same day to be consistent. Essentially it's the downward trend you are looking for. Playing with the scale to manipulate the numbers will not pay out in the long run. Good luck! btw - When I was in WW, I weighed in on a Thurs evening after work.
    in Weigh In Comment by Jbonar January 2011
  • Chocolate milk is a great mix of carbs and protein. I'm a runner and know a lot of runners who use it as a recovery drink. Good idea!
  • The best time to work out is the time you can guarantee you'll do it. Some tout the benefits of early morning workouts, but they do me no good, because I won't get up early to do it. I love to work out in the evening, while others prefer to have it over and done. I work out 5-6 days a week. Rest days are a must. I vary my…
  • BMI is not as useful for the very athletic/muscular. You should have your body fat % measured and go by that more than BMI.
    in BMI Comment by Jbonar January 2011
  • If you just want to keep track of your steps, pedometers are pretty inexpensive. If you know the distance of your stride, you could then probably figure out how many miles you walk in a day. :) You didn't specifically ask this(and this is jmho) but I would not log it. This is part of your everyday routine. If your fitness…
  • It takes approximately 1400 calories just for the average woman to "exist". You should NOT burn more than you eat. You should create a deficit by a combo of decreasing calories and expending calories (exercising). Your net calories for the the day should not be lower than 1200-1400, a little more for you since you are…